2021-06-28 13:48:37 +01:00

202 lines
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module System.Directory.Tree
import Data.DPair
import Data.List
import Data.Nat
import Data.String
import System.Directory
import System.Path
%default total
-- Filenames
||| A `Filename root` is anchored in `root`.
||| We use a `data` type so that Idris can easily infer `root` when passing
||| a `FileName` around. We do not use a `record` because we do not want to
||| allow users to manufacture their own `FileName`.
||| To get an absolute path, we need to append said filename to the root.
data FileName : Path -> Type where
MkFileName : String -> FileName root
||| Project the string out of a `FileName`.
fileName : FileName root -> String
fileName (MkFileName str) = str
namespace FileName
toRelative : FileName root -> FileName (parse "")
toRelative (MkFileName x) = MkFileName x
||| Convert a filename anchored in `root` to a filepath by appending the name
||| to the root path.
toFilePath : {root : Path} -> FileName root -> Path
toFilePath file = root /> fileName file
directoryExists : {root : Path} -> FileName root -> IO Bool
directoryExists fp = do
Right dir <- openDir (show $ toFilePath fp)
| Left _ => pure False
closeDir dir
pure True
-- Directory trees
||| A `Tree root` is the representation of a directory tree anchored in `root`.
||| Each directory contains a list of files and a list of subtrees waiting to be
||| explored. The fact these subtrees are IO-bound means the subtrees will be
||| lazily constructed on demand.
public export
SubTree : Path -> Type
public export
record Tree (root : Path) where
constructor MkTree
files : List (FileName root)
subTrees : List (SubTree root)
SubTree root = (dir : FileName root ** IO (Tree (root /> fileName dir)))
||| An empty tree contains no files and has no sub-directories.
emptyTree : Tree root
emptyTree = MkTree [] []
namespace Tree
||| No run time information is changed,
||| so we assert the identity.
toRelative : Tree root -> Tree (parse "")
toRelative x = believe_me x
||| Filter out files and directories that do not satisfy a given predicate.
filter : (filePred, dirPred : {root : _} -> FileName root -> Bool) ->
{root : _} -> Tree root -> Tree root
filter filePred dirPred (MkTree files dirs) = MkTree files' dirs' where
files' : List (FileName root)
files' = filter filePred files
dirs' : List (SubTree root)
dirs' = flip mapMaybe dirs $ \ (dname ** iot) => do
guard (dirPred dname)
pure (dname ** map (assert_total (filter filePred dirPred)) iot)
||| Sort the lists of files and directories using the given comparison functions
sortBy : (fileCmp, dirCmp : {root : _} -> FileName root -> FileName root -> Ordering) ->
{root : _} -> Tree root -> Tree root
sortBy fileCmp dirCmp (MkTree files dirs) = MkTree files' dirs' where
files' : List (FileName root)
files' = sortBy fileCmp files
dirs' : List (SubTree root)
dirs' = sortBy (\ d1, d2 => dirCmp (fst d1) (fst d2))
$ flip map dirs $ \ (dname ** iot) =>
(dname ** map (assert_total (sortBy fileCmp dirCmp)) iot)
||| Sort the list of files and directories alphabetically
sort : {root : _} -> Tree root -> Tree root
sort = sortBy cmp cmp where
cmp : {root : _} -> FileName root -> FileName root -> Ordering
cmp a b = compare (fileName a) (fileName b)
||| Exploring a filesystem from a given root to produce a tree
explore : (root : Path) -> IO (Tree root)
go : {root : Path} -> Directory -> Tree root -> IO (Tree root)
explore root = do
Right dir <- openDir (show root)
| Left err => pure emptyTree
assert_total (go dir emptyTree)
go dir acc = case !(dirEntry dir) of
-- If there is no next entry then we are done and can return the accumulator.
Left err => acc <$ closeDir dir
-- Otherwise we have an entry and need to categorise it
Right entry => do
-- ignore aliases for current and parent directories
let False = elem entry [".", ".."]
| _ => assert_total (go dir acc)
-- if the entry is a directory, add it to the (lazily explored)
-- list of subdirectories
let entry : FileName root = MkFileName entry
let acc = if !(directoryExists entry)
then { subTrees $= ((entry ** explore _) ::) } acc
else { files $= (entry ::) } acc
assert_total (go dir acc)
||| Depth first traversal of all of the files in a tree
depthFirst : ({root : Path} -> FileName root -> Lazy (IO a) -> IO a) ->
{root : Path} -> Tree root -> IO a -> IO a
depthFirst check t k =
let next = foldr (\ (dir ** iot), def => depthFirst check !iot def) k t.subTrees in
foldr (\ fn, def => check fn def) next t.files
||| Finding a file in a tree (depth first search)
findFile : {root : Path} -> String -> Tree root -> IO (Maybe Path)
findFile needle t = depthFirst check t (pure Nothing) where
check : {root : Path} -> FileName root ->
Lazy (IO (Maybe Path)) -> IO (Maybe Path)
check fn next = if fileName fn == needle
then pure (Just (toFilePath fn))
else next
||| Display a tree by printing it procedurally. Note that because directory
||| trees contain suspended computations corresponding to their subtrees this
||| has to be an `IO` function. We make it return Unit rather than a String
||| because we do not want to assume that the tree is finite.
print : Tree root -> IO ()
print t = go [([], ".", Evidence root (pure t))] where
-- This implementation is unadulterated black magic.
-- Do NOT touch it if nothing is broken.
padding : Bool -> List Bool -> String
padding isDir = fastConcat . go [] where
go : List String -> List Bool -> List String
go acc [] = acc
go acc (b :: bs) = go (hd :: acc) bs where
hd : String
hd = if isDir && isNil acc
then if b then "" else ""
else if b then "" else " "
prefixes : Nat -> List Bool
prefixes n = snoc (replicate (pred n) True) False
go : List (List Bool, String, Exists (IO . Tree)) -> IO ()
go [] = pure ()
go ((bs, fn, Evidence _ iot) :: iots) = do
t <- iot
putStrLn (padding True bs ++ fn)
let pad = padding False bs
let pads = prefixes (length t.files + length t.subTrees)
for_ (zip pads t.files) $ \ (b, fp) =>
putStrLn (pad ++ (if b then "" else "") ++ fileName fp)
let bss = map (:: bs) (prefixes (length t.subTrees))
go (zipWith (\ bs, (dir ** iot) => (bs, fileName dir, Evidence _ iot)) bss t.subTrees)
go iots