CodingCellist 18e887389f
[ papers ] Port the first part of "Deferring the details [...]" by Liam O'Connor (#2974)
Co-authored-by: Guillaume Allais <>
2023-07-05 16:42:58 +01:00

410 lines
10 KiB

||| The content of this module is based on the paper
||| A Type-Based Approach to Divide-And-Conquer Recursion in Coq
||| by Pedro Abreu, Benjamin Delaware, Alex Hubers, Christa Jenkins,
||| J. Garret Morris, and Aaron Stump
||| The original paper relies on Coq's impredicative Set axiom,
||| something we don't have access to in Idris 2. We can however
||| reproduce the results by ignoring the type levels
module Control.DivideAndConquer
%default total
namespace Section4Sub1
public export
data ListF : (a, x : Type) -> Type where
Nil : ListF a x
(::) : a -> x -> ListF a x
lengthAlg : ListF a Nat -> Nat
lengthAlg [] = 0
lengthAlg (_ :: n) = S n
public export
Functor (ListF a) where
map f [] = []
map f (x :: xs) = x :: f xs
namespace Section6Sub1
public export
-- Only accepted because there is currently no universe check
data Mu : (Type -> Type) -> Type where
MkMu : forall r. (r -> Mu f) -> f r -> Mu f
public export
inMu : f (Mu f) -> Mu f
inMu = MkMu id
public export
outMu : Functor f => Mu f -> f (Mu f)
outMu (MkMu f d) = f <$> d
public export
fold : Functor f => (f a -> a) -> Mu f -> a
fold alg (MkMu f r) = alg (assert_total (fold alg . f <$> r))
namespace Section4Sub1
list : Type -> Type
list = Mu . ListF
namespace Smart
Nil : list a
Nil = inMu []
(::) : a -> list a -> list a
x :: xs = inMu (x :: xs)
fromList : List a -> list a
fromList = foldr (::) []
toList : list a -> List a
toList = fold $ \case
[] => []
(x :: xs) => x :: xs
namespace Section4Sub2
public export
KAlg : Type
KAlg = (Type -> Type) -> Type
public export
0 Mono : (KAlg -> KAlg) -> Type
Mono f
= forall a, b.
(forall x. a x -> b x) ->
(forall x. f a x -> f b x)
public export
data Mu : (KAlg -> KAlg) -> KAlg where
MkMu : (forall x. a x -> Mu f x) ->
(forall x. f a x -> Mu f x)
public export
inMu : f (Mu f) x -> Mu f x
inMu = MkMu id
public export
outMu : Mono f -> Mu f x -> f (Mu f) x
outMu m (MkMu f d) = m f d
parameters (0 f : Type -> Type)
public export
0 FoldT : KAlg -> Type -> Type
FoldT a r
= forall x.
Functor x =>
a x -> r -> x r
public export
0 SAlgF : KAlg -> (Type -> Type) -> Type
SAlgF a x
= forall p, r.
(r -> p) ->
FoldT a r ->
(f r -> p) ->
(r -> x r) ->
f r -> x p
public export
0 SAlg : (Type -> Type) -> Type
SAlg = Mu SAlgF
public export
0 AlgF : KAlg -> (Type -> Type) -> Type
AlgF a x
= forall r.
FoldT a r ->
FoldT SAlg r ->
(r -> x r) ->
f r -> x r
public export
0 Alg : (Type -> Type) -> Type
Alg = Mu AlgF
public export
inSAlg : SAlgF SAlg x -> SAlg x
inSAlg = inMu
public export
monoSAlgF : Mono SAlgF
monoSAlgF f salg up sfo = salg up (sfo . f)
public export
outSAlg : SAlg x -> SAlgF SAlg x
outSAlg = outMu monoSAlgF
public export
inAlg : AlgF Alg x -> Alg x
inAlg = inMu
public export
monoAlgF : Mono AlgF
monoAlgF f alg fo = alg (fo . f)
public export
outAlg : Alg x -> AlgF Alg x
outAlg = outMu monoAlgF
namespace Section6Sub2
parameters (0 f : Type -> Type)
public export
0 DcF : Type -> Type
DcF a = forall x. Functor x => Alg f x -> x a
public export
functorDcF : Functor DcF
functorDcF = MkFunctor $ \ f, dc, alg => map f (dc alg)
public export
0 Dc : Type
Dc = Mu DcF
public export
fold : FoldT f (Alg f) Dc
fold alg dc = outMu @{functorDcF} dc alg
public export
record RevealT (x : Type -> Type) (r : Type) where
constructor MkRevealT
runRevealT : (r -> Dc) -> x Dc
public export %hint
functorRevealT : Functor (RevealT x)
functorRevealT = MkFunctor $ \ f, t =>
MkRevealT (\ g => runRevealT t (g . f))
public export
promote : Functor x => SAlg f x -> Alg f (RevealT x)
promote salg
= inAlg f $ \ fo, sfo, rec, fr =>
MkRevealT $ \ reveal =>
let abstIn := \ fr => inMu (\ alg => reveal <$> outAlg f alg fo sfo (fo alg) fr) in
outSAlg f salg reveal sfo abstIn (sfo salg) fr
public export
sfold : FoldT f (SAlg f) Dc
sfold salg dc = runRevealT (fold (promote salg) dc) id
public export
inDc : f Dc -> Dc
inDc d = inMu (\ alg => outAlg f alg fold sfold (fold alg) d)
out : Functor f => FoldT f (SAlg f) r -> r -> f r
out sfo = sfo (inSAlg f (\ up, _, _, _ => map up))
namespace Section5Sub1
public export
0 list : Type -> Type
list a = Dc (ListF a)
namespace Smart
public export
Nil : list a
Nil = inDc (ListF a) []
public export
(::) : a -> list a -> list a
x :: xs = inDc (ListF a) (x :: xs)
public export
fromList : List a -> list a
fromList = foldr (::) []
public export
0 SpanF : Type -> Type -> Type
SpanF a x = (List a, x)
SpanSAlg : (a -> Bool) -> SAlg (ListF a) (SpanF a)
SpanSAlg p = inSAlg (ListF a) $ \up, sfo, abstIn, span, xs =>
case xs of
[] => ([], abstIn xs)
(x :: xs') =>
if p x
then let (r, s) = span xs' in (x :: r, up s)
else ([], abstIn xs)
spanr : FoldT (ListF a) (SAlg (ListF a)) r ->
(a -> Bool) -> (xs : r) -> SpanF a r
spanr sfo p xs = sfo (SpanSAlg p) @{MkFunctor mapSnd} xs
breakr : FoldT (ListF a) (SAlg (ListF a)) r ->
(a -> Bool) -> (xs : r) -> SpanF a r
breakr sfo p = spanr sfo (not . p)
WordsByAlg : (a -> Bool) -> Alg (ListF a) (const (List (List a)))
WordsByAlg p = inAlg (ListF a) $ \ fo, sfo, wordsBy, xs =>
case xs of
[] => []
(hd :: tl) =>
if p hd
then wordsBy tl
let (w, rest) = breakr sfo p tl in
(hd :: w) :: wordsBy rest
wordsBy : (a -> Bool) -> (xs : List a) -> List (List a)
wordsBy p = fold (ListF a) @{MkFunctor (const id)} (WordsByAlg p) . fromList
namespace Section5Sub3
data NatF x = Z | S x
0 nat : Type
nat = Dc NatF
fromNat : Nat -> Section5Sub3.nat
fromNat Z = inDc NatF Z
fromNat (S n) = inDc NatF (S (fromNat n))
toNat : Section5Sub3.nat -> Nat
toNat = fold NatF @{MkFunctor (const id)} idAlg where
idAlg : Alg NatF (const Nat)
idAlg = inAlg NatF $ \ fo, sfo, toNat, n =>
case n of
Z => Z
S n' => S (toNat n')
zeroSAlg : SAlg NatF
zeroSAlg = inSAlg NatF $ \ up, sfo, abstIn, zero, n =>
case n of
Z => abstIn n
S p => up (zero (zero p))
zero : Nat -> Nat
zero = toNat . sfold NatF @{MkFunctor id} zeroSAlg . fromNat
namespace Section5Sub3
data TreeF a x = Node a (List x)
0 tree : Type -> Type
tree a = Dc (TreeF a)
node : a -> List (tree a) -> tree a
node n ts = inDc (TreeF a) (Node n ts)
mirrorAlg : SAlg (TreeF a)
mirrorAlg = inSAlg (TreeF a) $ \ up, sfo, abstIn, mirror, t =>
case t of Node a ts => abstIn (Node a $ map mirror (reverse ts))
mirror : tree a -> tree a
mirror = sfold (TreeF a) @{MkFunctor id} mirrorAlg
namespace Section5Sub4
0 MappedT : (a, b : Type) -> Type
MappedT a b = forall r. FoldT (ListF a) (SAlg (ListF a)) r -> a -> r -> (b, r)
MapThroughAlg : MappedT a b -> Alg (ListF a) (const (List b))
MapThroughAlg f = inAlg (ListF a) $ \fo, sfo, mapThrough, xs =>
case xs of
[] => []
hd :: tl =>
let (b, rest) = f sfo hd tl in
b :: mapThrough rest
mapThrough : MappedT a b -> list a -> List b
mapThrough f = fold (ListF a) (MapThroughAlg f) @{MkFunctor (const id)}
compressSpan : Eq a => MappedT a (Nat, a)
compressSpan sfo hd tl
= let (pref, rest) = spanr sfo (hd ==) tl in
((S (length pref), hd), rest)
runLengthEncoding : Eq a => List a -> List (Nat, a)
runLengthEncoding = mapThrough compressSpan . fromList
namespace Section5Sub5
K : Type -> Type
K t = t -> Bool
MatchT : Type -> Type
MatchT t = K t -> Bool
data Regex = Zero | Exact Char | Sum Regex Regex | Cat Regex Regex | Plus Regex
matchi : (t -> Regex -> MatchT t) -> Regex -> Char -> t -> MatchT t
matchi matcher Zero c cs k = False
matchi matcher (Exact c') c cs k = (c == c') && k cs
matchi matcher (Sum r1 r2) c cs k = matchi matcher r1 c cs k || matchi matcher r2 c cs k
matchi matcher (Cat r1 r2) c cs k = matchi matcher r1 c cs (\ cs => matcher cs r2 k)
matchi matcher (Plus r) c cs k = matchi matcher r c cs (\ cs => k cs || matcher cs (Plus r) k)
MatcherF : Type -> Type
MatcherF t = Regex -> MatchT t
functorMatcherF : Functor MatcherF
functorMatcherF = MkFunctor (\ f, t, r, p => t r (p . f))
MatcherAlg : Alg (ListF Char) MatcherF
MatcherAlg = inAlg (ListF Char) $ \ fo, sfo, matcher, s =>
case s of
[] => \ r, k => False
(c :: cs) => \ r => matchi matcher r c cs
match : Regex -> String -> Bool
match r str = fold (ListF Char) MatcherAlg @{functorMatcherF} chars r isNil
isNil : Mu (DcF (ListF Char)) -> Bool
isNil = fold (ListF Char) {x = const Bool} @{MkFunctor (const id)}
$ inAlg (ListF Char)
$ \fo, sfo, rec, xs => case xs of
Nil => True
(_ :: _) => False
chars : Mu (DcF (ListF Char))
chars = fromList (unpack str)
matchExample : Bool
matchExample = match (Plus $ Cat (Sum (Exact 'a') (Exact 'b')) (Exact 'a')) "aabaaaba"
namespace Section5Sub6
parameters {0 a : Type} (ltA : a -> a -> Bool)
0 PartF : Type -> Type
PartF x = a -> (x, x)
PartSAlg : SAlg (ListF a) PartF
PartSAlg = inSAlg (ListF a) $ \up, sfo, abstIn, partition, d, pivot => case d of
[] => let xs = abstIn d in (xs, xs)
x :: xs => let (l, r) = partition xs pivot in
if ltA x pivot then (abstIn (x :: l), up r)
else (up l, abstIn (x :: r))
partr : (sfo : FoldT (ListF a) (SAlg (ListF a)) r) -> r -> a -> (r, r)
partr sfo = sfo @{MkFunctor $ \ f, p, x => bimap f f (p x)} PartSAlg
QuickSortAlg : Alg (ListF a) (const (List a))
QuickSortAlg = inAlg (ListF a) $ \ fo, sfo, qsort, xs => case xs of
[] => []
p :: xs => let (l, r) = partr sfo xs p in
qsort l ++ p :: qsort r
quicksort : List a -> List a
quicksort = fold (ListF a) QuickSortAlg @{MkFunctor (const id)} . fromList
sortExample : String -> String
sortExample = pack . quicksort (<=) . unpack