||| The content of this module is based on the paper ||| Applications of Applicative Proof Search ||| by Liam O'Connor ||| https://doi.org/10.1145/2976022.2976030 module Search.HDecidable import Data.List.Lazy import Data.List.Lazy.Quantifiers import Data.List.Quantifiers import Data.So import Search.Negation %default total ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Type, basic functions, and interface ||| Half a decider: when the search succeeds we bother building the proof public export record HDec (a : Type) where constructor MkHDec isTrue : Bool evidence : So isTrue -> a ||| Happy path: we have found a proof! public export yes : a -> HDec a yes = MkHDec True . const ||| Giving up public export no : HDec a no = MkHDec False absurd public export fromDec : Dec a -> HDec a fromDec (Yes p) = yes p fromDec (No _) = no public export fromMaybe : Maybe a -> HDec a fromMaybe = maybe no yes public export toMaybe : HDec a -> Maybe a toMaybe (MkHDec True p) = Just (p Oh) toMaybe (MkHDec False _) = Nothing ||| A type constructor satisfying AnHdec is morally an HDec i.e. we can ||| turn values of this type constructor into half deciders ||| It may be more powerful (like Dec) or more basic (like Maybe). public export interface AnHDec (0 t : Type -> Type) where toHDec : t a -> HDec a public export AnHDec Dec where toHDec = fromDec public export AnHDec HDec where toHDec = id public export AnHDec Maybe where toHDec = fromMaybe ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Implementations public export Functor HDec where map f (MkHDec b prf) = MkHDec b (f . prf) public export Applicative HDec where pure = yes MkHDec False prff <*> _ = MkHDec False absurd _ <*> MkHDec False _ = MkHDec False absurd MkHDec True prff <*> MkHDec True prfx = yes (prff Oh (prfx Oh)) ||| Lazy in the second argument public export Alternative HDec where empty = no p@(MkHDec True _) <|> _ = p _ <|> q = q public export Monad HDec where MkHDec True x >>= f = f (x Oh) _ >>= _ = no public export Show f => Show (HDec f) where show (MkHDec True p) = "True: " ++ show (p Oh) show _ = "False" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Combinators ||| Half deciders are closed under product public export (&&) : (AnHDec l, AnHDec r) => l a -> r b -> HDec (a, b) p && q = [| (toHDec p, toHDec q) |] ||| Half deciders are closed under sum public export (||) : (AnHDec l, AnHDec r) => l a -> r b -> HDec (Either a b) p || q = [| Left (toHDec p) |] <|> [| Right (toHDec q) |] ||| Half deciders are closed negation. Here we use the `Negates` interface ||| so that we end up looking for *positive* evidence of something which is ||| much easier to find than negative one. public export not : (AnHDec l, Negates na a) => l na -> HDec (Not a) not p = [| toNegation (toHDec p) |] export infixr 3 ==> ||| Half deciders are closed under implication public export (==>) : (AnHDec l, AnHDec r, Negates na a) => l na -> r b -> HDec (a -> b) p ==> q = [| contra (not p) |] <|> [| const (toHDec q) |] where contra : Not a -> a -> b contra na a = void (na a) namespace List ||| Half deciders are closed under the list quantifier any public export any : AnHDec l => (xs : List a) -> ((x : a) -> l (p x)) -> HDec (Any p xs) any [] p = no any (x :: xs) p = [| Here (toHDec (p x)) |] <|> [| There (any xs p) |] ||| Half deciders are closed under the list quantifier all public export all : AnHDec l => (xs : List a) -> ((x : a) -> l (p x)) -> HDec (All p xs) all [] p = yes [] all (x :: xs) p = [| toHDec (p x) :: all xs p |] namespace LazyList ||| Half deciders are closed under the lazy list quantifier any public export any : AnHDec l => (xs : LazyList a) -> ((x : a) -> l (p x)) -> HDec (Any p xs) any [] p = no any (x :: xs) p = [| Here (toHDec (p x)) |] <|> [| There (any xs p) |]