Mathew Polzin 1576a578a0
[ cleanup ] Remove unused imports (#2123)
* contrib library unused import removal
* remove a few unused imports.
* another round of unused import removal
* another round of unused import deletion.
* another round of unused import deletion.
2021-11-18 16:47:36 +00:00

20 lines
659 B

module Prelude.Interpolation
||| Interpolated strings are of the form `"xxxx \{ expr } yyyy"`.
||| In this example the string `"xxxx "` is concatenated with `expr` and
||| `" yyyy"`, since `expr` is not necessarily a string, the generated
||| code looks like this:
||| ```
||| concat [interpolate "xxxx ", interpolate expr, interpolate " yyyy"]
||| ```
||| This allows to customise the interpolation behaviour by providing
||| an instance of `Interpolation` for a type.
public export
interface Interpolation a where
interpolate : a -> String
||| The interpolation instance for Strings is the identity
Interpolation String where
interpolate x = x