||| Deriving show instances using reflection ||| You can for instance define: ||| ``` ||| data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree a) (Tree a) ||| treeShow : Show a => Show (Tree a) ||| treeShow = %runElab derive ||| ``` module Deriving.Show import public Control.Monad.Either import public Control.Monad.State import public Data.Maybe import public Decidable.Equality import public Language.Reflection import public Deriving.Common %language ElabReflection %default total public export fromShowPrec : (Prec -> ty -> String) -> Show ty fromShowPrec sp = MkShow (sp Open) sp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Errors ||| Possible errors for the functor-deriving machinery. public export data Error : Type where NotAShowable : Name -> Error UnsupportedType : TTImp -> Error NotAFiniteStructure : Error NotAnUnconstrainedValue : Count -> Error InvalidGoal : Error ConfusingReturnType : Error -- Contextual information WhenCheckingConstructor : Name -> Error -> Error WhenCheckingArg : TTImp -> Error -> Error export Show Error where show = joinBy "\n" . go [<] where go : SnocList String -> Error -> List String go acc (NotAShowable nm) = acc <>> ["Couldn't find a `Show' instance for the type \{show nm}"] go acc (UnsupportedType s) = acc <>> ["Unsupported type \{show s}"] go acc NotAFiniteStructure = acc <>> ["Cannot show an infinite structure"] go acc (NotAnUnconstrainedValue rig) = acc <>> ["Cannot show a \{enunciate rig} value"] go acc InvalidGoal = acc <>> ["Expected a goal of the form `Show t`"] go acc ConfusingReturnType = acc <>> ["Confusing telescope"] go acc (WhenCheckingConstructor nm err) = go (acc :< "When checking constructor \{show nm}") err go acc (WhenCheckingArg s err) = go (acc :< "When checking argument of type \{show s}") err record Parameters where constructor MkParameters asShowables : List Nat initParameters : Parameters initParameters = MkParameters [] paramConstraints : Parameters -> Nat -> Maybe TTImp paramConstraints params pos = IVar emptyFC `{Prelude.Show.Show} <$ guard (pos `elem` params.asShowables) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Core machinery: being showable ShowN : TTImp -> Name -> TTImp ShowN ty nm = go (IVar emptyFC nm) ty Z where go : TTImp -> TTImp -> Nat -> TTImp go acc (IPi _ _ pinfo mn (IType _) ty) n = let var = MN "__param" (cast n) in IPi emptyFC M0 ImplicitArg (Just var) (Implicit emptyFC False) $ IPi emptyFC MW AutoImplicit Nothing (IApp emptyFC `(Show) (IVar emptyFC var)) $ go (TTImp.apply acc (toList (fromPiInfo emptyFC pinfo mn (IVar emptyFC var)))) ty (S n) go acc (IPi _ _ pinfo mn _ ty) n = let var = MN "__param" (cast n) in IPi emptyFC M0 ImplicitArg (Just var) (Implicit emptyFC False) $ go (TTImp.apply acc (toList (fromPiInfo emptyFC pinfo mn (IVar emptyFC var)))) ty (S n) go acc _ _ = IApp emptyFC `(Show) acc ||| IsShowable is parametrised by ||| @ t the name of the data type whose constructors are being analysed ||| @ ty the type being analysed ||| The inductive type delivers a proof that ty can be shown, ||| assuming that t also is showable. public export data IsShowable : (t : Name) -> (ty : TTImp) -> Type data IsShowableArgs : (t : Name) -> (tconty : TTImp) -> (ty : List (Argument TTImp)) -> Type data IsShowable : (t : Name) -> (ty : TTImp) -> Type where ||| The subterm is delayed (Lazy only, we can't traverse infinite structures) ISDelayed : IsShowable t ty -> IsShowable t (IDelayed fc LLazy ty) ||| There is a recursive subtree of type (t a1 ... an) ISRec : (0 _ : IsAppView (_, t) _ ty) -> IsShowable t ty ||| There are nested subtrees somewhere inside a 3rd party type constructor ||| which satisfies the Show interface ISShowN : (0 _ : IsAppView (_, tcon) args ty) -> HasType tcon tconty -> IsProvable (ShowN tconty tcon) -> IsShowableArgs t tconty (args <>> []) -> IsShowable t ty ||| Or we could be referring to one of the parameters ISParam : IsShowable t ty ||| A primitive type is trivially Showable ISPrim : (ty : PrimType) -> IsShowable t (IPrimVal fc (PrT ty)) data IsShowableArgs : (t : Name) -> (tconty : TTImp) -> (ty : List (Argument TTImp)) -> Type where Done : IsShowableArgs t tconty [] Step : IsShowable t (unArg arg) -> IsShowableArgs t ty args -> IsShowableArgs t (IPi fc1 r ExplicitArg mn (IType fc2) ty) (arg :: args) Drop : (forall fc. Not (dom === IType fc)) -> IsShowableArgs t ty args -> IsShowableArgs t (IPi fc1 r ExplicitArg mn dom ty) (arg :: args) Skip : Not (pinfo === ExplicitArg) -> IsShowableArgs t ty args -> IsShowableArgs t (IPi fc1 r pinfo mn dom ty) args -- TODO: constrain more? parameters (fc : FC) (mutualWith : List Name) isRecs : IsShowableArgs t ty ts -> Bool isRec : IsShowable t ts -> Bool isRecs Done = False isRecs (Step x xs) = isRec x || isRecs xs isRecs (Drop f xs) = isRecs xs isRecs (Skip f xs) = isRecs xs isRec (ISDelayed x) = isRec x isRec (ISRec _) = True isRec (ISShowN _ _ _ xs) = isRecs xs isRec ISParam = False isRec (ISPrim _) = False showPrecFun : {ty : _} -> IsShowable t ty -> TTImp -> TTImp showPrecFun (ISDelayed p) t = showPrecFun p (IForce (getFC t) t) showPrecFun (ISRec _) t = IApp emptyFC `(assert_total) (IApp emptyFC `(showArg) t) showPrecFun {ty} (ISShowN _ _ _ as) t = let isMutual = fromMaybe False (appView ty >>= \ v => pure (snd v.head `elem` mutualWith)) in ifThenElse (isMutual || isRecs as) (IApp emptyFC `(assert_total)) id $ IApp emptyFC `(showArg) t showPrecFun ISParam t = IApp emptyFC `(showArg) t showPrecFun (ISPrim pty) t = IApp emptyFC `(showArg) t parameters {0 m : Type -> Type} {auto elab : Elaboration m} {auto error : MonadError Error m} {auto cs : MonadState Parameters m} (t : Name) (ps : List (Name, Nat)) ||| Hoping to observe that ty can be shown export typeView : (ty : TTImp) -> m (IsShowable t ty) typeViews : (tconty : TTImp) -> (tys : List (Argument TTImp)) -> m (IsShowableArgs t tconty tys) typeView (IDelayed _ lz ty) = case lz of LLazy => ISDelayed <$> typeView ty _ => throwError NotAFiniteStructure typeView (IPrimVal _ (PrT ty)) = pure (ISPrim ty) typeView ty = do let Just (MkAppView (_, hd) ts prf) = appView ty | _ => throwError (UnsupportedType ty) let No _ = decEq hd t | Yes Refl => pure (ISRec prf) Just (hdty ** hT) <- hasType hd | _ => case lookup hd ps <* guard (null ts) of Just n => do -- record that the nth parameter should be showable ns <- gets asShowables let ns = ifThenElse (n `elem` ns) ns (n :: ns) modify { asShowables := ns } -- and happily succeed logMsg "derive.show.assumption" 10 $ "I am assuming that the parameter \{show hd} can be shown" pure ISParam _ => throwError (UnsupportedType ty) Just iP <- isProvable (ShowN hdty hd) | _ => throwError (NotAShowable hd) ISShowN prf hT iP <$> typeViews hdty (ts <>> []) typeViews _ [] = pure Done typeViews (IPi _ _ ExplicitArg _ (IType fc) ty) (t :: ts) = Step <$> assert_total (typeView (unArg t)) <*> typeViews ty ts typeViews (IPi _ _ ExplicitArg _ dom ty) (t :: ts) = Drop (\ x => believe_me x) <$> typeViews ty ts typeViews (IPi _ _ _ _ _ ty) ts = Skip (\ x => believe_me x) <$> typeViews ty ts typeViews ty ts = throwError (UnsupportedType ty) namespace Show derive' : (Elaboration m, MonadError Error m) => {default Private vis : Visibility} -> {default Total treq : TotalReq} -> {default [] mutualWith : List Name} -> m (Show f) derive' = do -- expand the mutualwith names to have the internal, fully qualified, names mutualWith <- map concat $ for mutualWith $ \ nm => do ntys <- getType nm pure (fst <$> ntys) -- The goal should have the shape (Show t) Just (IApp _ (IVar _ showable) t) <- goal | _ => throwError InvalidGoal when (`{Prelude.Show.Show} /= showable) $ logMsg "derive.show" 1 "Expected to derive Show but got \{show showable}" -- t should be a type constructor logMsg "derive.show" 1 "Deriving Show for \{showPrec App $ mapTTImp cleanup t}" MkIsType f params cs <- isType t logMsg "derive.show.constructors" 1 $ joinBy "\n" $ "" :: map (\ (n, ty) => " \{showPrefix True $ dropNS n} : \{show $ mapTTImp cleanup ty}") cs -- Generate a clause for each data constructor let fc = emptyFC let un = UN . Basic let showName = un ("showPrec" ++ show (dropNS f)) let precName = un "d" let prec = IVar fc precName (ns, cls) <- runStateT {m = m} initParameters $ for cs $ \ (cName, ty) => withError (WhenCheckingConstructor cName) $ do -- Grab the types of the constructor's explicit arguments let Just (MkConstructorView paraz args) = constructorView ty | _ => throwError ConfusingReturnType logMsg "derive.show.clauses" 10 $ "\{showPrefix True (dropNS cName)} (\{joinBy ", " (map (showPrec Dollar . mapTTImp cleanup . unArg . snd) args)})" -- Only keep the visible arguments let args = mapMaybe (bitraverse pure (map snd . isExplicit)) args -- Special case for constructors with no argument let (_ :: _) = args | [] => pure $ PatClause fc (apply fc (IVar fc showName) [ prec, IVar fc cName]) (IPrimVal fc (Str (showPrefix True (dropNS cName)))) let vars = zipWith (const . IVar fc . un . ("x" ++) . show . (`minus` 1)) [1..length args] args recs <- for (zip vars args) $ \ (v, (rig, ty)) => do let MW = rig | _ => throwError (NotAnUnconstrainedValue rig) res <- withError (WhenCheckingArg (mapTTImp cleanup ty)) $ do typeView f (paraz <>> []) ty pure $ Just (showPrecFun fc mutualWith res v) let args = catMaybes recs let asList = foldr (\ a, as => apply fc (IVar fc `{Prelude.(::)}) [a,as]) `(Prelude.Nil) pure $ PatClause fc (apply fc (IVar fc showName) [ prec, apply fc (IVar fc cName) vars]) (apply fc (IVar fc (un "showCon")) [ prec , IPrimVal fc (Str (showPrefix True (dropNS cName))) , case args of [a] => a _ => IApp fc (IVar fc (un "concat")) (asList args) ]) -- Generate the type of the show function let ty = MkTy fc fc showName $ withParams fc (paramConstraints ns) params $ `(Prec -> ~(t) -> String) logMsg "derive.show.clauses" 1 $ joinBy "\n" ("" :: (" " ++ show (mapITy cleanup ty)) :: map ((" " ++) . showClause InDecl . mapClause cleanup) cls) -- Define the instance check $ ILocal fc [ IClaim fc MW vis [Totality treq] ty , IDef fc showName cls ] `(fromShowPrec ~(IVar fc showName)) ||| Derive an implementation of Show for a type constructor. ||| This can be used like so: ||| ``` ||| data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree a) (Tree a) ||| treeShow : Show a => Show (Tree a) ||| treeShow = %runElab derive ||| ``` export derive : {default Private vis : Visibility} -> {default Total treq : TotalReq} -> {default [] mutualWith : List Name} -> Elab (Show f) derive = do res <- runEitherT {e = Error, m = Elab} (derive' {vis, treq, mutualWith}) case res of Left err => fail (show err) Right prf => pure prf