module Control.Function %default total ||| An injective function maps distinct elements to distinct elements. public export interface Injective (f : a -> b) | f where constructor MkInjective injective : {x, y : a} -> f x = f y -> x = y public export inj : (0 f : a -> b) -> {auto 0 _ : Injective f} -> {0 x, y : a} -> (0 _ : f x = f y) -> x = y inj _ eq = irrelevantEq (injective eq) ---------------------------------------- ||| The composition of injective functions is injective. public export [ComposeInjective] {f : a -> b} -> {g : b -> c} -> (Injective f, Injective g) => Injective (g . f) where injective = injective . injective ||| If (g . f) is injective, so is f. public export [InjFromComp] {f : a -> b} -> {g : b -> c} -> Injective (g . f) => Injective f where injective prf = injective {f = (g . f)} $ cong g prf public export [IdInjective] Injective where injective = id ---------------------------------------- ||| An bi-injective function maps distinct elements to distinct elements in both arguments. ||| This is more strict than injectivity on each of arguments. ||| For instance, list appending is injective on both arguments but is not biinjective. public export interface Biinjective (0 f : a -> b -> c) | f where constructor MkBiinjective biinjective : {x, y : a} -> {v, w : b} -> f x v = f y w -> (x = y, v = w) public export biinj : (0 f : _) -> (0 _ : Biinjective f) => (0 _ : f x v = f y w) -> (x = y, v = w) biinj _ eq = let 0 bii = biinjective eq in (irrelevantEq $ fst bii, irrelevantEq $ snd bii) public export [ComposeBiinjective] {f : a -> b -> c} -> {g : c -> d} -> Biinjective f => Injective g => Biinjective (g .: f) where biinjective = biinjective . injective ||| If (g .: f) is biinjective, so is f. public export [BiinjFromComp] {f : a -> b -> c} -> {g : c -> d} -> Biinjective (g .: f) => Biinjective f where biinjective = biinjective {f = (g .: f)} . cong g public export [FlipBiinjective] {f : a -> b -> c} -> Biinjective f => Biinjective (flip f) where biinjective = swap . biinjective public export [FromBiinjectiveL] {f : a -> b -> c} -> {x : a} -> Biinjective f => Injective (f x) where injective = snd . biinjective public export [FromBiinjectiveR] {f : a -> b -> c} -> {y : b} -> Biinjective f => Injective (`f` y) where injective = fst . biinjective export Biinjective MkPair where biinjective Refl = (Refl, Refl)