.. _windows-install: Prerequisites for Windows ========================= MSYS2 ----- To build Idris 2 on Windows, an Unix-like environment is needed for all the utilities used during the build. `MSYS2 `_ provides that for us. 1. Download the latest version of MSYS2 2. Run the installer. Don't install it under Program files as it needs to write files (the "unix" home directory lies under there, for example) 3. In the directory where you installed MSYS2, find the file ``mingw64.ini`` and add the line ``MSYS2_PATH_TYPE=inherit``. This adds the normal windows PATH to the shell in MSYS2. 4. Start MSYS2 (from the start menu search for mingw64 or click on mingw64.exe) 5. Update the installation with the latest releases with ``pacman -Syu`` 5. Install the programs that the build needs with:: $ pacman -S make mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc Chez Scheme ----------- Chez Scheme has a ready-made installer at `GitHub `_ 1. Download the installer and run it 2. Add the threaded 64-bit scheme to the PATH. It is the ``\bin\ta6nt`` subdirectory to where Chez Scheme was installed. So if you used the default directory it will be in ``C:\Program Files\Chez Scheme 9.5.4\bin\ta6nt`` Building -------- 1. Start a fresh MSYS2 shell so that it knows about your modified PATH (it's important to use Mingw64 to get access to the right compilers). 2. Navigate to the Idris2 directory. 3. Set the SCHEME environment variable that Idris2 needs ``export SCHEME=scheme``. This can be set permanently in the bash profile file or the Windows settings. 4. Now ``make bootstrap && make install`` should build Idris2 and install it in ``home//.idris2/bin`` under your MSYS2 installation. If you add that to the PATH in Windows settings it will be usable from any command line (including Powershell or DOS), that you open.