2023-01-16 00:07:21 -06:00

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||| This module implements a relation between a natural number and a list.
||| The relation witnesses the fact the number is the length of the list.
||| It is meant to be used in a runtime-irrelevant fashion in computations
||| manipulating data indexed over lists where the computation actually only
||| depends on the length of said lists.
||| Instead of writing:
||| ```idris example
||| f0 : (xs : List a) -> P xs
||| ```
||| We would write either of:
||| ```idris example
||| f1 : (n : Nat) -> (0 _ : HasLength n xs) -> P xs
||| f2 : (n : Subset n (flip HasLength xs)) -> P xs
||| ```
||| See `sucR` for an example where the update to the runtime-relevant Nat is O(1)
||| but the udpate to the list (were we to keep it around) an O(n) traversal.
module Data.List.HasLength
import Data.DPair
import Data.List
import Data.Nat
%default total
-- Type
||| Ensure that the list's length is the provided natural number
public export
data HasLength : Nat -> List a -> Type where
Z : HasLength Z []
S : HasLength n xs -> HasLength (S n) (x :: xs)
||| This specification corresponds to the length function
hasLength : (xs : List a) -> HasLength (length xs) xs
hasLength [] = Z
hasLength (_ :: xs) = S (hasLength xs)
take : (n : Nat) -> (xs : Stream a) -> HasLength n (take n xs)
take Z _ = Z
take (S n) (x :: xs) = S (take n xs)
-- Properties
||| The length is unique
hasLengthUnique : HasLength m xs -> HasLength n xs -> m === n
hasLengthUnique Z Z = Refl
hasLengthUnique (S p) (S q) = cong S (hasLengthUnique p q)
hasLengthAppend : HasLength m xs -> HasLength n ys -> HasLength (m + n) (xs ++ ys)
hasLengthAppend Z ys = ys
hasLengthAppend (S xs) ys = S (hasLengthAppend xs ys)
hasLengthReverseOnto : HasLength m acc -> HasLength n xs -> HasLength (m + n) (reverseOnto acc xs)
hasLengthReverseOnto p Z = rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral m in p
hasLengthReverseOnto {n = S n} p (S q) = rewrite sym (plusSuccRightSucc m n) in hasLengthReverseOnto (S p) q
hasLengthReverse : HasLength m acc -> HasLength m (reverse acc)
hasLengthReverse = hasLengthReverseOnto Z
map : (f : a -> b) -> HasLength n xs -> HasLength n (map f xs)
map f Z = Z
map f (S n) = S (map f n)
||| @sucR demonstrates that snoc only increases the lenght by one
||| So performing this operation while carrying the list around would cost O(n)
||| but relying on n together with an erased HasLength proof instead is O(1)
sucR : HasLength n xs -> HasLength (S n) (snoc xs x)
sucR Z = S Z
sucR (S n) = S (sucR n)
-- Views
namespace SubsetView
||| We provide this view as a convenient way to perform nested pattern-matching
||| on values of type `Subset Nat (flip HasLength xs)`. Functions using this view will
||| be seen as terminating as long as the index list `xs` is left untouched.
||| See e.g. listTerminating below for such a function.
public export
data View : (xs : List a) -> Subset Nat (flip HasLength xs) -> Type where
Z : View [] (Element Z Z)
S : (p : Subset Nat (flip HasLength xs)) -> View (x :: xs) (Element (S (fst p)) (S (snd p)))
||| This auxiliary function gets around the limitation of the check ensuring that
||| we do not match on runtime-irrelevant data to produce runtime-relevant data.
viewZ : (0 p : HasLength Z xs) -> View xs (Element Z p)
viewZ Z = Z
||| This auxiliary function gets around the limitation of the check ensuring that
||| we do not match on runtime-irrelevant data to produce runtime-relevant data.
viewS : (n : Nat) -> (0 p : HasLength (S n) xs) -> View xs (Element (S n) p)
viewS n (S p) = S (Element n p)
||| Proof that the view covers all possible cases.
view : (p : Subset Nat (flip HasLength xs)) -> View xs p
view (Element Z p) = viewZ p
view (Element (S n) p) = viewS n p
namespace CurriedView
||| We provide this view as a convenient way to perform nested pattern-matching
||| on pairs of values of type `n : Nat` and `HasLength xs n`. If transformations
||| to the list between recursive calls (e.g. mapping over the list) that prevent
||| it from being a valid termination metric, it is best to take the Nat argument
||| separately from the HasLength proof and the Subset view is not as useful anymore.
||| See e.g. natTerminating below for (a contrived example of) such a function.
public export
data View : (xs : List a) -> (n : Nat) -> HasLength n xs -> Type where
Z : View [] Z Z
S : (n : Nat) -> (0 p : HasLength n xs) -> View (x :: xs) (S n) (S p)
||| Proof that the view covers all possible cases.
view : (n : Nat) -> (0 p : HasLength n xs) -> View xs n p
view Z Z = Z
view (S n) (S p) = S n p
-- Examples
-- /!\ Do NOT re-export these examples
listTerminating : (p : Subset Nat (flip HasLength xs)) -> HasLength (S (fst p)) (xs ++ [x])
listTerminating p with (view p)
listTerminating (Element 0 Z) | Z = S Z
listTerminating (Element (S (fst y)) (S (snd y))) | (S y) = S (listTerminating y)
data P : List Nat -> Type where
PNil : P []
PCon : P (map f xs) -> P (x :: xs)
notListTerminating : (p : Subset Nat (flip HasLength xs)) -> P xs
notListTerminating p with (view p)
notListTerminating (Element 0 Z) | Z = PNil
notListTerminating (Element (S (fst y)) (S (snd y))) | (S y) =
PCon (notListTerminating {xs = map id (tail xs)} ({ snd $= map id } y))
natTerminating : (n : Nat) -> (0 p : HasLength n xs ) -> P xs
natTerminating n p = case view n p of
Z => PNil
S n p => PCon (natTerminating n (map id p))