module Data.String.Extra import Data.List import Data.List1 import Data.Nat import Data.String %default total infixl 5 +> infixr 5 <+ ||| Adds a character to the end of the specified string. ||| ||| ```idris example ||| strSnoc "AB" 'C' ||| ``` ||| ```idris example ||| strSnoc "" 'A' ||| ``` public export strSnoc : String -> Char -> String strSnoc s c = s ++ (singleton c) ||| Alias of `strSnoc` ||| ||| ```idris example ||| "AB" +> 'C' ||| ``` public export (+>) : String -> Char -> String (+>) = strSnoc ||| Alias of `strCons` ||| ||| ```idris example ||| 'A' <+ "AB" ||| ``` public export (<+) : Char -> String -> String (<+) = strCons ||| Take the first `n` characters from a string. Returns the whole string ||| if it's too short. public export take : (n : Nat) -> (input : String) -> String take n str = substr Z n str ||| Take the last `n` characters from a string. Returns the whole string ||| if it's too short. public export takeLast : (n : Nat) -> (input : String) -> String takeLast n str with (length str) takeLast n str | len with (isLTE n len) takeLast n str | len | Yes prf = substr (len `minus` n) len str takeLast n str | len | No contra = str ||| Remove the first `n` characters from a string. Returns the empty string if ||| the input string is too short. public export drop : (n : Nat) -> (input : String) -> String drop n str = substr n (length str) str ||| Remove the last `n` characters from a string. Returns the empty string if ||| the input string is too short. public export dropLast : (n : Nat) -> (input : String) -> String dropLast n str = reverse (drop n (reverse str)) ||| Remove the first and last `n` characters from a string. Returns the empty ||| string if the input string is too short. public export shrink : (n : Nat) -> (input : String) -> String shrink n str = dropLast n (drop n str) ||| Concatenate the strings from a `Foldable` containing strings, separated by ||| the given string. public export join : (sep : String) -> Foldable t => (xs : t String) -> String join sep xs = drop (length sep) (foldl (\acc, x => acc ++ sep ++ x) "" xs) ||| Get a character from a string if the string is long enough. public export index : (n : Nat) -> (input : String) -> Maybe Char index n str with (unpack str) index n str | [] = Nothing index Z str | (x :: xs) = Just x index (S n) str | (x :: xs) = index n str | xs ||| Indent each line of a given string by `n` spaces. public export indentLines : (n : Nat) -> String -> String indentLines n str = unlines $ map (indent n) $ forget $ lines str ||| Return a string of the given character repeated ||| `n` times. export fastReplicate : (n : Nat) -> Char -> String fastReplicate n c = fastPack $ replicate n c ||| Left-justify a string to the given length, using the ||| specified fill character on the right. export justifyLeft : Nat -> Char -> String -> String justifyLeft n c s = s ++ fastReplicate (n `minus` length s) c ||| Right-justify a string to the given length, using the ||| specified fill character on the left. export justifyRight : Nat -> Char -> String -> String justifyRight n c s = fastReplicate (n `minus` length s) c ++ s