||| Types and functions for reasoning about time. module System.Clock import Data.Nat import Data.String import PrimIO %default total ||| The various types of system clock available. public export data ClockType = ||| The time elapsed since the "epoch:" 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970 UTC | ||| The time elapsed since some arbitrary point in the past Monotonic | ||| Representing a time duration. Duration | ||| The amount of CPU time used by the current process. Process | ||| The amount of CPU time used by the current thread. Thread | ||| The current process's CPU time consumed by the garbage collector. GCCPU | ||| The current process's real time consumed by the garbage collector. GCReal export Show ClockType where show UTC = "UTC" show Monotonic = "monotonic" show Duration = "duration" show Process = "process" show Thread = "thread" show GCCPU = "gcCPU" show GCReal = "gcReal" ||| A clock recording some time in seconds and nanoseconds. The "type" of time ||| recorded is indicated by the given `ClockType`. public export data Clock : (type : ClockType) -> Type where MkClock : {type : ClockType} -> (seconds : Integer) -> (nanoseconds : Integer) -> Clock type public export Eq (Clock type) where (MkClock seconds1 nanoseconds1) == (MkClock seconds2 nanoseconds2) = seconds1 == seconds2 && nanoseconds1 == nanoseconds2 public export Ord (Clock type) where compare (MkClock seconds1 nanoseconds1) (MkClock seconds2 nanoseconds2) = case compare seconds1 seconds2 of LT => LT GT => GT EQ => compare nanoseconds1 nanoseconds2 public export Show (Clock type) where show (MkClock {type} seconds nanoseconds) = show type ++ ": " ++ show seconds ++ "s " ++ show nanoseconds ++ "ns" ||| Display a `Clock`'s content, padding the seconds and nanoseconds as ||| appropriate. ||| ||| @ s the number of digits used to display the seconds ||| @ ns the number of digits used to display the nanosecondns ||| @ clk the Clock whose contents to display export showTime : (s, ns : Nat) -> (clk : Clock type) -> String showTime s ns (MkClock seconds nanoseconds) = let seconds' = show seconds nanoseconds' = show nanoseconds in concat [ padLeft s '0' seconds' , if ns == 0 then "" else "." , padRight ns '0' $ substr 0 ns $ (padLeft 9 '0' nanoseconds') , "s" ] ||| A helper to deconstruct a Clock. public export seconds : Clock type -> Integer seconds (MkClock s _) = s ||| A helper to deconstruct a Clock. public export nanoseconds : Clock type -> Integer nanoseconds (MkClock _ ns) = ns ||| Make a duration value. ||| ||| @ s the number of seconds in the duration ||| @ ns the number of nanoseconds in the duration public export makeDuration : (s : Integer) -> (ns : Integer) -> Clock Duration makeDuration = MkClock ||| Opaque clock value manipulated by the back-end. data OSClock : Type where [external] ||| Note: Backends are required to implement UTC, monotonic time, CPU time in ||| current process/thread, and time duration; the rest are optional. export data ClockTypeMandatory = Mandatory | Optional ||| Determine whether the specified `ClockType` is required to be implemented by ||| all backends. public export isClockMandatory : ClockType -> ClockTypeMandatory isClockMandatory GCCPU = Optional isClockMandatory GCReal = Optional isClockMandatory _ = Mandatory %foreign "scheme:blodwen-clock-time-monotonic" "RefC:clockTimeMonotonic" prim__clockTimeMonotonic : PrimIO OSClock ||| Get the current backend's monotonic time. clockTimeMonotonic : IO OSClock clockTimeMonotonic = fromPrim prim__clockTimeMonotonic %foreign "scheme:blodwen-clock-time-utc" "RefC:clockTimeUtc" prim__clockTimeUtc : PrimIO OSClock ||| Get the current UTC time. clockTimeUtc : IO OSClock clockTimeUtc = fromPrim prim__clockTimeUtc %foreign "scheme:blodwen-clock-time-process" "RefC:clockTimeProcess" prim__clockTimeProcess : PrimIO OSClock ||| Get the amount of time used by the current process. clockTimeProcess : IO OSClock clockTimeProcess = fromPrim prim__clockTimeProcess %foreign "scheme:blodwen-clock-time-thread" "RefC:clockTimeThread" prim__clockTimeThread : PrimIO OSClock ||| Get the amount of time used by the current thread. clockTimeThread : IO OSClock clockTimeThread = fromPrim prim__clockTimeThread %foreign "scheme:blodwen-clock-time-gccpu" "RefC:clockTimeGcCpu" prim__clockTimeGcCpu : PrimIO OSClock ||| Get the amount of the current process's CPU time consumed by the garbage ||| collector. clockTimeGcCpu : IO OSClock clockTimeGcCpu = fromPrim prim__clockTimeGcCpu %foreign "scheme:blodwen-clock-time-gcreal" "RefC:clockTimeGcReal" prim__clockTimeGcReal : PrimIO OSClock ||| Get the amount of the current process's real-time consumed by the garbage ||| collector. clockTimeGcReal : IO OSClock clockTimeGcReal = fromPrim prim__clockTimeGcReal fetchOSClock : ClockType -> IO OSClock fetchOSClock UTC = clockTimeUtc fetchOSClock Monotonic = clockTimeMonotonic fetchOSClock Process = clockTimeProcess fetchOSClock Thread = clockTimeThread fetchOSClock GCCPU = clockTimeGcCpu fetchOSClock GCReal = clockTimeGcReal fetchOSClock Duration = clockTimeMonotonic %foreign "scheme:blodwen-is-time?" "RefC:clockValid" prim__osClockValid : OSClock -> PrimIO Int ||| A test to determine the status of optional clocks. osClockValid : OSClock -> IO Int osClockValid clk = fromPrim (prim__osClockValid clk) %foreign "scheme:blodwen-clock-second" "RefC:clockSecond" prim__osClockSecond : OSClock -> PrimIO Bits64 ||| Get the second of time from the given `OSClock`. osClockSecond : OSClock -> IO Bits64 osClockSecond clk = fromPrim (prim__osClockSecond clk) %foreign "scheme:blodwen-clock-nanosecond" "RefC:clockNanosecond" prim__osClockNanosecond : OSClock -> PrimIO Bits64 ||| Get the nanosecond of time from the given `OSClock`. osClockNanosecond : OSClock -> IO Bits64 osClockNanosecond clk = fromPrim (prim__osClockNanosecond clk) ||| Convert an `OSClock` to an Idris `Clock`. fromOSClock : {type : ClockType} -> OSClock -> IO (Clock type) fromOSClock clk = pure $ MkClock {type} (cast !(osClockSecond clk)) (cast !(osClockNanosecond clk)) ||| The return type of a function using a `Clock` depends on the type of ||| `Clock`: ||| * `Optional` clocks may not be implemented, so we might not return anything ||| * `Mandatory` clocks have to be implemented, so we _will_ return something public export clockTimeReturnType : (typ : ClockType) -> Type clockTimeReturnType typ with (isClockMandatory typ) clockTimeReturnType typ | Optional = Maybe (Clock typ) clockTimeReturnType typ | Mandatory = Clock typ ||| Fetch the system clock of a given kind. If the clock is mandatory, ||| we return a `Clock type` else, we return a `Maybe (Clock type)`. public export clockTime : (typ : ClockType) -> IO (clockTimeReturnType typ) clockTime clockType with (isClockMandatory clockType) clockTime clockType | Mandatory = fetchOSClock clockType >>= fromOSClock clockTime clockType | Optional = do clk <- fetchOSClock clockType valid <- map (== 1) $ osClockValid clk if valid then map Just $ fromOSClock clk else pure Nothing ||| Convert the time in the given clock to nanoseconds. toNano : Clock type -> Integer toNano (MkClock seconds nanoseconds) = let scale = 1000000000 in scale * seconds + nanoseconds ||| Convert some time in nanoseconds to a `Clock` containing that time. ||| ||| @ n the time in nanoseconds fromNano : {type : ClockType} -> (n : Integer) -> Clock type fromNano n = let scale = 1000000000 seconds = n `div` scale nanoseconds = n `mod` scale in MkClock seconds nanoseconds ||| Compute difference between two clocks of the same type. public export timeDifference : Clock type -> Clock type -> Clock Duration timeDifference clock duration = fromNano $ toNano clock - toNano duration ||| Add a duration to a clock value. public export addDuration : {type : ClockType} -> Clock type -> Clock Duration -> Clock type addDuration clock duration = fromNano $ toNano clock + toNano duration ||| Subtract a duration from a clock value. public export subtractDuration : {type : ClockType} -> Clock type -> Clock Duration -> Clock type subtractDuration clock duration = fromNano $ toNano clock - toNano duration