# Idris 2 [![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/idris2/badge/?version=latest)](https://idris2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest) [![Build Status](https://github.com/idris-lang/Idris2/actions/workflows/ci-idris2-and-libs.yml/badge.svg?branch=main)](https://github.com/idris-lang/Idris2/actions/workflows/ci-idris2-and-libs.yml?query=branch%3Amain) [Idris 2](https://idris-lang.org/) is a purely functional programming language with first class types. For installation instructions, see [INSTALL.md](INSTALL.md). The [wiki](https://github.com/idris-lang/Idris2/wiki) lists a number of useful resources, in particular + [What's changed since Idris 1](https://idris2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/updates/updates.html) + [Resources for learning Idris](https://github.com/idris-lang/Idris2/wiki/Resources), including [official talks](https://github.com/idris-lang/Idris2/wiki/Resources#official-talks) that showcase its capabilities + [Editor support](https://github.com/idris-lang/Idris2/wiki/Editor-Support) ## Things still missing + Cumulativity (currently `Type : Type`. Bear that in mind when you think you've proved something) + `rewrite` doesn't yet work on dependent types ## Contributions wanted If you want to learn more about Idris, contributing to the compiler could be one way to do so. The [contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) outline the process. Having read that, choose a [good first issue][1] or have a look at the [contributions wanted][2] for something more involved. This [map][3] should help you find your way around the source code. See [the wiki page][4] for more details. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: