module Data.Either import public Control.Function import Data.List1 %default total -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Checking for a specific constructor ||| Extract the Left value, if possible public export getLeft : Either a b -> Maybe a getLeft (Left a) = Just a getLeft _ = Nothing ||| Extract the Right value, if possible public export getRight : Either a b -> Maybe b getRight (Right b) = Just b getRight _ = Nothing ||| True if the argument is Left, False otherwise public export isLeft : Either a b -> Bool isLeft (Left _) = True isLeft (Right _) = False ||| True if the argument is Right, False otherwise public export isRight : Either a b -> Bool isRight (Left _) = False isRight (Right _) = True ||| Proof that an `Either` is actually a Right value public export data IsRight : Either a b -> Type where ItIsRight : IsRight (Right x) export Uninhabited (IsRight (Left x)) where uninhabited ItIsRight impossible ||| Proof that an `Either` is actually a Left value public export data IsLeft : Either a b -> Type where ItIsLeft : IsLeft (Left x) export Uninhabited (IsLeft (Right x)) where uninhabited ItIsLeft impossible -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Grouping values ||| Compress the list of Lefts and Rights by accumulating ||| all of the lefts and rights into non-empty blocks. export compress : List (Either a b) -> List (Either (List1 a) (List1 b)) compress [] = [] compress (Left x :: abs) = compressLefts (singleton x) abs where compressLefts : List1 a -> List (Either a b) -> List (Either (List1 a) (List1 b)) compressLefts acc (Left a :: abs) = compressLefts (cons a acc) abs compressLefts acc abs = Left (reverse acc) :: compress abs compress (Right y :: abs) = compressRights (singleton y) abs where compressRights : List1 b -> List (Either a b) -> List (Either (List1 a) (List1 b)) compressRights acc (Right b :: abs) = compressRights (cons b acc) abs compressRights acc abs = Right (reverse acc) :: compress abs ||| Decompress a compressed list. This is the left inverse of `compress` but not its ||| right inverse because nothing forces the input to be maximally compressed! export decompress : List (Either (List1 a) (List1 b)) -> List (Either a b) decompress = concatMap $ \case Left as => map Left $ forget as Right bs => map Right $ forget bs ||| Keep the payloads of all Left constructors in a list of Eithers public export lefts : List (Either a b) -> List a lefts [] = [] lefts (Left l :: xs) = l :: lefts xs lefts (Right _ :: xs) = lefts xs ||| Keep the payloads of all Right constructors in a list of Eithers public export rights : List (Either a b) -> List b rights [] = [] rights (Left _ :: xs) = rights xs rights (Right r :: xs) = r :: rights xs ||| Split a list of Eithers into a list of the left elements and a list of the right elements public export partitionEithers : List (Either a b) -> (List a, List b) partitionEithers l = (lefts l, rights l) ||| Remove a "useless" Either by collapsing the case distinction public export fromEither : Either a a -> a fromEither (Left l) = l fromEither (Right r) = r ||| Right becomes left and left becomes right public export mirror : Either a b -> Either b a mirror (Left x) = Right x mirror (Right x) = Left x public export Zippable (Either a) where zipWith f x y = [| f x y |] zipWith3 f x y z = [| f x y z |] unzipWith f (Left e) = (Left e, Left e) unzipWith f (Right xy) = let (x, y) = f xy in (Right x, Right y) unzipWith3 f (Left e) = (Left e, Left e, Left e) unzipWith3 f (Right xyz) = let (x, y, z) = f xyz in (Right x, Right y, Right z) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Bifunctor export pushInto : c -> Either a b -> Either (c, a) (c, b) pushInto c = bimap (\ a => (c, a)) (\ b => (c, b)) -- ^ not using sections to keep it backwards compatible -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Conversions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ||| Convert a Maybe to an Either by using a default value in case of Nothing ||| @ e the default value public export maybeToEither : (def : Lazy e) -> Maybe a -> Either e a maybeToEither def (Just j) = Right j maybeToEither def Nothing = Left def ||| Convert an Either to a Maybe from Right injection public export eitherToMaybe : Either e a -> Maybe a eitherToMaybe (Left _) = Nothing eitherToMaybe (Right x) = Just x export eitherMapFusion : (f : _) -> (g : _) -> (p : _) -> (e : Either a b) -> either f g (map p e) = either f (g . p) e eitherMapFusion f g p $ Left x = Refl eitherMapFusion f g p $ Right x = Refl export eitherBimapFusion : (f : _) -> (g : _) -> (p : _) -> (q : _) -> (e : _) -> either f g (bimap p q e) = either (f . p) (g . q) e eitherBimapFusion f g p q $ Left z = Refl eitherBimapFusion f g p q $ Right z = Refl -- Injectivity of constructors ||| Left is injective export Injective Left where injective Refl = Refl ||| Right is injective export Injective Right where injective Refl = Refl