2023-09-07 14:57:22 +01:00

135 lines
2.5 KiB

-- data (this worked before)
fd : Int
fd = 5 where
data X : Type where
MkX : Int -> X
gd : Int
gd = 5 where
data X : Type where
MkX : Int -> X
-- record without fields or constructor
fr0 : Int
fr0 = 5 where
record X where
gr0 : Int
gr0 = 5 where
record X where
-- record without fields but with constructor
fr1 : Int
fr1 = 5 where
record X where
constructor MkX
gr1 : Int
gr1 = 5 where
record X where
constructor MkX
-- record with a field and constructor
fr2 : Int
fr2 = 5 where
record X where
constructor MkX
field1 : Int
gr2 : Int
gr2 = 5 where
record X where
constructor MkX
field1 : Int
-- record with two fields and constructor
fr3 : Int
fr3 = 5 where
record X where
constructor MkX
field1 : Int
field2 : Bool
gr3 : Int
gr3 = 5 where
record X where
constructor MkX
field1 : Char
field2 : String
-- record with parameter
fr4 : Int
fr4 = 5 where
record X (a : Type) where
constructor MkX
field1 : Int
field2 : a
gr4 : Int
gr4 = 5 where
record X (a : Type) where
constructor MkX
field1 : a
field2 : String
-- complex example
fr5 : List Int
fr5 = fun k where
k : Int
k = 5
record X (a : Type) where
constructor MkX
xfield1 : Int
xfield2 : (X a -> Int)
xfield3 : a
rec : X Int
rec = MkX (k+1) (const (k+2)) 3
fun : Int -> List Int
fun n = n :: rec.xfield1 :: rec.xfield2 rec :: rec.xfield3 :: []
gr5 : List Int
gr5 = fun k where
k : Int
k = 6
record X (a : Type) where
constructor MkX
xfield1 : Int
xfield2 : (X a -> Int)
xfield3 : a
rec : X Int
rec = MkX (k+3) (const (k+4)) 5
fun : Int -> List Int
fun n = n :: rec.xfield1 :: rec.xfield2 rec :: rec.xfield3 :: []
main : IO ()
main = do
printLn $ fr5
printLn $ gr5