import Control.Linear.LIO import System.Concurrency.Session main : IO () main = $ do let nm1 : String := "natrando" let nm2 : String := "computer" putStrLn "main: Forking two threads \{nm1} and \{nm2}" res <- fork (Send Nat $ Send Nat $ Recv Nat End) (\ ch => do let m : Nat := 100 putStrLn "\{nm1}: picked the natural \{show m}" ch <- send ch m let n : Nat := 50 putStrLn "\{nm1}: picked the natural \{show n}" ch <- send ch n (s # ch) <- recv ch end ch pure (m, n)) (\ ch => do (m # ch) <- recv ch (n # ch) <- recv ch putStrLn "\{nm2}: summing \{show m} and \{show n}" let s = m + n ch <- send ch s end ch pure s) let mn = fst res let mplusn = snd res putStrLn {io = L IO} "main: Threads have finished and returned \{show mn} and \{show mplusn}"