module Control.Validation -- Main purpose of this module is verifying programmer's assumptions about -- user input. On one hand we want to write precisely typed programs, including -- assumptions about input expressed in types and prove correctness of these -- programs. On the other we get an unstructured user input as a string or even -- a raw sequence of bytes. -- This module intends to provide a framework for verifying our assumptions -- about user input and constructing proofs that input is indeed valid or -- failing early with a nice error message if it isn't. import Control.Monad.Identity import Control.Monad.Error.Either import Data.Nat import Data.String import Data.Vect import Decidable.Equality %default total public export Result : (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type Result m = EitherT String m ||| Validators in this module come in two flavours: Structural Validators and ||| Property Validators. They are both wrappers around functions which take ||| some input and confirm that it's valid (returning some witness of its ||| validity) or fail with an error described by a string. export data ValidatorT : (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type -> Type where MkValidator : (a -> Result m b) -> ValidatorT m a b ||| A type of validator trying to prove properties of values. It's type is ||| significantly different than that of an ordinary validator and cannot be ||| made an instance of Monad interface, because it's last parameter is ||| (t -> Type) instead of just Type. Therefore it must be explicitly turned ||| into an ordinary validator using the prop function below. data PropValidator : (Type -> Type) -> (t : Type) -> (t -> Type) -> Type where MkPropValidator : ((x : t) -> Result m (p x)) -> PropValidator m t p public export Validator : Type -> Type -> Type Validator = ValidatorT Identity ||| Run validation on given input, returning (Right refinedInput) if everything ||| is all right or (Left errorMessage) if it's not. export validateT : ValidatorT m a b -> a -> Result m b validateT (MkValidator v) = v ||| Run validation within the Identity monad and unwrap result immediately. export validate : Validator a b -> a -> Either String b validate v = runIdentity . runEitherT . validateT v ||| Given a function from input to Either String output, make a validator. export validator : (a -> Result m b) -> ValidatorT m a b validator = MkValidator export Functor m => Functor (ValidatorT m a) where map f v = MkValidator (map f . validateT v) export Monad m => Applicative (ValidatorT m a) where pure a = MkValidator (const $ pure a) f <*> a = MkValidator (\x => validateT f x <*> validateT a x) export Monad m => Monad (ValidatorT m a) where v >>= f = MkValidator $ \x => do r <- validateT v x validateT (f r) x ||| Plug a property validator into the chain of other validators. The value ||| under validation will be ignored and the value whose property is going to ||| be checked must be supplied manually. Otherwise Idris won;t be able to ||| unify. prop : PropValidator m t p -> (x : t) -> ValidatorT m a (p x) prop (MkPropValidator v) x = MkValidator (const $ v x) replaceError : Monad m => String -> Result m a -> Result m a replaceError e = bimapEitherT (const e) id ||| Replace validator's default error message. export withError : Monad m => String -> ValidatorT m a b -> ValidatorT m a b withError e (MkValidator f) = MkValidator (replaceError e . f) ||| A validator which always fails with a given message. export fail : Applicative m => String -> ValidatorT m a b fail s = MkValidator $ \_ => left s infixl 2 >>> ||| Compose two validators so that the second validates the output of the first. export (>>>) : Monad m => ValidatorT m a b -> ValidatorT m b c -> ValidatorT m a c left >>> right = MkValidator (validateT left >=> validateT right) Monad m => Alternative (ValidatorT m a) where left <|> right = MkValidator \x => MkEitherT $ do case !(runEitherT $ validateT left x) of (Right r) => pure $ Right r (Left e) => case !(runEitherT $ validateT right x) of (Right r) => pure $ Right r (Left e') => pure $ Left (e <+> " / " <+> e') empty = MkValidator \x => MkEitherT $ pure (Left "invalid") ||| Alter the input before validation using given function. export contramap : (a -> b) -> ValidatorT m b c -> ValidatorT m a c contramap f v = MkValidator (validateT v . f) ||| Given a value x and a decision procedure for property p, validateT if p x ||| holds, returning a proof if it does. The procedure also has access to the ||| raw input in case it was helpful. export decide : Monad m => (t -> String) -> ((x : t) -> Dec (p x)) -> PropValidator m t p decide msg dec = MkPropValidator \x => case dec x of Yes prf => pure prf No _ => left (msg x) ||| Given a function converting a into Maybe b, build a Validator of a ||| converting it into b. export fromMaybe : Monad m => (a -> String) -> (a -> Maybe b) -> ValidatorT m a b fromMaybe e f = MkValidator \a => case f a of Nothing => left $ e a Just b => pure b ||| Verify whether a String represents a natural number. export natural : Monad m => ValidatorT m String Nat natural = fromMaybe mkError parsePositive where mkError : String -> String mkError s = "'" <+> s <+> "' is not a natural number." ||| Verify whether a String represents an Integer export integral : (Num a, Neg a, Monad m) => ValidatorT m String a integral = fromMaybe mkError parseInteger where mkError : String -> String mkError s = "'" <+> s <+> "' is not an integer." ||| Verify that a string represents a decimal fraction. export double : Monad m => ValidatorT m String Double double = fromMaybe mkError parseDouble where mkError : String -> String mkError s = "'" <+> s <+> "is not a decimal." ||| Verify whether a list has a desired length. export length : Monad m => (l : Nat) -> ValidatorT m (List a) (Vect l a) length l = MkValidator (validateVector l) where validateVector : (l : Nat) -> List a -> Result m (Vect l a) validateVector Z [] = pure [] validateVector (S _) [] = left "Missing list element." validateVector Z (_ :: _) = left "Excessive list element." validateVector (S k) (x :: xs) = do ys <- validateVector k xs pure (x :: ys) ||| Verify that certain values are equal. export equal : (DecEq t, Monad m) => (a : t) -> PropValidator m t (\b => a = b) equal a = MkPropValidator \b => case decEq a b of Yes prf => pure prf No _ => left "Values are not equal." ||| Verify that a Nat is less than or equal to certain bound. export lteNat : Monad m => (bound : Nat) -> PropValidator m Nat (flip LTE bound) lteNat bound = decide (\n => show n <+> " is not lower or equal to " <+> show bound) (\n => isLTE n bound) ||| Verify that a Nat is greater than or equal to certain bound. export gteNat : Monad m => (bound : Nat) -> PropValidator m Nat (flip GTE bound) gteNat bound = decide (\n => show n <+> " is not greater or equal to " <+> show bound) (isLTE bound) ||| Verify that a Nat is strictly less than a certain bound. export ltNat : Monad m => (bound : Nat) -> PropValidator m Nat (flip LT bound) ltNat bound = decide (\n => show n <+> " is not strictly lower than " <+> show bound) (\n => isLTE (S n) bound) ||| Verify that a Nat is strictly greate than a certain bound. export gtNat : Monad m => (bound : Nat) -> PropValidator m Nat (flip GT bound) gtNat bound = decide (\n => show n <+> " is not strictly greater than " <+> show bound) (isLTE (S bound))