Jeremy 394613432f
Add documentation for Control.Monad.* (#2365)
Co-authored-by: Zoe Stafford <>
2022-03-25 10:14:25 +00:00

77 lines
1.9 KiB

||| Provides mutable references as described in Lazy Functional State Threads.
module Control.Monad.ST
import Data.IORef
%default total
||| A mutable reference, bound to a state thread.
||| A value of type `STRef s a` contains a mutable `a`, bound to a "thread"
||| `s`. Any access to the reference must occur in an `ST s` monad with the
||| same "thread".
data STRef : Type -> Type -> Type where
MkSTRef : IORef a -> STRef s a
||| The `ST` monad allows for mutable access to references, but unlike `IO`, it
||| is "escapable".
||| The parameter `s` is a "thread" -- it ensures that access to mutable
||| references created in each thread must occur in that same thread.
data ST : Type -> Type -> Type where
MkST : IO a -> ST s a
||| Run a `ST` computation.
runST : (forall s . ST s a) -> a
runST p
= let MkST prog = p {s = ()} in -- anything will do :)
unsafePerformIO prog
Functor (ST s) where
map fn (MkST st) = MkST $ fn <$> st
Applicative (ST s) where
pure = MkST . pure
MkST f <*> MkST a = MkST $ f <*> a
Monad (ST s) where
MkST p >>= k
= MkST $ do p' <- p
let MkST kp = k p'
||| Create a new mutable reference with the given value.
newSTRef : a -> ST s (STRef s a)
newSTRef val
= MkST $ do r <- newIORef val
pure (MkSTRef r)
||| Read the value of a mutable reference.
||| This occurs within `ST s` to prevent `STRef`s from being usable if they are
||| "leaked" via `runST`.
readSTRef : STRef s a -> ST s a
readSTRef (MkSTRef r) = MkST $ readIORef r
||| Write to a mutable reference.
writeSTRef : STRef s a -> (val : a) -> ST s ()
writeSTRef (MkSTRef r) val = MkST $ writeIORef r val
||| Apply a function to the contents of a mutable reference.
modifySTRef : STRef s a -> (a -> a) -> ST s ()
modifySTRef ref f
= do val <- readSTRef ref
writeSTRef ref (f val)