#include #include "prim.h" // This is NOT THREAD SAFE in the current implementation IORef_Storage *newIORef_Storage(int capacity) { IORef_Storage *retVal = (IORef_Storage *)malloc(sizeof(IORef_Storage)); retVal->filled = 0; retVal->total = capacity; retVal->refs = (Value **)malloc(sizeof(Value *) * retVal->total); return retVal; } void doubleIORef_Storage(IORef_Storage *ior) { Value **values = (Value **)malloc(sizeof(Value *) * ior->total * 2); ior->total *= 2; for (int i = 0; i < ior->filled; i++) { values[i] = ior->refs[i]; } free(ior->refs); ior->refs = values; } Value *newIORef(Value *erased, Value *input_value, Value *_world) { // if no ioRef Storag exist, start with one Value_World *world = (Value_World *)_world; if (!world->listIORefs) { world->listIORefs = newIORef_Storage(128); } // expand size of needed if (world->listIORefs->filled >= world->listIORefs->total) { doubleIORef_Storage(world->listIORefs); } // store value Value_IORef *ioRef = (Value_IORef *)newValue(); ioRef->header.tag = IOREF_TAG; ioRef->index = world->listIORefs->filled; world->listIORefs->refs[world->listIORefs->filled] = newReference(input_value); world->listIORefs->filled++; return (Value *)ioRef; } Value *readIORef(Value *erased, Value *_index, Value *_world) { Value_World *world = (Value_World *)_world; Value_IORef *index = (Value_IORef *)_index; return newReference(world->listIORefs->refs[index->index]); } Value *writeIORef(Value *erased, Value *_index, Value *new_value, Value *_world) { Value_World *world = (Value_World *)_world; Value_IORef *index = (Value_IORef *)_index; removeReference(world->listIORefs->refs[index->index]); world->listIORefs->refs[index->index] = newReference(new_value); return newReference(_index); } // ----------------------------------- // System operations // ----------------------------------- Value *sysOS(void) { #ifdef _WIN32 return (Value *)makeString("windows"); #elif _WIN64 return (Value *)makeString("windows"); #elif __APPLE__ || __MACH__ return (Value *)makeString("macOS"); #elif __linux__ return (Value *)makeString("Linux"); #elif __FreeBSD__ return (Value *)makeString("FreeBSD"); #elif __OpenBSD__ return (Value *)makeString("OpenBSD"); #elif __NetBSD__ return (Value *)makeString("NetBSD"); #elif __DragonFly__ return (Value *)makeString("DragonFly"); #elif __unix || __unix__ return (Value *)makeString("Unix"); #else return (Value *)makeString("Other"); #endif } Value* idris2_crash(Value* msg) { Value_String* str = (Value_String*)msg; printf("ERROR: %s\n", str->str); exit(-1); } // // // // // ----------------------------------- // // Array operations // // ----------------------------------- Value *newArray(Value *erased, Value *_length, Value *v, Value *_word) { int length = extractInt(_length); Value_Array *a = makeArray(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { a->arr[i] = newReference(v); } return (Value *)a; } Value *arrayGet(Value *erased, Value *_array, Value *_index, Value *_word) { Value_Array *a = (Value_Array *)_array; return newReference(a->arr[((Value_Int64 *)_index)->i64]); } Value *arraySet(Value *erased, Value *_array, Value *_index, Value *v, Value *_word) { Value_Array *a = (Value_Array *)_array; removeReference(a->arr[((Value_Int64 *)_index)->i64]); a->arr[((Value_Int64 *)_index)->i64] = newReference(v); return NULL; } // // ----------------------------------- // Pointer operations // ----------------------------------- Value *onCollect(Value *_erased, Value *_anyPtr, Value *_freeingFunction, Value *_world) { printf("onCollect called\n"); Value_GCPointer *retVal = (Value_GCPointer *)newValue(); retVal->header.tag = GC_POINTER_TAG; retVal->p = (Value_Pointer *)newReference(_anyPtr); retVal->onCollectFct = (Value_Closure *)newReference(_freeingFunction); return (Value *)retVal; } Value *onCollectAny(Value *_erased, Value *_anyPtr, Value *_freeingFunction, Value *_world) { printf("onCollectAny called\n"); Value_GCPointer *retVal = (Value_GCPointer *)newValue(); retVal->header.tag = GC_POINTER_TAG; retVal->p = (Value_Pointer *)_anyPtr; retVal->onCollectFct = (Value_Closure *)_freeingFunction; return (Value *)retVal; } Value *voidElim(Value *erased1, Value *erased2) { return NULL; } // Threads // %foreign "scheme:blodwen-mutex" // prim__makeMutex : PrimIO Mutex // using pthread_mutex_init(pthread_mutex_t *mutex, const pthread_mutexattr_t *attr) Value *System_Concurrency_Raw_prim__makeMutex(Value *_world) { Value_Mutex *mut = (Value_Mutex *)newValue(); mut->header.tag = MUTEX_TAG; mut->mutex = (pthread_mutex_t *)malloc(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)); if (pthread_mutex_init(mut->mutex, NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error init Mutex\n"); exit(-1); } return (Value *)mut; } // %foreign "scheme:blodwen-lock" // prim__mutexAcquire : Mutex -> PrimIO () // using pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex) Value *System_Concurrency_Raw_prim__mutexAcquire(Value *_mutex, Value *_world) { if (pthread_mutex_lock(((Value_Mutex *)_mutex)->mutex)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error locking mutex\n"); exit(-1); } return NULL; } // %foreign "scheme:blodwen-unlock" // prim__mutexRelease : Mutex -> PrimIO () //using int pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex) Value *System_Concurrency_Raw_prim__mutexRelease(Value *_mutex, Value *_world) { if (pthread_mutex_unlock(((Value_Mutex *)_mutex)->mutex)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error locking mutex\n"); exit(-1); } return NULL; } // %foreign "scheme:blodwen-condition" // prim__makeCondition : PrimIO Condition // using int pthread_cond_init(pthread_cond_t *cond, const pthread_condattr_t *attr) // with standard initialisation Value *System_Concurrency_Raw_prim__makeCondition(Value *_world) { // typedef struct{ // Value_header header; // pthread_cond_t *cond; // }Value_Condition; Value_Condition *c = (Value_Condition *)newValue(); c->header.tag = CONDITION_TAG; c->cond = (pthread_cond_t *)malloc(sizeof(pthread_cond_t)); if (pthread_cond_init(c->cond, NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "error init condition\n"); exit(-1); } return (Value *)c; } // %foreign "scheme:blodwen-condition-wait" // prim__conditionWait : Condition -> Mutex -> PrimIO () // using int pthread_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t *, pthread_mutex_t *mutex) Value *System_Concurrency_Raw_prim__conditionWait(Value *_condition, Value *_mutex, Value *_world) { Value_Condition *cond = (Value_Condition *)_condition; Value_Mutex *mutex = (Value_Mutex *)_mutex; if (pthread_cond_wait(cond->cond, mutex->mutex)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error Conditional Wait\n"); exit(-1); } return NULL; } // %foreign "scheme:blodwen-condition-wait-timeout" // prim__conditionWaitTimeout : Condition -> Mutex -> Int -> PrimIO () // using int pthread_cond_timedwait(pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex, const struct timespec *abstime) Value *System_Concurrency_Raw_prim__conditionWaitTimeout(Value *_condition, Value *_mutex, Value *_timeout, Value *_world) { Value_Condition *cond = (Value_Condition *)_condition; Value_Mutex *mutex = (Value_Mutex *)_mutex; Value_Int64 *timeout = (Value_Int64 *)_timeout; struct timespec t; t.tv_sec = timeout->i64 / 1000000; t.tv_nsec = timeout->i64 % 1000000; if (pthread_cond_timedwait(cond->cond, mutex->mutex, &t)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in pthread_cond_timedwait\n"); exit(-1); } return NULL; } // %foreign "scheme:blodwen-condition-signal" // prim__conditionSignal : Condition -> PrimIO () // using int pthread_cond_signal(pthread_cond_t *cond) Value *System_Concurrency_Raw_prim__conditionSignal(Value *_condition, Value *_world) { Value_Condition *cond = (Value_Condition *)_condition; if (pthread_cond_signal(cond->cond)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in pthread_cond_signal\n"); exit(-1); } return NULL; } // %foreign "scheme:blodwen-condition-broadcast" // prim__conditionBroadcast : Condition -> PrimIO () // using int pthread_cond_broadcast(pthread_cond_t *cond) Value *System_Concurrency_Raw_prim__conditionBroadcast(Value *_condition, Value *_mutex) { Value_Condition *cond = (Value_Condition *)_condition; if (pthread_cond_broadcast(cond->cond)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in pthread_cond_broadcast\n"); exit(-1); } return NULL; }