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synced 2024-12-18 08:42:11 +03:00
When working on Frex I needed a whole bunch of lemmata to do with Data.Vect. I hope it will be useful for others.
62 lines
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62 lines
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||| Properties of Data.Vect.index
module Data.Vect.Properties.Index
import Data.Vect.Properties.Tabulate
import Data.Vect
import Data.Vect.Elem
import Data.Fin
import Syntax.PreorderReasoning
||| Recall an element by its position, as we may not have the element
||| at runtime
public export
recallElem : {xs : Vect n a} -> x `Elem` xs -> a
recallElem {xs = x :: _ } Here = x
recallElem {xs = _ :: xs} (There later) = recallElem later
||| Recalling by a position of `x` does yield `x`
recallElemSpec : (pos : x `Elem` xs) -> recallElem pos = x
recallElemSpec Here = Refl
recallElemSpec (There later) = recallElemSpec later
||| `index i : Vect n a -> a` is a natural transformation
indexNaturality : (i : Fin n) -> (f : a -> b) -> (xs : Vect n a)
-> index i (map f xs) = f (index i xs)
indexNaturality FZ f (x :: xs) = Refl
indexNaturality (FS x) f (_ :: xs) = indexNaturality x f xs
||| Replication tabulates the constant function
indexReplicate : (i : Fin n) -> (x : a)
-> index i (replicate n x) = x
indexReplicate FZ x = Refl
indexReplicate (FS i) x = indexReplicate i x
||| `range` tabulates the identity function (by definition)
indexRange : (i : Fin n) -> index i (range {len = n}) === i
indexRange i = irrelevantEq $ indexTabulate id i
||| Inductive step auxiliary lemma for indexTranspose
indexZipWith_Cons : (i : Fin n) -> (xs : Vect n a) -> (xss : Vect n (Vect m a))
-> index i (zipWith (::) xs xss)
= (index i xs) :: (index i xss)
indexZipWith_Cons FZ (x :: _ ) (xs:: _ ) = Refl
indexZipWith_Cons (FS i) (_ :: xs) (_ :: xss) = indexZipWith_Cons i xs xss
||| The `i`-th vector in a transposed matrix is the vector of `i`-th components
indexTranspose : (xss : Vect m (Vect n a)) -> (i : Fin n)
-> index i (transpose xss) = map (index i) xss
indexTranspose [] i = indexReplicate i []
indexTranspose (xs :: xss) i = Calc $
|~ index i (transpose (xs :: xss))
~~ index i (zipWith (::) xs (transpose xss)) ...(Refl)
~~ index i xs :: index i (transpose xss) ...(indexZipWith_Cons i xs (transpose xss))
~~ index i xs :: map (index i) xss ...(cong (index i xs ::)
$ indexTranspose xss i)