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synced 2024-12-21 10:41:59 +03:00
* [ breaking ] remove parsing of dangling binders It used to be the case that ``` ID : Type -> Type ID a = a test : ID (a : Type) -> a -> a test = \ a, x => x ``` and ``` head : List $ a -> Maybe a head [] = Nothing head (x :: _) = Just x ``` were accepted but these are now rejected because: * `ID (a : Type) -> a -> a` is parsed as `(ID (a : Type)) -> a -> a` * `List $ a -> Maybe a` is parsed as `List (a -> Maybe a)` Similarly if you want to use a lambda / rewrite / let expression as part of the last argument of an application, the use of `$` or parens is now mandatory. This should hopefully allow us to make progress on #1703
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module Data.Validated
import Data.List1
import Decidable.Equality
%default total
||| `Validated` is like an `Either` but accumulates all errors with semigroup operation.
public export
data Validated e a = Valid a | Invalid e
--- Instances of standard interfaces ---
public export
(Eq e, Eq a) => Eq (Validated e a) where
Valid x == Valid y = x == y
Invalid e == Invalid f = e == f
_ == _ = False
(Show e, Show a) => Show (Validated e a) where
showPrec d $ Valid x = showCon d "Valid" $ showArg x
showPrec d $ Invalid e = showCon d "Invalid" $ showArg e
public export
Functor (Validated e) where
map f $ Valid x = Valid $ f x
map _ $ Invalid e = Invalid e
public export
Bifunctor Validated where
bimap _ s $ Valid x = Valid $ s x
bimap f _ $ Invalid e = Invalid $ f e
public export
Bifoldable Validated where
bifoldr _ g acc (Valid a) = g a acc
bifoldr f _ acc (Invalid e) = f e acc
bifoldl _ g acc (Valid a) = g acc a
bifoldl f _ acc (Invalid e) = f acc e
binull _ = False
public export
Bitraversable Validated where
bitraverse _ g (Valid a) = Valid <$> g a
bitraverse f _ (Invalid e) = Invalid <$> f e
||| Applicative composition preserves invalidity sequentially accumulating all errors.
public export
Semigroup e => Applicative (Validated e) where
pure = Valid
Valid f <*> Valid x = Valid $ f x
Invalid e1 <*> Invalid e2 = Invalid $ e1 <+> e2
Invalid e <*> Valid _ = Invalid e
Valid _ <*> Invalid e = Invalid e
-- There is no `Monad` implementation because it can't be coherent with the accumulating `Applicative` one.
||| Semigroup operation selects the leftmost valid value.
||| If both sides are invalid, errors are accumulated.
public export
Semigroup e => Semigroup (Validated e a) where
l@(Valid _) <+> _ = l
_ <+> r@(Valid _) = r
Invalid e1 <+> Invalid e2 = Invalid $ e1 <+> e2
public export
Monoid e => Monoid (Validated e a) where
neutral = Invalid neutral
||| Alternative composition preserves validity selecting the leftmost valid value.
||| If both sides are invalid, errors are accumulated.
public export
Monoid e => Alternative (Validated e) where
empty = neutral
l@(Valid _) <|> _ = l
_ <|> r@(Valid _) = r
Invalid e1 <|> Invalid e2 = Invalid $ e1 <+> e2
public export
Foldable (Validated e) where
foldr op init $ Valid x = x `op` init
foldr _ init $ Invalid _ = init
foldl op init $ Valid x = init `op` x
foldl _ init $ Invalid _ = init
null $ Valid _ = False
null $ Invalid _ = True
public export
Traversable (Validated e) where
traverse f $ Valid x = Valid <$> f x
traverse _ $ Invalid e = pure $ Invalid e
public export
Semigroup e => Zippable (Validated e) where
zipWith f (Valid l) (Valid r) = Valid $ f l r
zipWith _ (Valid _) (Invalid r) = Invalid r
zipWith _ (Invalid l) (Valid _) = Invalid l
zipWith _ (Invalid l) (Invalid r) = Invalid $ l <+> r
zipWith3 f (Valid x) (Valid y) (Valid z) = Valid $ f x y z
zipWith3 _ (Valid _) (Valid _) (Invalid z) = Invalid z
zipWith3 _ (Valid _) (Invalid y) (Valid _) = Invalid y
zipWith3 _ (Valid _) (Invalid y) (Invalid z) = Invalid $ y <+> z
zipWith3 _ (Invalid x) (Valid _) (Valid _) = Invalid x
zipWith3 _ (Invalid x) (Valid _) (Invalid z) = Invalid $ x <+> z
zipWith3 _ (Invalid x) (Invalid y) (Valid _) = Invalid $ x <+> y
zipWith3 _ (Invalid x) (Invalid y) (Invalid z) = Invalid $ x <+> y <+> z
unzipWith f (Valid x) = let (a, b) = f x in (Valid a, Valid b)
unzipWith _ (Invalid e) = (Invalid e, Invalid e)
unzipWith3 f (Valid x) = let (a, b, c) = f x in (Valid a, Valid b, Valid c)
unzipWith3 _ (Invalid e) = (Invalid e, Invalid e, Invalid e)
public export
Uninhabited (Valid x = Invalid e) where
uninhabited Refl impossible
public export
Uninhabited (Invalid e = Valid x) where
uninhabited Refl impossible
public export
(DecEq e, DecEq a) => DecEq (Validated e a) where
decEq (Valid x) (Invalid y) = No uninhabited
decEq (Invalid x) (Valid y) = No uninhabited
decEq (Valid x) (Valid y) with (decEq x y)
decEq (Valid _) (Valid _) | Yes p = rewrite p in Yes Refl
decEq (Valid _) (Valid _) | No up = No $ \case Refl => up Refl
decEq (Invalid x) (Invalid y) with (decEq x y)
decEq (Invalid _) (Invalid _) | Yes p = rewrite p in Yes Refl
decEq (Invalid _) (Invalid _) | No up = No $ \case Refl => up Refl
--- Convenience representations ---
||| Special case of `Validated` with a `List` as an error accumulator.
public export %inline
ValidatedL : Type -> Type -> Type
ValidatedL = Validated . List1
public export %inline
oneInvalid : Applicative f => e -> Validated (f e) a
oneInvalid = Invalid . pure
--- Conversions to and from `Either` ---
public export %inline
fromEither : Either e a -> Validated e a
fromEither $ Right x = Valid x
fromEither $ Left e = Invalid e
public export %inline
fromEitherL : Either e a -> ValidatedL e a
fromEitherL $ Right x = Valid x
fromEitherL $ Left e = oneInvalid e
public export %inline
toEither : Validated e a -> Either e a
toEither $ Valid x = Right x
toEither $ Invalid e = Left e
--- Conversions to and from `Maybe` ---
public export %inline
fromMaybe : Monoid e => Maybe a -> Validated e a
fromMaybe $ Just x = Valid x
fromMaybe $ Nothing = empty
public export %inline
toMaybe : Validated e a -> Maybe a
toMaybe $ Valid x = Just x
toMaybe $ Invalid _ = Nothing
--- Property of being valid ---
public export
data IsValid : Validated e a -> Type where
ItIsValid : IsValid $ Valid x
Uninhabited (IsValid $ Invalid e) where
uninhabited ItIsValid impossible
public export
isItValid : (v : Validated e a) -> Dec (IsValid v)
isItValid $ Valid _ = Yes ItIsValid
isItValid $ Invalid _ = No absurd