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module Data.Linear.Copies
import Data.Linear.Bifunctor
import Data.Linear.Notation
import Data.Nat
%default total
infix 1 `Copies`
||| Carries multiple linear copies of the same value. Usage: m `Copies` x
||| reads as "m copies of value x". This data structure is necessary to implement
||| algorithms that rely on linearity but also interact with Nat indicies, like
||| Vect and Fin.
||| This datastructure can be found in the paper "How to Take the Inverse of a Type" by
||| Daniel Marshall and Dominic Orchard where it's described as an exponent operator
public export
data Copies : Nat -> (0 x : a) -> Type where
Nil : Copies Z x
(::) : (1 x : a) -> (1 copies : Copies n x) -> Copies (S n) x
||| Split copies into two
splitAt : (1 m : Nat) -> Copies (m + n) x -@ LPair (Copies m x) (Copies n x)
splitAt Z xs = ([] # xs)
splitAt (S m) (x :: xs) = let (ys # zs) = splitAt m xs in (x :: ys # zs)
||| Combine multiple copies into one
(++) : Copies m x -@ Copies n x -@ Copies (m + n) x
[] ++ ys = ys
(x :: xs) ++ ys = x :: (xs ++ ys)
||| Copies of pairs are like pairs of copies
unzip : Copies m (Builtin.(#) x y) -@ LPair (Copies m x) (Copies m y)
unzip [] = [] # []
unzip ((x # y) :: xys) = let (xs # ys) = unzip xys in (x :: xs # y :: ys)
-- Copies is a bit of an applicative
pure : {1 n : Nat} -> (x : a) -> Copies n x
pure {n = Z} x = []
pure {n = S n} x = x :: pure x
||| Applies m copies of a linear function to m arguments, resulting in m copies
||| of the result.
(<*>) : Copies {a = a -@ b} m f -@ Copies m x -@ Copies m (f x)
[] <*> [] = []
(f :: fs) <*> (x :: xs) = f x :: (fs <*> xs)
||| Apply f to `m` copies of `x`, resulting in `m` copies of `f x`.
||| Note that this is not quite `pure f <*> xs` because we don't actually
||| need to know `m` to be able to define `(<$>)` as we can proceed by
||| induction on xs.
(<$>) : (f : a -@ b) -> Copies m x -@ Copies m (f x)
f <$> [] = []
f <$> (x :: xs) = f x :: (f <$> xs)
||| Combine copies of two values into a pair of copies
zip : Copies m x -@ Copies m y -@ Copies m (Builtin.(#) x y)
zip as bs = (#) <$> as <*> bs
||| If we have a single copy, we can extract its value
extract : {0 x : a} -> 1 `Copies` x -@ a
extract [x] = x
||| Extract 2 copies into a linear pair
pair : {0 x : a} -> 2 `Copies` x -@ LPair a a
pair y = bimap extract extract (splitAt 1 y)