2022-10-05 14:30:08 +02:00

437 lines
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||| The content of this module is based on the paper
||| Applications of Applicative Proof Search
||| by Liam O'Connor
module Search.GCL
import Data.So
import Data.Nat
import Data.Fuel
import Data.List.Lazy
import Data.List.Quantifiers
import Data.List.Lazy.Quantifiers
import Decidable.Equality
import public Search.CTL
%default total
||| Weaken a Dec to a Bool.
public export
weaken : Dec _ -> Bool
weaken (Yes _) = True
weaken (No _) = False
parameters (Sts : Type)
-- Types and operational semantics
||| Guarded Command Language
public export
data GCL : Type where
IF : (gs : List GUARD) -> GCL
DO : (gs : List GUARD) -> GCL
UPDATE : (u : Sts -> Sts) -> GCL
||| Termination
||| A predicate
public export
Pred : Type
Pred = (st : Sts) -> Bool
||| Guards are checks on the current state
public export
record GUARD where
constructor MkGUARD
||| The check to confirm
g : Pred
||| The current state
x : GCL
public export
Uninhabited (IF _ === SKIP) where
uninhabited Refl impossible
public export
Uninhabited (DOT _ _ === SKIP) where
uninhabited Refl impossible
public export
Uninhabited (DO _ === SKIP) where
uninhabited Refl impossible
public export
Uninhabited (UPDATE _ === SKIP) where
uninhabited Refl impossible
||| Prove that the given program terminated (i.e. reached a `SKIP`).
public export
isSkip : (l : GCL) -> Dec (l === SKIP)
isSkip (IF xs) = No absurd
isSkip (DOT y z) = No absurd
isSkip (DO xs) = No absurd
isSkip (UPDATE uf) = No absurd
isSkip SKIP = Yes Refl
||| Operational semantics of GCL.
||| (curried version to pass the termination checker)
public export
ops' : GCL -> Sts -> List (GCL, Sts)
ops' SKIP st = []
ops' (UPDATE u) st = [(SKIP, u st)]
ops' (DOT SKIP y) st = [(y, st)]
ops' (DOT x y) st = mapFst (`DOT` y) <$> ops' x st
ops' (IF gs) st = map (\ aGuard => (aGuard.x, st)) $
filter (\ aGuard => aGuard.g st) gs
ops' (DO gs) st with (map (\ aG => ((DOT aG.x (DO gs)), st)) $
filter (\ aG => aG.g st) gs)
_ | [] = [(SKIP, st)]
_ | ys = ys
||| Operational semantics of GCL.
public export
ops : (GCL, Sts) -> List (GCL, Sts)
ops (l, st) = ops' l st
||| We can convert a GCL program to a transition digram by using the program
||| as the state and the operational semantics as the transition function.
public export
gclToDiag : GCL -> Diagram GCL Sts
gclToDiag p = TD ops p
-- Control Structures
||| While loops are GCL do loops with a single guard.
public export
while : Pred -> GCL -> GCL
while g x = DO [MkGUARD g x]
||| Await halts progress unless the predicate is satisfied.
public export
await : Pred -> GCL
await g = IF [MkGUARD g SKIP]
||| If statements translate into GCL if statements by having an unmodified and
||| a negated version of the predicate in the list of `IF` GCL statements.
public export
ifThenElse : (g : Pred) -> (x : GCL) -> (y : GCL) -> GCL
ifThenElse g x y = IF [MkGUARD g x, MkGUARD (not . g) y]
-- Example: Peterson's Algorithm
public export
record State where
constructor MkState
-- shared state: intent1, intent2, and turn
intent1, intent2 : Bool
turn : Nat
-- is the current state in its critical section?
inCS1, inCS2 : Bool
||| First critical section
public export
CS1 : GCL State
CS1 =
DOT State
(UPDATE State (\st => { inCS1 := True } st))
(DOT State
(SKIP State)
(UPDATE State (\st => { inCS1 := False } st))
||| Second critical section
public export
CS2 : GCL State
CS2 =
DOT State
(UPDATE State (\st => { inCS2 := True } st))
(DOT State
(SKIP State)
(UPDATE State (\st => { inCS2 := False } st))
||| First Peterson's algorithm process
public export
petersons1 : GCL State
petersons1 =
DOT State
(UPDATE State (\st => { intent1 := True } st))
(DOT State
(UPDATE State (\st => { turn := 1 } st))
(DOT State
(await State (\st => (not st.intent2) || (weaken (decEq st.turn 0))))
(DOT State
(UPDATE State (\st => { intent1 := False } st))
||| Second Peterson's algorithm process
public export
petersons2 : GCL State
petersons2 =
DOT State
(UPDATE State (\st => { intent2 := True } st))
(DOT State
(UPDATE State (\st => { turn := 0 } st))
(DOT State
(await State (\st => (not st.intent1) || (weaken (decEq st.turn 1))))
(DOT State
(UPDATE State (\st => { intent2 := False } st))
||| The parallel composition of the two Peterson's processes, to be
||| model-checked.
public export
petersons : Diagram (GCL State, GCL State) State
petersons = (gclToDiag State petersons1) `pComp` (gclToDiag State petersons2)
-- Properties to verify
||| Type-level decider for booleans.
public export
IsTT : (b : Bool) -> Dec (So b)
IsTT True = Yes Oh
IsTT False = No absurd
||| Mutual exclusion, i.e. both critical sections not simultaneously active.
public export
Mutex : Formula ? ?
Mutex =
AlwaysGlobal (GCL State, GCL State) State
(Guarded (GCL State, GCL State) State
(\p,_ => So (not (p.inCS1 && p.inCS2))))
||| Model-check (search) whether the mutex condition is satisfied.
public export
checkMutex : MC (GCL State, GCL State) State Mutex
checkMutex =
agSearch (GCL State, GCL State) State
(now (GCL State, GCL State) State
(\p,_ => fromDec $ IsTT _))
-- ^ (not (p .inCS1 && (Delay (p .inCS2)))
||| Starvation freedom
public export
SF : Formula ? ?
SF =
let guardCS1 = Guarded (GCL State, GCL State) State (\p,_ => So (p.inCS1))
guardCS2 = Guarded (GCL State, GCL State) State (\p,_ => So (p.inCS2))
in AND' (GCL State, GCL State) State
(AlwaysFinally (GCL State, GCL State) State guardCS1)
(AlwaysFinally (GCL State, GCL State) State guardCS2)
||| Model-check (search) whether starvation freedom holds.
public export
checkSF : MC (GCL State, GCL State) State SF
checkSF =
let mcAndFst = afSearch (GCL State, GCL State) State
(now (GCL State, GCL State) State
(\p,_ => fromDec $ IsTT _))
-- p.inCS1 ^
mcAndSnd = afSearch (GCL State, GCL State) State
(now (GCL State, GCL State) State
(\p,_ => fromDec $ IsTT _))
-- p.inCS2 ^
in mcAND' (GCL State, GCL State) State mcAndFst mcAndSnd
||| Deadlock freedom, aka. termination for all possible paths/traces
public export
Termination : Formula ? ?
Termination =
AlwaysFinally (GCL State, GCL State) State
(Guarded (GCL State, GCL State) State
(\_,l => allSkip l))
allSkip : (l : (GCL State, GCL State)) -> Type
allSkip l = (fst l === SKIP State, snd l === SKIP State)
||| Model-check (search) whether termination holds.
public export
checkTermination : MC (GCL State, GCL State) State Termination
checkTermination =
afSearch (GCL State, GCL State) State
(now (GCL State, GCL State) State
(\_,l => MkHDec (isTerm l) (sound l)))
-- l should be auto-implicit, but we can't search for that here
isTerm : (l : (GCL State, GCL State)) -> Bool
isTerm (a, b) =
(weaken $ isSkip State a) && (weaken $ isSkip State b)
sound : (l : (GCL State, GCL State))
-> So (isTerm l)
-> (fst l === SKIP State, snd l === SKIP State)
sound (a, b) _ with (isSkip State a) | (isSkip State b)
sound (a, b) _ | (Yes p) | (Yes q) = (p, q)
sound (a, b) Oh | (Yes p) | (No _) impossible
sound (a, b) Oh | (No _) | _ impossible
||| Initial state for model-checking Peterson's algorithm.
public export
init : State
init = MkState False False 0 False False
-- intent1 intent2 turn inCS1 inCS2
||| The computational tree for the two Peterson's processes.
public export
tree : CT (GCL State, GCL State) State
tree = model (GCL State, GCL State) State petersons init
||| The Critical Section Problem:
||| 1) a process's critical section (CS) is only ever accessed by that process
||| and no other
||| 2) any process which wishes to gain access to its CS eventually
||| does so
||| 3) the composition of the processes is deadlock free
||| (we use a stronger requirement: that all process composition must
||| terminate successfully)
public export
CSP : Type
CSP = (arg : Nat **
AND' (GCL State, GCL State) State
(\depth, tree => Mutex depth tree) -- mutually exclusive
(\depth, tree =>
AND' (GCL State, GCL State) State
(\depth, tree => SF depth tree) -- starvation free
(\depth, tree => Termination depth tree) -- completed
depth tree)
arg GCL.tree)
||| A `Prop` (property) containing all the conditions necessary for proving that
||| Peterson's Algorithm is a correct solution to the Critical Section Problem.
||| When evaluated (e.g. through the `auto` search in a `Properties.check`
||| call; specifically `runProp`), it will produce the required proof (which is
||| **very** big).
public export
checkPetersons : Prop ? CSP
checkPetersons = exists $
(mcAND' (GCL State, GCL State) State
(mcAND' (GCL State, GCL State) State
{- N.B.: commenting this in causes the type-checking of this file to take ~2
- minutes and ~4 GB of RAM
||| Prove that Peterson's Algorithm is a solution to the Critical Section
||| Problem. This evaluates the `checkPetersons` property to obtain a proof (at
||| a search depth of 1000!), at which point we can show that it is
||| depth-invariant.
||| /!\ Attempt at evaluation did not complete after 3hrs and 57.6 GB of RAM /!\
public export
petersonsCorrect : Models ? ?
(AND' ? ?
(AND' ? ?
petersonsCorrect =
diModels (GCL State, GCL State) State
(snd (check @{%search} (limit 1000) checkPetersons @{Oh}))
-- Example: Dekker's Algorithm
||| First Dekker's algorithm process
public export
dekkers1 : GCL State
dekkers1 =
(UPDATE _ (\st => { intent1 := True } st))
(DOT _
(while _ (\st => st.intent2)
(IF _ [ (MkGUARD _ (\st => weaken $ decEq st.turn 0) (SKIP _))
, (MkGUARD _ (\st => weaken $ decEq st.turn 1)
(DOT _
(UPDATE _ (\st => { intent1 := False } st))
(DOT _
(await _ (\st => weaken $ decEq st.turn 0))
(UPDATE _ (\st => { intent1 := True } st))
(DOT _
(DOT _
(UPDATE _ (\st => { turn := 1 } st))
(UPDATE _ (\st => { intent1 := False } st))
||| First Dekker's algorithm process
public export
dekkers2 : GCL State
dekkers2 =
(UPDATE _ (\st => { intent2 := True } st))
(DOT _
(while _ (\st => st.intent1)
(IF _ [ (MkGUARD _ (\st => weaken $ decEq st.turn 1) (SKIP _))
, (MkGUARD _ (\st => weaken $ decEq st.turn 0)
(DOT _
(UPDATE _ (\st => { intent2 := False } st))
(DOT _
(await _ (\st => weaken $ decEq st.turn 1))
(UPDATE _ (\st => { intent2 := True } st))
(DOT _
(DOT _
(UPDATE _ (\st => { turn := 0 } st))
(UPDATE _ (\st => { intent2 := False } st))
||| The parallel composition of the two Dekker's processes, to be model-checked.
public export
dekkers : Diagram (GCL State, GCL State) State
dekkers = (gclToDiag _ dekkers1) `pComp` (gclToDiag _ dekkers2)
||| An attempt at finding a violation of Mutual Exclusion.
||| THIS WILL NOT FIND A PROOF due to the lack of fairness in the unfolding of
||| the traces. Dekker's algorithm requires fair scheduling in order to be
||| correct, but since we don't have that, we cannot find a proof that no
||| violations of mutex exist.
||| /!\ Trying to evaluate this did not finish after 10 minutes /!\
public export
checkDekkers : HDec ?
checkDekkers =
efSearch _ _
(now _ _ (\p, _ => (fromDec $ IsTT (p.inCS1 && p.inCS2))))
(model _ _ dekkers init) 100