Edwin Brady 7f7b11ed54 Use transforms for fastPack/fastUnpack
We've had these for a while, used for interface specialisation, but
they're not yet used anywhere else or properly documented. We should
document them soon, but for now, it's a useful performance boost to
always use the fast versions of pack/unpack/concat at runtime.

Also moves a couple to the prelude, to ensure that the fast versions are
defined in the same place as the 'normal' version so that the
transformation will always fire (that is, no need to import Data.String
for the transformation to work).
2021-04-29 23:17:29 +01:00

359 lines
10 KiB

module Data.String
import Data.List
import Data.List1
%default total
singleton : Char -> String
singleton c = strCons c ""
foldr1 : (a -> a -> a) -> List a -> a
foldr1 _ [x] = x
foldr1 f (x::xs) = f x (foldr1 f xs)
foldl1 : (a -> a -> a) -> List a -> a
foldl1 f (x::xs) = foldl f x xs
-- This uses fastConcat internally so it won't compute at compile time.
fastUnlines : List String -> String
fastUnlines = fastConcat . intersperse "\n"
-- This is a deprecated alias for fastConcat for backwards compatibility
-- (unfortunately, we don't have %deprecated yet).
fastAppend : List String -> String
fastAppend = fastConcat
||| Splits a character list into a list of whitespace separated character lists.
||| ```idris example
||| words' (unpack " A B C D E ")
||| ```
words' : List Char -> List (List Char)
words' s = case dropWhile isSpace s of
[] => []
s' => let (w, s'') = break isSpace s'
in w :: words' s''
||| Splits a string into a list of whitespace separated strings.
||| ```idris example
||| words " A B C D E "
||| ```
words : String -> List String
words s = map pack (words' (unpack s))
||| Joins the character lists by spaces into a single character list.
||| ```idris example
||| unwords' [['A'], ['B', 'C'], ['D'], ['E']]
||| ```
unwords' : List (List Char) -> List Char
unwords' [] = []
unwords' ws = assert_total (foldr1 addSpace ws) where
addSpace : List Char -> List Char -> List Char
addSpace w s = w ++ (' ' :: s)
||| Joins the strings by spaces into a single string.
||| ```idris example
||| unwords ["A", "BC", "D", "E"]
||| ```
unwords : List String -> String
unwords = pack . unwords' . map unpack
||| Splits a character list into a list of newline separated character lists.
||| ```idris example
||| lines' (unpack "\rA BC\nD\r\nE\n")
||| ```
lines' : List Char -> List1 (List Char)
lines' [] = singleton []
lines' s = case break isNL s of
(l, s') => l ::: case s' of
[] => []
_ :: s'' => forget $ lines' (assert_smaller s s'')
||| Splits a string into a list of newline separated strings.
||| ```idris example
||| lines "\rA BC\nD\r\nE\n"
||| ```
lines : String -> List1 String
lines s = map pack (lines' (unpack s))
||| Joins the character lists by newlines into a single character list.
||| ```idris example
||| unlines' [['l','i','n','e'], ['l','i','n','e','2'], ['l','n','3'], ['D']]
||| ```
unlines' : List (List Char) -> List Char
unlines' [] = []
unlines' [l] = l
unlines' (l::ls) = l ++ '\n' :: unlines' ls
||| Joins the strings by newlines into a single string.
||| ```idris example
||| unlines ["line", "line2", "ln3", "D"]
||| ```
unlines : List String -> String
unlines = pack . unlines' . map unpack
%transform "fastUnlines" unlines = fastUnlines
||| A view checking whether a string is empty
||| and, if not, returning its head and tail
public export
data StrM : String -> Type where
StrNil : StrM ""
StrCons : (x : Char) -> (xs : String) -> StrM (strCons x xs)
||| To each string we can associate its StrM view
public export
strM : (x : String) -> StrM x
strM "" = StrNil
strM x
-- Using primitives, so `assert_total` and `believe_me` needed
= assert_total $ believe_me $
StrCons (prim__strHead x) (prim__strTail x)
||| A view of a string as a lazy linked list of characters
public export
data AsList : String -> Type where
Nil : AsList ""
(::) : (c : Char) -> {str : String} -> Lazy (AsList str) -> AsList (strCons c str)
||| To each string we can associate the lazy linked list of characters
||| it corresponds to once unpacked.
public export
asList : (str : String) -> AsList str
asList str with (strM str)
asList "" | StrNil = []
asList str@(strCons x xs) | StrCons _ _ = x :: asList (assert_smaller str xs)
||| Trim whitespace on the left of the string
ltrim : String -> String
ltrim str with (asList str)
ltrim "" | [] = ""
ltrim str@_ | x :: xs = if isSpace x then ltrim _ | xs else str
||| Trim whitespace on both sides of the string
trim : String -> String
trim = ltrim . reverse . ltrim . reverse
||| Splits the string into a part before the predicate
||| returns False and the rest of the string.
||| ```idris example
||| span (/= 'C') "ABCD"
||| ```
||| ```idris example
||| span (/= 'C') "EFGH"
||| ```
span : (Char -> Bool) -> String -> (String, String)
span p xs
= case span p (unpack xs) of
(x, y) => (pack x, pack y)
||| Splits the string into a part before the predicate
||| returns True and the rest of the string.
||| ```idris example
||| break (== 'C') "ABCD"
||| ```
||| ```idris example
||| break (== 'C') "EFGH"
||| ```
public export
break : (Char -> Bool) -> String -> (String, String)
break p = span (not . p)
||| Splits the string into parts with the predicate
||| indicating separator characters.
||| ```idris example
||| split (== '.') ".AB.C..D"
||| ```
public export
split : (Char -> Bool) -> String -> List1 String
split p xs = map pack (split p (unpack xs))
stringToNatOrZ : String -> Nat
stringToNatOrZ = fromInteger . prim__cast_StringInteger
toUpper : String -> String
toUpper str = pack (map toUpper (unpack str))
toLower : String -> String
toLower str = pack (map toLower (unpack str))
export partial
strIndex : String -> Int -> Char
strIndex = prim__strIndex
export partial
strLength : String -> Int
strLength = prim__strLength
export partial
strSubstr : Int -> Int -> String -> String
strSubstr = prim__strSubstr
export partial
strTail : String -> String
strTail = prim__strTail
isPrefixOf : String -> String -> Bool
isPrefixOf a b = isPrefixOf (unpack a) (unpack b)
isSuffixOf : String -> String -> Bool
isSuffixOf a b = isSuffixOf (unpack a) (unpack b)
isInfixOf : String -> String -> Bool
isInfixOf a b = isInfixOf (unpack a) (unpack b)
parseNumWithoutSign : List Char -> Integer -> Maybe Integer
parseNumWithoutSign [] acc = Just acc
parseNumWithoutSign (c :: cs) acc =
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
then parseNumWithoutSign cs ((acc * 10) + (cast ((ord c) - (ord '0'))))
else Nothing
||| Convert a positive number string to a Num.
||| ```idris example
||| parsePositive "123"
||| ```
||| ```idris example
||| parsePositive {a=Int} " +123"
||| ```
public export
parsePositive : Num a => String -> Maybe a
parsePositive s = parsePosTrimmed (trim s)
parsePosTrimmed : String -> Maybe a
parsePosTrimmed s with (strM s)
parsePosTrimmed "" | StrNil = Nothing
parsePosTrimmed (strCons '+' xs) | (StrCons '+' xs) =
map fromInteger (parseNumWithoutSign (unpack xs) 0)
parsePosTrimmed (strCons x xs) | (StrCons x xs) =
if (x >= '0' && x <= '9')
then map fromInteger (parseNumWithoutSign (unpack xs) (cast (ord x - ord '0')))
else Nothing
||| Convert a number string to a Num.
||| ```idris example
||| parseInteger " 123"
||| ```
||| ```idris example
||| parseInteger {a=Int} " -123"
||| ```
public export
parseInteger : (Num a, Neg a) => String -> Maybe a
parseInteger s = parseIntTrimmed (trim s)
parseIntTrimmed : String -> Maybe a
parseIntTrimmed s with (strM s)
parseIntTrimmed "" | StrNil = Nothing
parseIntTrimmed (strCons x xs) | (StrCons x xs) =
if (x == '-')
then map (\y => negate (fromInteger y)) (parseNumWithoutSign (unpack xs) 0)
else if (x == '+')
then map fromInteger (parseNumWithoutSign (unpack xs) (cast {from=Int} 0))
else if (x >= '0' && x <= '9')
then map fromInteger (parseNumWithoutSign (unpack xs) (cast (ord x - ord '0')))
else Nothing
||| Convert a number string to a Double.
||| ```idris example
||| parseDouble "+123.123e-2"
||| ```
||| ```idris example
||| parseDouble {a=Int} " -123.123E+2"
||| ```
||| ```idris example
||| parseDouble {a=Int} " +123.123"
||| ```
export -- it's a bit too slow at compile time
parseDouble : String -> Maybe Double
parseDouble = mkDouble . wfe . trim
intPow : Integer -> Integer -> Double
intPow base exp = assert_total $ if exp > 0 then (num base exp) else 1 / (num base exp)
num : Integer -> Integer -> Double
num base 0 = 1
num base e = if e < 0
then cast base * num base (e + 1)
else cast base * num base (e - 1)
natpow : Double -> Nat -> Double
natpow x Z = 1
natpow x (S n) = x * (natpow x n)
mkDouble : Maybe (Double, Double, Integer) -> Maybe Double
mkDouble (Just (w, f, e)) = let ex = intPow 10 e in
Just $ (w * ex + f * ex)
mkDouble Nothing = Nothing
wfe : String -> Maybe (Double, Double, Integer)
wfe cs = case split (== '.') cs of
(wholeAndExp ::: []) =>
case split (\c => c == 'e' || c == 'E') wholeAndExp of
(whole:::exp::[]) =>
w <- cast {from=Integer} <$> parseInteger whole
e <- parseInteger exp
pure (w, 0, e)
(whole:::[]) =>
w <- cast {from=Integer} <$> parseInteger whole
pure (w, 0, 0)
_ => Nothing
(whole:::fracAndExp::[]) =>
case split (\c => c == 'e' || c == 'E') fracAndExp of
("":::exp::[]) => Nothing
(frac:::exp::[]) =>
w <- cast {from=Integer} <$> parseInteger whole
f <- (/ (natpow 10 (length frac))) <$>
(cast <$> parseNumWithoutSign (unpack frac) 0)
e <- parseInteger exp
pure (w, if w < 0 then (-f) else f, e)
(frac:::[]) =>
w <- cast {from=Integer} <$> parseInteger whole
f <- (/ (natpow 10 (length frac))) <$>
(cast <$> parseNumWithoutSign (unpack frac) 0)
pure (w, if w < 0 then (-f) else f, 0)
_ => Nothing
_ => Nothing