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synced 2024-12-19 17:21:59 +03:00
Including appropriate casts, and Num/Eq/Ord/Show implementations. Also includes new primitives in Data.Buffer, and calls to foreign functions in C as 'unsigned'.
146 lines
4.5 KiB
146 lines
4.5 KiB
;; Inspired by:
;; https://github.com/gambit/gambit/blob/master/gsc/_t-x86.scm#L1106 #L1160
(define (blodwen-os)
[(memq (cadr (system-type)) '(apple)) "darwin"]
[(memq (caddr (system-type)) '(linux-gnu)) "unix"]
[(memq (caddr (system-type)) '(mingw32 mingw64)) "windows"]
[else "unknown"]))
;; TODO Convert to macro
(define (blodwen-read-args desc)
(if (fx= (vector-ref desc 0) 0)
(cons (vector-ref desc 2)
(blodwen-read-args (vector-ref desc 3)))))
(define-macro (b+ x y bits)
(if (exact-integer? bits)
`(remainder (+ ,x ,y) ,(arithmetic-shift 1 bits))
`(remainder (+ ,x ,y) (arithmetic-shift 1 ,bits))))
(define-macro (b- x y bits)
(if (exact-integer? bits)
`(remainder (- ,x ,y) ,(arithmetic-shift 1 bits))
`(remainder (- ,x ,y) (arithmetic-shift 1 ,bits))))
(define-macro (b* x y bits)
(if (exact-integer? bits)
`(remainder (* ,x ,y) ,(arithmetic-shift 1 bits))
`(remainder (* ,x ,y) (arithmetic-shift 1 ,bits))))
(define-macro (b/ x y bits)
(if (exact-integer? bits)
`(remainder (floor (/ ,x ,y)) ,(arithmetic-shift 1 bits))
`(remainder (floor (/ ,x ,y)) (arithmetic-shift 1 ,bits))))
(define integer->bits8 (lambda (x) (modulo x (expt 2 8))))
(define integer->bits16 (lambda (x) (modulo x (expt 2 16))))
(define integer->bits32 (lambda (x) (modulo x (expt 2 32))))
(define integer->bits64 (lambda (x) (modulo x (expt 2 64))))
(define-macro (blodwen-and . args) `(bitwise-and ,@args))
(define-macro (blodwen-or . args) `(bitwise-ior ,@args))
(define-macro (blodwen-xor . args) `(bitwise-xor ,@args))
(define-macro (blodwen-bits-shl x y bits)
`(remainder (arithmetic-shift ,x ,y)
(arithmetic-shitt 1 ,bits)))
(define-macro (blodwen-shl x y) `(arithmetic-shift ,x ,y))
(define-macro (blodwen-shr x y) `(arithmetic-shift ,x (- ,y)))
(define-macro (exact-floor x)
(let ((s (gensym)))
`(let ((,s ,x))
(if (flonum? ,s) (##flonum->exact-int ,s) (##floor ,s)))))
;; TODO Convert to macro
(define (cast-string-double x)
(define (cast-num x)
(if (number? x) x 0))
(define (destroy-prefix x)
(if (or (string=? x "") (char=? (string-ref x 0) #\#)) "" x))
(cast-num (string->number (destroy-prefix x))))
(define-macro (cast-string-int x)
`(floor (cast-string-double ,x)))
(define-macro (string-cons x y)
`(string-append (string ,x) ,y))
(define-macro (string-reverse x)
`(list->string (reverse! (string->list ,x))))
;; TODO Convert to macro
(define (string-substr off len s)
(let* ((start (fxmax 0 off))
(end (fxmin (fx+ start (fxmax 0 len))
(string-length s))))
(substring s start end)))
(define-macro (get-tag x) `(vector-ref ,x 0))
;; These two are only used in this file
(define-macro (either-left x) `(vector 0 ,x))
(define-macro (either-right x) `(vector 1 ,x))
(define-macro (blodwen-error-quit msg)
(display ,msg)
(exit 1)))
(define (blodwen-get-line p)
(if (input-port? p)
(let ((str (read-line p)))
(if (eof-object? str) "" str))
(define (blodwen-get-char p)
(if (input-port? p)
(let ((chr (read-char p)))
(if (eof-object? chr) #\nul chr))
;; Threads
(define (blodwen-thread p)
(thread-start! (make-thread (lambda () (p '#(0))))))
(define (blodwen-get-thread-data ty)
(let ((data (thread-specific (current-thread))))
(if (eq? data #!void) #f data)))
(define (blodwen-set-thread-data a)
(thread-specific-set! (current-thread) a))
(define blodwen-mutex make-mutex)
(define blodwen-lock mutex-lock!)
(define blodwen-unlock mutex-unlock!)
(define blodwen-thisthread current-thread)
(define blodwen-condition make-condition-variable)
(define blodwen-condition-signal condition-variable-signal!)
(define blodwen-condition-broadcast condition-variable-broadcast!)
(define (blodwen-condition-wait c m)
(mutex-unlock! m c)
(mutex-lock! m))
(define (blodwen-condition-wait-timeout c m t) ; XXX
(mutex-unlock! m c t)
(mutex-lock! m))
(define blodwen-sleep thread-sleep!)
(define (blodwen-usleep s) (thread-sleep! (/ s 1e6)))
(define (blodwen-time)
(exact-floor (time->seconds (current-time))))
(define (blodwen-args)
(define (blodwen-build-args args)
(if (null? args)
(vector 0) ; Prelude.List
(vector 1 (car args) (blodwen-build-args (cdr args)))))
(blodwen-build-args (cdr (command-line))))
(define (blodwen-hasenv var)
(if (getenv var #f) 1 0))
(define (blodwen-system cmd)
(fxarithmetic-shift-right (shell-command cmd) 8))