2021-04-12 15:48:46 +02:00

361 lines
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||| Core features required to perform Golden file testing.
||| We provide the core functionality to run a *single* golden file test, or
||| a whole test tree.
||| This allows the developer freedom to use as is or design the rest of the
||| test harness to their liking.
||| This was originally used as part of Idris2's own test suite and
||| the core functionality is useful for the many and not the few.
||| Please see Idris2 test harness for example usage.
||| # Test Structure
||| This harness works from the assumption that each individual golden test
||| comprises of a directory with the following structure:
||| + `run` a *shell* script that runs the test. We expect it to:
||| * Use `$1` as the variable standing for the idris executable to be tested
||| * May use `${IDRIS2_TESTS_CG}` to pick a codegen that ought to work
||| * Clean up after itself (e.g. by running `rm -rf build/`)
||| + `expected` a file containting the expected output of `run`
||| During testing, the test harness will generate an artefact named `output`
||| and display both outputs if there is a failure.
||| During an interactive session the following command is used to compare them
||| as they are:
||| ```sh
||| git diff --no-index --exit-code --word-diff=color expected output
||| ```
||| If `git` fails then the runner will simply present the expected and 'given'
||| files side-by-side.
||| Of note, it is helpful to add `output` to a local `.gitignore` instance
||| to ensure that it is not mistakenly versioned.
||| # Options
||| The test harness has several options that may be set:
||| + `idris2` The path of the executable we are testing.
||| + `codegen` The backend to use for code generation.
||| + `onlyNames` The tests to run relative to the generated executable.
||| + `interactive` Whether to offer to update the expected file or not.
||| + `timing` Whether to display time taken for each test.
||| + `threads` The maximum numbers to use (default: number of cores).
||| We provide an options parser (`options`) that takes the list of command line
||| arguments and constructs this for you.
||| # Usage
||| When compiled to an executable the expected usage is:
|||runtests <path to executable under test> [--timing] [--interactive] [--cg CODEGEN] [--threads N] [--only [NAMES]]
||| assuming that the test runner is compiled to an executable named `runtests`.
module Test.Golden
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.List1
import Data.Strings
import System
import System.Clock
import System.Directory
import System.File
import System.Future
import System.Info
import System.Path
-- [ Options ]
||| Options for the test driver.
public export
record Options where
constructor MkOptions
||| Name of the idris2 executable
exeUnderTest : String
||| Which codegen should we use?
codegen : Maybe String
||| Should we only run some specific cases?
onlyNames : List String
||| Should we run the test suite interactively?
interactive : Bool
||| Should we time and display the tests
timing : Bool
||| How many threads should we use?
threads : Nat
initOptions : String -> Options
initOptions exe
= MkOptions exe
usage : String -> String
usage exe = unwords
["Usage:", exe
, "runtests <path>"
, "[--timing]"
, "[--interactive]"
, "[--cg CODEGEN]"
, "[--threads N]"
, "[--only [NAMES]]"
||| Process the command line options.
options : List String -> Maybe Options
options args = case args of
(_ :: exe :: rest) => go rest (initOptions exe)
_ => Nothing
go : List String -> Options -> Maybe Options
go rest opts = case rest of
[] => pure opts
("--timing" :: xs) => go xs (record { timing = True} opts)
("--interactive" :: xs) => go xs (record { interactive = True } opts)
("--cg" :: cg :: xs) => go xs (record { codegen = Just cg } opts)
("--threads" :: n :: xs) => do let pos : Nat = !(parsePositive n)
go xs (record { threads = pos } opts)
("--only" :: xs) => pure $ record { onlyNames = xs } opts
_ => Nothing
-- [ Core ]
fail : String -> IO ()
fail err
= do putStrLn err
exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
||| Normalise strings between different OS.
||| on Windows, we just ignore backslashes and slashes when comparing,
||| similarity up to that is good enough. Leave errors that depend
||| on the confusion of slashes and backslashes to unix machines.
normalize : String -> String
normalize str =
if isWindows
then pack $ filter (\ch => ch /= '/' && ch /= '\\') (unpack str)
else str
||| Run the specified Golden test with the supplied options.
||| See the module documentation for more information.
||| @testPath the directory that contains the test.
runTest : Options -> String -> IO (Future Bool)
runTest opts testPath = forkIO $ do
start <- clockTime Thread
let cg = case codegen opts of
Nothing => ""
Just cg => "env IDRIS2_TESTS_CG=" ++ cg ++ " "
ignore $ system $ "cd " ++ testPath ++ " && " ++
cg ++ "sh ./run " ++ exeUnderTest opts ++ " | tr -d '\\r' > output"
end <- clockTime Thread
Right out <- readFile $ testPath ++ "/output"
| Left err => do print err
pure False
Right exp <- readFile $ testPath ++ "/expected"
| Left FileNotFound => do
if interactive opts
then mayOverwrite Nothing out
else print FileNotFound
pure False
| Left err => do print err
pure False
let result = normalize out == normalize exp
let time = timeDifference end start
if result
then printTiming (timing opts) time $ testPath ++ ": success"
else do
printTiming (timing opts) time $ testPath ++ ": FAILURE"
if interactive opts
then mayOverwrite (Just exp) out
else putStrLn . unlines $ expVsOut exp out
pure result
getAnswer : IO Bool
getAnswer = do
str <- getLine
case str of
"y" => pure True
"n" => pure False
_ => do putStrLn "Invalid Answer."
expVsOut : String -> String -> List String
expVsOut exp out = ["Expected:", exp, "Given:", out]
mayOverwrite : Maybe String -> String -> IO ()
mayOverwrite mexp out = do
case mexp of
Nothing => putStr $ unlines
[ "Golden value missing. I computed the following result:"
, out
, "Accept new golden value? [yn]"
Just exp => do
code <- system $ "git diff --no-index --exit-code --word-diff=color " ++
testPath ++ "/expected " ++ testPath ++ "/output"
putStrLn . unlines $
["Golden value differs from actual value."] ++
(if (code < 0) then expVsOut exp out else []) ++
["Accept actual value as new golden value? [yn]"]
b <- getAnswer
when b $ do Right _ <- writeFile (testPath ++ "/expected") out
| Left err => print err
pure ()
printTiming : Bool -> Clock type -> String -> IO ()
printTiming True clock msg = putStrLn (unwords [msg, show clock])
printTiming False _ msg = putStrLn msg
||| Find the first occurrence of an executable on `PATH`.
pathLookup : List String -> IO (Maybe String)
pathLookup names = do
path <- getEnv "PATH"
let extensions = if isWindows then [".exe", ".cmd", ".bat", ""] else [""]
let pathList = forget $ split (== pathSeparator) $ fromMaybe "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin" path
let candidates = [p ++ "/" ++ x ++ y | p <- pathList,
x <- names,
y <- extensions]
firstExists candidates
||| Some test may involve Idris' backends and have requirements.
||| We define here the ones supported by Idris
public export
data Requirement = C | Chez | Node | Racket | Gambit
Show Requirement where
show C = "C"
show Chez = "Chez"
show Node = "node"
show Racket = "racket"
show Gambit = "gambit"
checkRequirement : Requirement -> IO (Maybe String)
checkRequirement req
= if platformSupport req
then do let (envvar, paths) = requirement req
Just exec <- getEnv envvar | Nothing => pathLookup paths
pure (Just exec)
else pure Nothing
requirement : Requirement -> (String, List String)
requirement C = ("CC", ["cc"])
requirement Chez = ("CHEZ", ["chez", "chezscheme9.5", "scheme"])
requirement Node = ("NODE", ["node"])
requirement Racket = ("RACKET", ["racket"])
requirement Gambit = ("GAMBIT", ["gsc"])
platformSupport : Requirement -> Bool
platformSupport C = not isWindows
platformSupport Racket = not isWindows
platformSupport _ = True
findCG : IO (Maybe String)
= do Nothing <- getEnv "IDRIS2_TESTS_CG" | p => pure p
Nothing <- checkRequirement Chez | p => pure (Just "chez")
Nothing <- checkRequirement Node | p => pure (Just "node")
Nothing <- checkRequirement Racket | p => pure (Just "racket")
Nothing <- checkRequirement Gambit | p => pure (Just "gsc")
Nothing <- checkRequirement C | p => pure (Just "refc")
pure Nothing
||| A test pool is characterised by
||| + a list of requirement
||| + and a list of directory paths
public export
record TestPool where
constructor MkTestPool
constraints : List Requirement
testCases : List String
||| Only keep the tests that have been asked for
filterTests : Options -> List String -> List String
filterTests opts = case onlyNames opts of
[] => id
xs => filter (\ name => any (`isInfixOf` name) xs)
||| A runner for a test pool
poolRunner : Options -> TestPool -> IO (List Bool)
poolRunner opts pool
= do -- check that we indeed want to run some of these tests
let tests = filterTests opts (testCases pool)
let (_ :: _) = tests
| [] => pure []
-- if so make sure the constraints are satisfied
cs <- for (constraints pool) $ \ req => do
mfp <- checkRequirement req
putStrLn $ case mfp of
Nothing => show req ++ " not found"
Just fp => "Found " ++ show req ++ " at " ++ fp
pure mfp
let Just _ = the (Maybe (List String)) (sequence cs)
| Nothing => pure []
-- if so run them all!
loop [] tests
loop : List (List Bool) -> List String -> IO (List Bool)
loop acc [] = pure (concat $ reverse acc)
loop acc tests
= do let (now, later) = splitAt opts.threads tests
bs <- map await <$> traverse (runTest opts) now
loop (bs :: acc) later
||| A runner for a whole test suite
runner : List TestPool -> IO ()
runner tests
= do args <- getArgs
let (Just opts) = options args
| _ => do print args
putStrLn (usage "runtests")
-- if no CG has been set, find a sensible default based on what is available
opts <- case codegen opts of
Nothing => pure $ record { codegen = !findCG } opts
Just _ => pure opts
-- run the tests
res <- concat <$> traverse (poolRunner opts) tests
putStrLn (show (length (filter id res)) ++ "/" ++ show (length res)
++ " tests successful")
if (any not res)
then exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
else exitWith ExitSuccess
-- [ EOF ]