2020-07-06 14:13:56 +02:00

65 lines
1.7 KiB

module Main
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String.Parser
%default partial
-- Build this program with '-p contrib'
showRes : Show a => Either String (a, Int) -> IO ()
showRes res = case res of
Left err => putStrLn err
Right (xs, rem) => printLn xs
-- test lifting
parseStuff : ParseT IO ()
parseStuff = do a <- string "abc"
lift $ putStrLn "hiya"
b <- string "def"
pure ()
-- test a parsing from a pure function
pureParsing : String -> Either String ((List Char), Int)
pureParsing str = parse (many (satisfy isDigit)) str
-- test option
optParser : ParseT IO String
optParser = do res <- option "" (takeWhile isDigit)
string "def"
pure $ res
-- test optional
maybeParser : ParseT IO Bool
maybeParser = do res <- optional (string "abc")
string "def"
pure $ isJust res
main : IO ()
main = do
res <- parseT parseStuff "abcdef"
res <- parseT (string "hi") "hiyaaaaaa"
case res of
Left err => putStrLn "NOOOOOOO!"
Right ((), i) => printLn i
bad <- parseT (satisfy isDigit) "a"
showRes bad
bad2 <- parseT (string "good" <?> "Not good") "bad bad bad"
showRes bad2
digs <- parseT (many (satisfy isDigit)) "766775"
showRes digs
showRes $ pureParsing "63553"
s <- parseT (takeWhile isDigit) "887abc8993"
showRes s
res <- parseT optParser "123def"
showRes res
res <- parseT optParser "def"
showRes res
res <- parseT maybeParser "abcdef"
showRes res
res <- parseT maybeParser "def"
showRes res
pure ()