1/1: Building Issue361 (Issue361.idr) Error: main is not total, possibly not terminating due to function Main.(==) being reachable via Main.Eq implementation at Issue361:5:1--5:11 -> Main.(==) Issue361:7:1--7:13 3 | data S = T | F 4 | 5 | Eq S where 6 | 7 | main : IO () ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Error: /= is not total, possibly not terminating due to call to Main.Eq implementation at Issue361:5:1--5:11 Issue361:5:1--5:11 1 | %default total 2 | 3 | data S = T | F 4 | 5 | Eq S where ^^^^^^^^^^ Error: == is not total, possibly not terminating due to recursive path Main.(/=) -> Main.(==) Issue361:5:1--5:11 1 | %default total 2 | 3 | data S = T | F 4 | 5 | Eq S where ^^^^^^^^^^