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synced 2024-12-17 00:10:31 +03:00
For the same behaviour as Idris 1, the primitive cast should return 0 if the integer is out of bounds. (We should probably drop the Cast implementation though, since ideally they won't be lossy in general, but that's an issue for another time...) All the tests pass in racket now, for me.
246 lines
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246 lines
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(define (blodwen-os)
(case (machine-type)
[(i3le ti3le a6le ta6le) "unix"]
[(i3osx ti3osx a6osx ta6osx) "darwin"]
[(i3nt ti3nt a6nt ta6nt) "windows"]
[else "unknown"]))
(define blodwen-read-args (lambda (desc)
(case (vector-ref desc 0)
((0) '())
((1) (cons (vector-ref desc 2)
(blodwen-read-args (vector-ref desc 3)))))))
(define b+ (lambda (x y bits) (remainder (+ x y) (expt 2 bits))))
(define b- (lambda (x y bits) (remainder (- x y) (expt 2 bits))))
(define b* (lambda (x y bits) (remainder (* x y) (expt 2 bits))))
(define b/ (lambda (x y bits) (remainder (exact-floor (/ x y)) (expt 2 bits))))
(define blodwen-shl (lambda (x y) (ash x y)))
(define blodwen-shr (lambda (x y) (ash x (- y))))
(define blodwen-and (lambda (x y) (logand x y)))
(define blodwen-or (lambda (x y) (logor x y)))
(define blodwen-xor (lambda (x y) (logxor x y)))
(define cast-num
(lambda (x)
(if (number? x) x 0)))
(define destroy-prefix
(lambda (x)
((equal? x "") "")
((equal? (string-ref x 0) #\#) "")
(else x))))
(define cast-string-int
(lambda (x)
(floor (cast-num (string->number (destroy-prefix x))))))
(define cast-int-char
(lambda (x)
(if (and (>= x 0)
(<= x #x10ffff))
(integer->char x)
(define exact-floor
(lambda (x)
(inexact->exact (floor x))))
(define cast-string-double
(lambda (x)
(cast-num (string->number (destroy-prefix x)))))
(define string-cons (lambda (x y) (string-append (string x) y)))
(define get-tag (lambda (x) (vector-ref x 0)))
(define string-reverse (lambda (x)
(list->string (reverse (string->list x)))))
(define (string-substr off len s)
(let* ((l (string-length s))
(b (max 0 off))
(x (max 0 len))
(end (min l (+ b x))))
(if (> b l)
(substring s b end))))
(define either-left
(lambda (x)
(vector 0 x)))
(define either-right
(lambda (x)
(vector 1 x)))
(define blodwen-error-quit
(lambda (msg)
(display msg)
(exit 1)))
(define (blodwen-get-line p)
(if (port? p)
(let ((str (get-line p)))
(if (eof-object? str)
(define (blodwen-get-char p)
(if (port? p)
(let ((chr (get-char p)))
(if (eof-object? chr)
;; Buffers
(define (blodwen-new-buffer size)
(make-bytevector size 0))
(define (blodwen-buffer-size buf)
(bytevector-length buf))
(define (blodwen-buffer-setbyte buf loc val)
(bytevector-u8-set! buf loc val))
(define (blodwen-buffer-getbyte buf loc)
(bytevector-u8-ref buf loc))
(define (blodwen-buffer-setint buf loc val)
(bytevector-s64-set! buf loc val (native-endianness)))
(define (blodwen-buffer-getint buf loc)
(bytevector-s64-ref buf loc (native-endianness)))
(define (blodwen-buffer-setint32 buf loc val)
(bytevector-s32-set! buf loc val (native-endianness)))
(define (blodwen-buffer-getint32 buf loc)
(bytevector-s32-ref buf loc (native-endianness)))
(define (blodwen-buffer-setdouble buf loc val)
(bytevector-ieee-double-set! buf loc val (native-endianness)))
(define (blodwen-buffer-getdouble buf loc)
(bytevector-ieee-double-ref buf loc (native-endianness)))
(define (blodwen-stringbytelen str)
(bytevector-length (string->utf8 str)))
(define (blodwen-buffer-setstring buf loc val)
(let* [(strvec (string->utf8 val))
(len (bytevector-length strvec))]
(bytevector-copy! strvec 0 buf loc len)))
(define (blodwen-buffer-getstring buf loc len)
(let [(newvec (make-bytevector len))]
(bytevector-copy! buf loc newvec 0 len)
(utf8->string newvec)))
(define (blodwen-buffer-copydata buf start len dest loc)
(bytevector-copy! buf start dest loc len))
; 'dir' is only needed in Racket
(define (blodwen-read-bytevec curdir fname)
(x (#t #f))
(let* [(h (open-file-input-port fname
(buffer-mode line) #f))
(vec (get-bytevector-all h))]
(begin (close-port h)
(define (blodwen-isbytevec v)
(if (bytevector? v)
; 'dir' is only needed in Racket
(define (blodwen-write-bytevec curdir fname vec max)
(x (#t -1))
(let* [(h (open-file-output-port fname (file-options no-fail)
(buffer-mode line) #f))]
(begin (put-bytevector h vec 0 max)
(close-port h)
;; Threads
(define blodwen-thread-data (make-thread-parameter #f))
(define (blodwen-thread p)
(fork-thread (lambda () (p (vector 0)))))
(define (blodwen-get-thread-data ty)
(define (blodwen-set-thread-data a)
(blodwen-thread-data a))
(define (blodwen-mutex) (make-mutex))
(define (blodwen-lock m) (mutex-acquire m))
(define (blodwen-unlock m) (mutex-release m))
(define (blodwen-thisthread) (get-thread-id))
(define (blodwen-condition) (make-condition))
(define (blodwen-condition-wait c m) (condition-wait c m))
(define (blodwen-condition-wait-timeout c m t) (condition-wait c m t))
(define (blodwen-condition-signal c) (condition-signal c))
(define (blodwen-condition-broadcast c) (condition-broadcast c))
(define (blodwen-sleep s) (sleep (make-time 'time-duration 0 s)))
(define (blodwen-usleep s)
(let ((sec (div s 1000000))
(micro (mod s 1000000)))
(sleep (make-time 'time-duration (* 1000 micro) sec))))
(define (blodwen-time) (time-second (current-time)))
(define (blodwen-clock-time-utc) (current-time 'time-utc))
(define (blodwen-clock-time-monotonic) (current-time 'time-monotonic))
(define (blodwen-clock-time-duration) (current-time 'time-duration))
(define (blodwen-clock-time-process) (current-time 'time-process))
(define (blodwen-clock-time-thread) (current-time 'time-thread))
(define (blodwen-clock-time-gccpu) (current-time 'time-collector-cpu))
(define (blodwen-clock-time-gcreal) (current-time 'time-collector-real))
(define (blodwen-is-time? clk) (if (time? clk) 1 0))
(define (blodwen-clock-second time) (time-second time))
(define (blodwen-clock-nanosecond time) (time-nanosecond time))
(define (blodwen-args)
(define (blodwen-build-args args)
(if (null? args)
(vector 0) ; Prelude.List
(vector 1 (car args) (blodwen-build-args (cdr args)))))
(blodwen-build-args (command-line)))
(define (blodwen-hasenv var)
(if (eq? (getenv var) #f) 0 1))
(define (blodwen-system cmd)
(system cmd))
;; Randoms
(define random-seed-register 0)
(define (initialize-random-seed-once)
(if (= (virtual-register random-seed-register) 0)
(let ([seed (time-nanosecond (current-time))])
(set-virtual-register! random-seed-register seed)
(random-seed seed))))
(define (blodwen-random-seed seed)
(set-virtual-register! random-seed-register seed)
(random-seed seed))
(define blodwen-random
;; no argument, pick a real value from [0, 1.0)
[() (begin
(random 1.0))]
;; single argument k, pick an integral value from [0, k)
(if (> k 0)
(random k)
(assertion-violationf 'blodwen-random "invalid range argument ~a" k)))]))