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synced 2024-12-30 15:13:37 +03:00
Can't export a type which refers to a private name. This has caught a couple of visibility errors in the libraries, code and tests, so they've been updated too.
467 lines
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467 lines
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module System.Path
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Nat
import Data.Strings
import Data.String.Extra
import System.Info
import Text.Token
import Text.Lexer
import Text.Parser
import Text.Quantity
infixr 5 </>
infixr 7 <.>
||| The character that separates directories in the path.
dirSeparator : Char
dirSeparator = if isWindows then '\\' else '/'
||| The character that separates multiple paths.
pathSeparator : Char
pathSeparator = if isWindows then ';' else ':'
||| Windows' path prefixes of path component.
public export
data Volume
||| Windows' Uniform Naming Convention, e.g., a network sharing
||| directory: `\\host\c$\Windows\System32`
UNC String String |
||| The drive, e.g., "C:". The disk character is in upper case
Disk Char
||| A single body of path component.
public export
data Body
||| Represents "."
CurDir |
||| Represents ".."
ParentDir |
||| Common directory or file
Normal String
||| A parsed cross-platform file system path.
||| The function `parse` constructs a Path component from String,
||| and the function `show` converts in reverse.
||| Trailing separator is only used for display and is ignored while
||| comparing paths.
public export
record Path where
constructor MkPath
||| Windows' path prefix (only on Windows)
volume : Maybe Volume
||| Whether the path contains a root
hasRoot : Bool
||| Path bodies
body : List Body
||| Whether the path terminates with a separator
hasTrailSep : Bool
Eq Volume where
(==) (UNC l1 l2) (UNC r1 r2) = l1 == r1 && r1 == r2
(==) (Disk l) (Disk r) = l == r
(==) _ _ = False
Eq Body where
(==) CurDir CurDir = True
(==) ParentDir ParentDir = True
(==) (Normal l) (Normal r) = l == r
(==) _ _ = False
Eq Path where
(==) (MkPath l1 l2 l3 _) (MkPath r1 r2 r3 _) = l1 == r1
&& l2 == r2
&& l3 == r3
||| An empty path that represents "".
public export
emptyPath : Path
emptyPath = MkPath Nothing False [] False
-- Show
Show Body where
show CurDir = "."
show ParentDir = ".."
show (Normal s) = s
Show Volume where
show (UNC server share) = "\\\\" ++ server ++ "\\" ++ share
show (Disk disk) = singleton disk ++ ":"
||| Display the path in the format on the platform.
Show Path where
show p = let sep = singleton dirSeparator
volStr = fromMaybe "" (map show p.volume)
rootStr = if p.hasRoot then sep else ""
bodyStr = join sep $ map show p.body
trailStr = if p.hasTrailSep then sep else "" in
volStr ++ rootStr ++ bodyStr ++ trailStr
-- Parser
data PathTokenKind = PTText | PTPunct Char
Eq PathTokenKind where
(==) PTText PTText = True
(==) (PTPunct c1) (PTPunct c2) = c1 == c2
(==) _ _ = False
PathToken : Type
PathToken = Token PathTokenKind
TokenKind PathTokenKind where
TokType PTText = String
TokType (PTPunct _) = ()
tokValue PTText x = x
tokValue (PTPunct _) _ = ()
pathTokenMap : TokenMap PathToken
pathTokenMap = toTokenMap $
[ (is '/', PTPunct '/')
, (is '\\', PTPunct '\\')
, (is ':', PTPunct ':')
, (is '?', PTPunct '?')
, (some $ non $ oneOf "/\\:?", PTText)
lexPath : String -> List PathToken
lexPath str = let (tokens, _, _, _) = lex pathTokenMap str in
map TokenData.tok tokens
-- match both '/' and '\\' regardless of the platform.
bodySeparator : Grammar PathToken True ()
bodySeparator = (match $ PTPunct '\\') <|> (match $ PTPunct '/')
-- Example: \\?\
-- Windows can automatically translate '/' to '\\'. The verbatim prefix,
-- i.e., `\\?\`, disables the translation.
-- Here, we simply parse and then ignore it.
verbatim : Grammar PathToken True ()
verbatim = do count (exactly 2) $ match $ PTPunct '\\'
match $ PTPunct '?'
match $ PTPunct '\\'
pure ()
-- Example: \\server\share
unc : Grammar PathToken True Volume
unc = do count (exactly 2) $ match $ PTPunct '\\'
server <- match PTText
share <- match PTText
Core.pure $ UNC server share
-- Example: \\?\server\share
verbatimUnc : Grammar PathToken True Volume
verbatimUnc = do verbatim
server <- match PTText
share <- match PTText
Core.pure $ UNC server share
-- Example: C:
disk : Grammar PathToken True Volume
disk = do text <- match PTText
disk <- case unpack text of
(disk :: xs) => pure disk
[] => fail "Expect Disk"
match $ PTPunct ':'
pure $ Disk (toUpper disk)
-- Example: \\?\C:
verbatimDisk : Grammar PathToken True Volume
verbatimDisk = do verbatim
d <- disk
pure d
parseVolume : Grammar PathToken True Volume
parseVolume = verbatimUnc
<|> verbatimDisk
<|> unc
<|> disk
parseBody : Grammar PathToken True Body
parseBody = do text <- match PTText
the (Grammar _ False _) $
case text of
".." => pure ParentDir
"." => pure CurDir
s => pure (Normal s)
parsePath : Grammar PathToken False Path
parsePath = do vol <- optional parseVolume
root <- optional (some bodySeparator)
body <- sepBy (some bodySeparator) parseBody
trailSep <- optional (some bodySeparator)
let body = filter (\case Normal s => ltrim s /= ""
_ => True) body
let body = case body of
[] => []
(x::xs) => x :: delete CurDir xs
pure $ MkPath vol (isJust root) body (isJust trailSep)
||| Parse a String into Path component.
||| Returns the path parsed as much as possible from left to right, the
||| invalid parts on the right end is ignored.
||| Some kind of invalid path is accepted. Relaxing rules:
||| - Both slash('/') and backslash('\\') are parsed as valid directory
||| separator, regardless of the platform;
||| - Any characters in path body in allowed, e.g., glob like "/root/*";
||| - Verbatim prefix(`\\?\`) that disables the forward
||| slash (Windows only) is ignored.
||| - Repeated separators are ignored, so "a/b" and "a//b" both have "a"
||| and "b" as bodies.
||| - Occurrences of "." are normalized away, except if they are at the
||| beginning of the path. For example, "a/./b", "a/b/", "a/b/". and
||| "a/b" all have "a" and "b" as bodies, but "./a/b" starts with an
||| additional `CurDir` body.
||| ```idris example
||| parse "C:\\Windows/System32"
||| ```
||| ```idris example
||| parse "/usr/local/etc/*"
||| ```
parse : String -> Path
parse str = case parse parsePath (lexPath str) of
Right (p, _) => p
_ => emptyPath
-- Utils
isAbsolute' : Path -> Bool
isAbsolute' p = if isWindows
then case p.volume of
Just (UNC _ _) => True
Just (Disk _) => p.hasRoot
Nothing => False
else p.hasRoot
append' : (left : Path) -> (right : Path) -> Path
append' l r = if isAbsolute' r || isJust r.volume
then r
else if hasRoot r
then record { volume = l.volume } r
else record { body = l.body ++ r.body,
hasTrailSep = r.hasTrailSep } l
splitParent' : Path -> Maybe (Path, Path)
splitParent' p
= case p.body of
[] => Nothing
(x::xs) => let parentPath = record { body = init (x::xs),
hasTrailSep = False } p
lastPath = MkPath Nothing False [last (x::xs)] p.hasTrailSep in
Just (parentPath, lastPath)
parent' : Path -> Maybe Path
parent' p = map fst (splitParent' p)
fileName' : Path -> Maybe String
fileName' p = findNormal (reverse p.body)
findNormal : List Body -> Maybe String
findNormal ((Normal s)::xs) = Just s
findNormal (CurDir::xs) = findNormal xs
findNormal _ = Nothing
setFileName' : (name : String) -> Path -> Path
setFileName' name p = if isJust (fileName' p)
then append' (fromMaybe emptyPath $ parent' p) (parse name)
else append' p (parse name)
splitFileName : String -> (String, String)
splitFileName name
= case break (== '.') $ reverse $ unpack name of
(_, []) => (name, "")
(_, ['.']) => (name, "")
(revExt, (dot :: revStem))
=> ((pack $ reverse revStem), (pack $ reverse revExt))
-- Manipulations
||| Returns true if the path is absolute.
||| - On Unix, a path is absolute if it starts with the root,
||| so isAbsolute and hasRoot are equivalent.
||| - On Windows, a path is absolute if it has a volume and starts
||| with the root. e.g., `c:\\windows` is absolute, while `c:temp`
||| and `\temp` are not. In addition, a path with UNC volume is absolute.
isAbsolute : String -> Bool
isAbsolute p = isAbsolute' (parse p)
||| Returns true if the path is relative, i.e., not absolute.
isRelative : String -> Bool
isRelative = not . isAbsolute
||| Appends the right path to the left one.
||| If the path on the right is absolute, it replaces the left path.
||| On Windows:
||| - If the right path has a root but no volume (e.g., `\windows`), it
||| replaces everything except for the volume (if any) of left.
||| - If the right path has a volume but no root, it replaces left.
||| ```idris example
||| "/usr" </> "local/etc"
||| ```
(</>) : (left : String) -> (right : String) -> String
(</>) l r = show $ append' (parse l) (parse r)
||| Join path elements together.
||| ```idris example
||| joinPath ["/usr", "local/etc"] == "/usr/local/etc"
||| ```
joinPath : List String -> String
joinPath xs = foldl (</>) "" xs
||| Returns the parent and child.
||| ```idris example
||| splitParent "/usr/local/etc" == Just ("/usr/local", "etc")
||| ```
splitParent : String -> Maybe (String, String)
splitParent p = do (a, b) <- splitParent' (parse p)
pure $ (show a, show b)
||| Returns the path without its final component, if there is one.
||| Returns Nothing if the path terminates in a root or volume.
parent : String -> Maybe String
parent p = map show $ parent' (parse p)
||| Returns a list of all the parents of the path, longest first,
||| self included.
||| ```idris example
||| parents "/etc/kernel" == ["/etc/kernel", "/etc", "/"]
||| ```
parents : String -> List String
parents p = map show $ iterate parent' (parse p)
||| Determines whether base is either one of the parents of full.
||| Trailing separator is ignored.
startWith : (base : String) -> (full : String) -> Bool
startWith base full = (parse base) `elem` (iterate parent' (parse full))
||| Returns a path that, when appended onto base, yields full.
||| If base is not a prefix of full (i.e., startWith returns false),
||| returns Nothing.
stripPrefix : (base : String) -> (full : String) -> Maybe String
stripPrefix base full
= do let MkPath vol1 root1 body1 _ = parse base
let MkPath vol2 root2 body2 trialSep = parse full
if vol1 == vol2 && root1 == root2 then Just () else Nothing
body <- stripBody body1 body2
pure $ show $ MkPath Nothing False body trialSep
stripBody : (base : List Body) -> (full : List Body) -> Maybe (List Body)
stripBody [] ys = Just ys
stripBody xs [] = Nothing
stripBody (x::xs) (y::ys) = if x == y then stripBody xs ys else Nothing
||| Returns the final body of the path, if there is one.
||| If the path is a normal file, this is the file name. If it's the
||| path of a directory, this is the directory name.
||| Returns Nothing if the final body is "..".
fileName : String -> Maybe String
fileName p = fileName' (parse p)
||| Extracts the stem (non-extension) portion of the file name of path.
||| The stem is:
||| - Nothing, if there is no file name;
||| - The entire file name if there is no embedded ".";
||| - The entire file name if the file name begins with "." and has
||| no other "."s within;
||| - Otherwise, the portion of the file name before the final "."
fileStem : String -> Maybe String
fileStem p = pure $ fst $ splitFileName !(fileName p)
||| Extracts the extension of the file name of path.
||| The extension is:
||| - Nothing, if there is no file name;
||| - Nothing, if there is no embedded ".";
||| - Nothing, if the file name begins with "." and has no other "."s within;
||| - Otherwise, the portion of the file name after the final "."
extension : String -> Maybe String
extension p = pure $ snd $ splitFileName !(fileName p)
||| Updates the file name of the path.
||| If no file name, this is equivalent to appending the name;
||| Otherwise it is equivalent to appending the name to the parent.
setFileName : (name : String) -> String -> String
setFileName name p = show $ setFileName' name (parse p)
||| Append a extension to the path.
||| Returns the path as it is if no file name.
||| If `extension` of the path is Nothing, the extension is added; otherwise
||| it is replaced.
||| If the ext is empty, the extension is dropped.
(<.>) : String -> (ext : String) -> String
(<.>) p ext = let p' = parse p
ext = pack $ dropWhile (== '.') (unpack ext)
ext = if ltrim ext == "" then "" else "." ++ ext in
case fileName' p' of
Just name => let (stem, _) = splitFileName name in
show $ setFileName' (stem ++ ext) p'
Nothing => p