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synced 2024-12-18 16:51:51 +03:00
* [ breaking ] remove parsing of dangling binders It used to be the case that ``` ID : Type -> Type ID a = a test : ID (a : Type) -> a -> a test = \ a, x => x ``` and ``` head : List $ a -> Maybe a head [] = Nothing head (x :: _) = Just x ``` were accepted but these are now rejected because: * `ID (a : Type) -> a -> a` is parsed as `(ID (a : Type)) -> a -> a` * `List $ a -> Maybe a` is parsed as `List (a -> Maybe a)` Similarly if you want to use a lambda / rewrite / let expression as part of the last argument of an application, the use of `$` or parens is now mandatory. This should hopefully allow us to make progress on #1703
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||| Properties of Data.Vect.map
module Data.Vect.Properties.Map
import Data.Vect.Properties.Tabulate
import Data.Vect.Properties.Index
import Data.Vect.Properties.Foldr
import Data.Vect
import Data.Vect.Elem
import Data.Fin
import Data.Vect.Extra
import Syntax.PreorderReasoning
||| `map` functoriality: identity preservation
mapId : (xs : Vect n a) -> map Prelude.id xs = xs
mapId xs = vectorExtensionality _ _ $ \i => indexNaturality _ _ _
||| `mapWtihPos f` represents post-composition the tabulated function `f`
indexMapWithPos : (f : Fin n -> a -> b) -> (xs : Vect n a) -> (i : Fin n)
-> index i (mapWithPos f xs) = f i (index i xs)
indexMapWithPos f (x :: _ ) FZ = Refl
indexMapWithPos f (_ :: xs) (FS i) = indexMapWithPos _ _ _
||| `tabulate : (Fin n ->) -> Vect n` is a natural transformation
mapTabulate : (f : a -> b) -> (g : Fin n -> a)
-> tabulate (f . g) = map f (tabulate g)
mapTabulate f g = irrelevantEq $
vectorExtensionality _ _ $ \i => Calc $
|~ index i (tabulate (f . g))
~~ f (g i) ...(indexTabulate _ _)
~~ f (index i $ tabulate g) ...(cong f (sym $ indexTabulate _ _))
~~ index i (map f $ tabulate g) ...(sym $ indexNaturality _ _ _)
||| Tabulating with the constant function is replication
tabulateConstantly : (x : a) -> Fin.tabulate {len} (const x) === replicate len x
tabulateConstantly x = irrelevantEq $
vectorExtensionality _ _ $ \i => Calc $
|~ index i (Fin.tabulate (const x))
~~ x ...(indexTabulate _ _)
~~ index i (replicate _ x) ...(sym $ indexReplicate _ _)
||| It's enough that two functions agree on the elements of a vector for the maps to agree
mapRestrictedExtensional : (f, g : a -> b) -> (xs : Vect n a)
-> (prf : (i : Fin n) -> f (index i xs) = g (index i xs))
-> map f xs = map g xs
mapRestrictedExtensional f g xs prf = vectorExtensionality _ _ $ \i => Calc $
|~ index i (map f xs)
~~ f (index i xs) ...( indexNaturality _ _ _)
~~ g (index i xs) ...(prf _)
~~ index i (map g xs) ...(sym $ indexNaturality _ _ _)
||| function extensionality is a congruence wrt map
mapExtensional : (f, g : a -> b)
-> (prf : (x : a) -> f x = g x)
-> (xs : Vect n a)
-> map f xs = map g xs
mapExtensional f g prf xs = mapRestrictedExtensional f g xs (\i => prf (index i xs))
||| map-fusion property for vectors up to function extensionality
mapFusion : (f : b -> c) -> (g : a -> b) -> (xs : Vect n a)
-> map f (map g xs) = map (f . g) xs
mapFusion f g [] = Refl
mapFusion f g (x :: xs) = cong (f $ g x ::) $ mapFusion f g xs
||| function extensionality is a congruence wrt mapWithElem
mapWithElemExtensional : (xs : Vect n a) -> (f, g : (x : a) -> (0 _ : x `Elem` xs) -> b)
-> ((x : a) -> (0 pos : x `Elem` xs) -> f x pos = g x pos)
-> mapWithElem xs f = mapWithElem xs g
mapWithElemExtensional [] f g prf = Refl
mapWithElemExtensional (x :: xs) f g prf
= cong2 (::) (prf x Here)
(mapWithElemExtensional xs _ _ (\x,pos => prf x (There pos)))