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||| The content of this module is based on the paper
||| A Completely Unique Account of Enumeration
||| by Cas van der Rest, and Wouter Swierstra
||| https://doi.org/10.1145/3547636
module Data.Enumerate
import Data.List
import Data.Description.Regular
import Data.Stream
import Data.Enumerate.Common
%default total
-- Definition of enumerators
||| An (a,b)-enumerator is an enumerator for values of type b provided
||| that we already know how to enumerate subterms of type a
record Enumerator (a, b : Type) where
constructor MkEnumerator
runEnumerator : List a -> List b
-- Combinators to build enumerators
Functor (Enumerator a) where
map f (MkEnumerator enum) = MkEnumerator (\ as => f <$> enum as)
||| This interleaving is fair, unlike one defined using concatMap.
||| Cf. paper for definition of fairness
pairWith : (b -> c -> d) -> Enumerator a b -> Enumerator a c -> Enumerator a d
pairWith f (MkEnumerator e1) (MkEnumerator e2)
= MkEnumerator (\ as => prodWith f (e1 as) (e2 as)) where
pair : Enumerator a b -> Enumerator a c -> Enumerator a (b, c)
pair = pairWith (,)
Applicative (Enumerator a) where
pure = MkEnumerator . const . pure
(<*>) = pairWith ($)
Monad (Enumerator a) where
xs >>= ks = MkEnumerator $ \ as =>
foldr (\ x => interleave (runEnumerator (ks x) as)) []
(runEnumerator xs as)
Alternative (Enumerator a) where
empty = MkEnumerator (const [])
MkEnumerator e1 <|> MkEnumerator e2 = MkEnumerator (\ as => interleave (e1 as) (e2 as))
||| Like `pure` but returns more than one result
const : List b -> Enumerator a b
const = MkEnumerator . const
||| The construction of recursive substructures is memoised by
||| simply passing the result of the recursive call
rec : Enumerator a a
rec = MkEnumerator id
namespace Example
data Tree : Type where
Leaf : Tree
Node : Tree -> Tree -> Tree
tree : Enumerator Tree Tree
tree = pure Leaf <|> Node <$> rec <*> rec
-- Extracting values by running an enumerator
||| Assuming that the enumerator is building one layer of term,
||| sized e n willl produce a list of values of depth n
sized : Enumerator a a -> Nat -> List a
sized (MkEnumerator enum) = go where
go : Nat -> List a
go Z = []
go (S n) = enum (go n)
||| Assuming that the enumerator is building one layer of term,
||| stream e will produce a list of increasingly deep values
stream : Enumerator a a -> Stream (List a)
stream (MkEnumerator enum) = iterate enum []
-- Defining generic enumerators for regular types
regular : (d : Desc List) -> Enumerator (Fix d) (Fix d)
regular d = MkFix <$> go d where
go : (e : Desc List) -> Enumerator (Fix d) (Elem e (Fix d))
go Zero = empty
go One = pure ()
go Id = rec
go (Const s prop) = const prop
go (d1 * d2) = pair (go d1) (go d2)
go (d1 + d2) = Left <$> go d1 <|> Right <$> go d2
namespace Example
ListD : List a -> Desc List
ListD as = One + (Const a as * Id)
lists : (xs : List a) -> Nat -> List (Fix (ListD xs))
lists xs = sized (regular (ListD xs))
encode : {0 xs : List a} -> List a -> Fix (ListD xs)
encode = foldr (\x, xs => MkFix (Right (x, xs))) (MkFix (Left ()))
decode : {xs : List a} -> Fix (ListD xs) -> List a
decode = fold (either (const []) (uncurry (::)))
-- [[], ['a'], ['a', 'a'], ['b'], ['a', 'b'], ['b', 'a'], ['b', 'b']]
abs : List (List Char)
abs = decode <$> lists ['a', 'b'] 3