mirror of
synced 2025-01-06 07:23:11 +03:00
I can't make sense of this code, it seems to try to convert the case function corresponding to `let (a, b) = f n in ...` into a different case function where `f n` and `(a, b)` have been unified. But if `f n` is a bona fide stuck computation, there's no chance of this happening. Just turning this off solves the #1782 and only breaks one function in the whole of the idris2 repo (I would have expected our current termination oracle to be too weak to detect it as valid anyway!) and one in frex (which, again, should not have been seen as terminating). Also fixes #1460
210 lines
5.2 KiB
210 lines
5.2 KiB
module Data.List1
import public Data.Zippable
%default total
infixr 7 :::
||| Non-empty lists.
public export
record List1 a where
constructor (:::)
head : a
tail : List a
%name List1 xs, ys, zs
-- Basic functions
public export
fromList : List a -> Maybe (List1 a)
fromList [] = Nothing
fromList (x :: xs) = Just (x ::: xs)
public export
singleton : (x : a) -> List1 a
singleton a = a ::: []
||| Forget that a list is non-empty.
public export
forget : List1 a -> List a
forget (x ::: xs) = x :: xs
last : List1 a -> a
last (x ::: xs) = loop x xs where
loop : a -> List a -> a
loop x [] = x
loop _ (x :: xs) = loop x xs
init : List1 a -> List a
init (x ::: xs) = loop x xs where
loop : a -> List a -> List a
loop x [] = []
loop x (y :: xs) = x :: loop y xs
foldr1By : (func : a -> b -> b) -> (map : a -> b) -> (l : List1 a) -> b
foldr1By f map (x ::: xs) = loop x xs where
loop : a -> List a -> b
loop x [] = map x
loop x (y :: xs) = f x (loop y xs)
foldl1By : (func : b -> a -> b) -> (map : a -> b) -> (l : List1 a) -> b
foldl1By f map (x ::: xs) = foldl f (map x) xs
foldr1 : (func : a -> a -> a) -> (l : List1 a) -> a
foldr1 f = foldr1By f id
foldl1 : (func : a -> a -> a) -> (l : List1 a) -> a
foldl1 f = foldl1By f id
-- Append
appendl : (xs : List1 a) -> (ys : List a) -> List1 a
appendl (x ::: xs) ys = x ::: xs ++ ys
(++) : (xs, ys : List1 a) -> List1 a
(++) xs ys = appendl xs (forget ys)
lappend : (xs : List a) -> (ys : List1 a) -> List1 a
lappend [] ys = ys
lappend (x :: xs) ys = (x ::: xs) ++ ys
-- Cons/Snoc
public export
cons : (x : a) -> (xs : List1 a) -> List1 a
cons x xs = x ::: forget xs
snoc : (xs : List1 a) -> (x : a) -> List1 a
snoc xs x = xs ++ (singleton x)
public export
unsnoc : (xs : List1 a) -> (List a, a)
unsnoc (x ::: xs) = go x xs where
go : (x : a) -> (xs : List a) -> (List a, a)
go x [] = ([], x)
go x (y :: ys) = let (ini,lst) = go y ys
in (x :: ini, lst)
-- Reverse
public export
reverseOnto : (acc : List1 a) -> (xs : List a) -> List1 a
reverseOnto acc [] = acc
reverseOnto acc (x :: xs) = reverseOnto (x ::: forget acc) xs
public export
reverse : (xs : List1 a) -> List1 a
reverse (x ::: xs) = reverseOnto (singleton x) xs
-- Instances
Semigroup (List1 a) where
(<+>) = (++)
public export
Functor List1 where
map f (x ::: xs) = f x ::: map f xs
public export
Applicative List1 where
pure x = singleton x
f ::: fs <*> xs = appendl (map f xs) (fs <*> forget xs)
Monad List1 where
(x ::: xs) >>= f = appendl (f x) (xs >>= forget . f)
Foldable List1 where
foldr c n (x ::: xs) = c x (foldr c n xs)
foldl f z (x ::: xs) = foldl f (f z x) xs
null _ = False
toList = forget
foldMap f (x ::: xs) = f x <+> foldMap f xs
Traversable List1 where
traverse f (x ::: xs) = [| f x ::: traverse f xs |]
Show a => Show (List1 a) where
show = show . forget
Eq a => Eq (List1 a) where
(x ::: xs) == (y ::: ys) = x == y && xs == ys
Ord a => Ord (List1 a) where
compare xs ys = compare (forget xs) (forget ys)
-- Properties
consInjective : (x ::: xs) === (y ::: ys) -> (x === y, xs === ys)
consInjective Refl = (Refl, Refl)
-- Zippable
public export
Zippable List1 where
zipWith f (x ::: xs) (y ::: ys) = f x y ::: zipWith' xs ys
zipWith' : List a -> List b -> List c
zipWith' [] _ = []
zipWith' _ [] = []
zipWith' (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = f x y :: zipWith' xs ys
zipWith3 f (x ::: xs) (y ::: ys) (z ::: zs) = f x y z ::: zipWith3' xs ys zs
zipWith3' : List a -> List b -> List c -> List d
zipWith3' [] _ _ = []
zipWith3' _ [] _ = []
zipWith3' _ _ [] = []
zipWith3' (x :: xs) (y :: ys) (z :: zs) = f x y z :: zipWith3' xs ys zs
unzipWith f (x ::: xs) = let (b, c) = f x
(bs, cs) = unzipWith' xs in
(b ::: bs, c ::: cs)
unzipWith' : List a -> (List b, List c)
unzipWith' [] = ([], [])
unzipWith' (x :: xs) = let (b, c) = f x
(bs, cs) = unzipWith' xs in
(b :: bs, c :: cs)
unzipWith3 f (x ::: xs) = let (b, c, d) = f x
(bs, cs, ds) = unzipWith3' xs in
(b ::: bs, c ::: cs, d ::: ds)
unzipWith3' : List a -> (List b, List c, List d)
unzipWith3' [] = ([], [], [])
unzipWith3' (x :: xs) = let (b, c, d) = f x
(bs, cs, ds) = unzipWith3' xs in
(b :: bs, c :: cs, d :: ds)
Uninhabited a => Uninhabited (List1 a) where
uninhabited (hd ::: _) = uninhabited hd