module Language.Reflection.TT import public Data.List %default total public export data Namespace = MkNS (List String) -- namespace, stored in reverse order public export data ModuleIdent = MkMI (List String) -- module identifier, stored in reverse order export showSep : String -> List String -> String showSep sep [] = "" showSep sep [x] = x showSep sep (x :: xs) = x ++ sep ++ showSep sep xs export Show Namespace where show (MkNS ns) = showSep "." (reverse ns) -- 'FilePos' represents the position of -- the source information in the file (or REPL). -- in the form of '(line-no, column-no)'. public export FilePos : Type FilePos = (Int, Int) public export data VirtualIdent : Type where Interactive : VirtualIdent public export data OriginDesc : Type where ||| Anything that originates in physical Idris source files is assigned a ||| `PhysicalIdrSrc modIdent`, ||| where `modIdent` is the top-level module identifier of that file. PhysicalIdrSrc : (ident : ModuleIdent) -> OriginDesc ||| Anything parsed from a package file is decorated with `PhysicalPkgSrc fname`, ||| where `fname` is path to the package file. PhysicalPkgSrc : (fname : String) -> OriginDesc Virtual : (ident : VirtualIdent) -> OriginDesc ||| A file context is a filename together with starting and ending positions. ||| It's often carried by AST nodes that might have been created from a source ||| file or by the compiler. That makes it useful to have the notion of ||| `EmptyFC` as part of the type. public export data FC = MkFC OriginDesc FilePos FilePos | ||| Virtual FCs are FC attached to desugared/generated code. They can help with marking ||| errors, but we shouldn't attach semantic highlighting metadata to them. MkVirtualFC OriginDesc FilePos FilePos | EmptyFC public export emptyFC : FC emptyFC = EmptyFC public export data NameType : Type where Bound : NameType Func : NameType DataCon : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> NameType TyCon : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> NameType public export data Constant = I Int | BI Integer | I8 Int8 | I16 Int16 | I32 Int32 | I64 Int64 | B8 Bits8 | B16 Bits16 | B32 Bits32 | B64 Bits64 | Str String | Ch Char | Db Double | WorldVal | IntType | IntegerType | Int8Type | Int16Type | Int32Type | Int64Type | Bits8Type | Bits16Type | Bits32Type | Bits64Type | StringType | CharType | DoubleType | WorldType public export data Name = UN String -- user defined name | MN String Int -- machine generated name | NS Namespace Name -- name in a namespace | DN String Name -- a name and how to display it | RF String -- record field name | Nested (Int, Int) Name -- nested function name | CaseBlock String Int -- case block nested in (resolved) name | WithBlock String Int -- with block nested in (resolved) name export Show Name where show (NS ns n) = show ns ++ "." ++ show n show (UN x) = x show (MN x y) = "{" ++ x ++ ":" ++ show y ++ "}" show (DN str y) = str show (RF n) = "." ++ n show (Nested (outer, idx) inner) = show outer ++ ":" ++ show idx ++ ":" ++ show inner show (CaseBlock outer i) = "case block in " ++ show outer show (WithBlock outer i) = "with block in " ++ show outer public export data Count = M0 | M1 | MW public export data PiInfo t = ImplicitArg | ExplicitArg | AutoImplicit | DefImplicit t public export data IsVar : Name -> Nat -> List Name -> Type where First : IsVar n Z (n :: ns) Later : IsVar n i ns -> IsVar n (S i) (m :: ns) public export data LazyReason = LInf | LLazy | LUnknown export data TT : Type where [external] {- -- Type checked terms in the core TT public export data TT : List Name -> Type where Local : FC -> (idx : Nat) -> (0 prf : IsVar name idx vars) -> TT vars Ref : FC -> NameType -> Name -> TT vars Pi : FC -> Count -> PiInfo (TT vars) -> (x : Name) -> (argTy : TT vars) -> (retTy : TT (x :: vars)) -> TT vars Lam : FC -> Count -> PiInfo (TT vars) -> (x : Name) -> (argTy : TT vars) -> (scope : TT (x :: vars)) -> TT vars App : FC -> TT vars -> TT vars -> TT vars TDelayed : FC -> LazyReason -> TT vars -> TT vars TDelay : FC -> LazyReason -> (ty : TT vars) -> (arg : TT vars) -> TT vars TForce : FC -> LazyReason -> TT vars -> TT vars PrimVal : FC -> Constant -> TT vars Erased : FC -> TT vars TType : FC -> TT vars -} public export data TotalReq = Total | CoveringOnly | PartialOK public export data Visibility = Private | Export | Public public export data BuiltinType = BuiltinNatural | NaturalToInteger | IntegerToNatural