Edwin Brady a972778eab Add test script
They don't all pass yet, for minor reasons. Coming shortly...
Unfortunately the startup overhead for chez is really noticeable here!
2020-05-19 18:25:18 +01:00

33 lines
753 B

add : Int -> Int -> Int
add = (+)
-- lift to nearest binder
addm1 : Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
addm1 x y = let z = x in pure (add !z !y)
-- lift to nearest binder
addm2 : Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
addm2 = \x, y => pure (!x + !y)
getLen : String -> IO Nat
getLen str = pure (length str)
fakeGetLine : String -> IO String
fakeGetLine str = pure str
-- lift out innermost first
printThing1 : IO ()
printThing1 = printLn !(getLen !(fakeGetLine "line1"))
-- lift out leftmost first
printThing2 : IO ()
printThing2 = printLn (!(fakeGetLine "1") ++ !(fakeGetLine "2"))
-- don't lift out of if
printBool : Bool -> IO ()
printBool x
= if x
then putStrLn !(fakeGetLine "True")
else putStrLn !(fakeGetLine "False")