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synced 2024-12-18 08:42:11 +03:00
- %inline in a few places, which helps especially when it's known at compile time whether something consumes - a little bit of reordering so that the most likely alternative is tried first - (not really much effect, but...) use fastPack from the Prelude for building tokens
185 lines
5.4 KiB
185 lines
5.4 KiB
module Parser.Support
import public Text.Lexer
import public Text.Parser
import Core.TT
import Data.List
import Data.List.Views
import Parser.Unlit
import System.File
%default total
public export
data ParseError tok
= ParseFail String (Maybe (Int, Int)) (List tok)
| LexFail (Int, Int, String)
| FileFail FileError
| LitFail LiterateError
Show tok => Show (ParseError tok) where
show (ParseFail err loc toks)
= "Parse error: " ++ err ++ " (next tokens: "
++ show (take 10 toks) ++ ")"
show (LexFail (c, l, str))
= "Lex error at " ++ show (c, l) ++ " input: " ++ str
show (FileFail err)
= "File error: " ++ show err
show (LitFail (MkLitErr l c str))
= "Lit error(s) at " ++ show (c, l) ++ " input: " ++ str
toGenericParsingError : ParsingError (TokenData token) -> ParseError token
toGenericParsingError (Error err []) = ParseFail err Nothing []
toGenericParsingError (Error err (t::ts)) = ParseFail err (Just (line t, col t)) (map tok (t::ts))
hex : Char -> Maybe Int
hex '0' = Just 0
hex '1' = Just 1
hex '2' = Just 2
hex '3' = Just 3
hex '4' = Just 4
hex '5' = Just 5
hex '6' = Just 6
hex '7' = Just 7
hex '8' = Just 8
hex '9' = Just 9
hex 'a' = Just 10
hex 'b' = Just 11
hex 'c' = Just 12
hex 'd' = Just 13
hex 'e' = Just 14
hex 'f' = Just 15
hex _ = Nothing
dec : Char -> Maybe Int
dec '0' = Just 0
dec '1' = Just 1
dec '2' = Just 2
dec '3' = Just 3
dec '4' = Just 4
dec '5' = Just 5
dec '6' = Just 6
dec '7' = Just 7
dec '8' = Just 8
dec '9' = Just 9
dec _ = Nothing
oct : Char -> Maybe Int
oct '0' = Just 0
oct '1' = Just 1
oct '2' = Just 2
oct '3' = Just 3
oct '4' = Just 4
oct '5' = Just 5
oct '6' = Just 6
oct '7' = Just 7
oct _ = Nothing
getEsc : String -> Maybe Char
getEsc "NUL" = Just '\NUL'
getEsc "SOH" = Just '\SOH'
getEsc "STX" = Just '\STX'
getEsc "ETX" = Just '\ETX'
getEsc "EOT" = Just '\EOT'
getEsc "ENQ" = Just '\ENQ'
getEsc "ACK" = Just '\ACK'
getEsc "BEL" = Just '\BEL'
getEsc "BS" = Just '\BS'
getEsc "HT" = Just '\HT'
getEsc "LF" = Just '\LF'
getEsc "VT" = Just '\VT'
getEsc "FF" = Just '\FF'
getEsc "CR" = Just '\CR'
getEsc "SO" = Just '\SO'
getEsc "SI" = Just '\SI'
getEsc "DLE" = Just '\DLE'
getEsc "DC1" = Just '\DC1'
getEsc "DC2" = Just '\DC2'
getEsc "DC3" = Just '\DC3'
getEsc "DC4" = Just '\DC4'
getEsc "NAK" = Just '\NAK'
getEsc "SYN" = Just '\SYN'
getEsc "ETB" = Just '\ETB'
getEsc "CAN" = Just '\CAN'
getEsc "EM" = Just '\EM'
getEsc "SUB" = Just '\SUB'
getEsc "ESC" = Just '\ESC'
getEsc "FS" = Just '\FS'
getEsc "GS" = Just '\GS'
getEsc "RS" = Just '\RS'
getEsc "US" = Just '\US'
getEsc "SP" = Just '\SP'
getEsc "DEL" = Just '\DEL'
getEsc str = Nothing
escape' : List Char -> Maybe (List Char)
escape' [] = pure []
escape' ('\\' :: '\\' :: xs) = pure $ '\\' :: !(escape' xs)
escape' ('\\' :: '&' :: xs) = pure !(escape' xs)
escape' ('\\' :: 'a' :: xs) = pure $ '\a' :: !(escape' xs)
escape' ('\\' :: 'b' :: xs) = pure $ '\b' :: !(escape' xs)
escape' ('\\' :: 'f' :: xs) = pure $ '\f' :: !(escape' xs)
escape' ('\\' :: 'n' :: xs) = pure $ '\n' :: !(escape' xs)
escape' ('\\' :: 'r' :: xs) = pure $ '\r' :: !(escape' xs)
escape' ('\\' :: 't' :: xs) = pure $ '\t' :: !(escape' xs)
escape' ('\\' :: 'v' :: xs) = pure $ '\v' :: !(escape' xs)
escape' ('\\' :: '\'' :: xs) = pure $ '\'' :: !(escape' xs)
escape' ('\\' :: '\"' :: xs) = pure $ '\"' :: !(escape' xs)
escape' ('\\' :: 'x' :: xs)
= case span isHexDigit xs of
([], rest) => assert_total (escape' rest)
(ds, rest) => pure $ cast !(toHex 1 (reverse ds)) ::
!(assert_total (escape' rest))
toHex : Int -> List Char -> Maybe Int
toHex _ [] = Just 0
toHex m (d :: ds)
= pure $ !(hex (toLower d)) * m + !(toHex (m*16) ds)
escape' ('\\' :: 'o' :: xs)
= case span isOctDigit xs of
([], rest) => assert_total (escape' rest)
(ds, rest) => pure $ cast !(toOct 1 (reverse ds)) ::
!(assert_total (escape' rest))
toOct : Int -> List Char -> Maybe Int
toOct _ [] = Just 0
toOct m (d :: ds)
= pure $ !(oct (toLower d)) * m + !(toOct (m*8) ds)
escape' ('\\' :: xs)
= case span isDigit xs of
([], (a :: b :: c :: rest)) =>
case getEsc (fastPack (the (List _) [a, b, c])) of
Just v => Just (v :: !(assert_total (escape' rest)))
Nothing => case getEsc (fastPack (the (List _) [a, b])) of
Just v => Just (v :: !(assert_total (escape' (c :: rest))))
Nothing => escape' xs
([], (a :: b :: [])) =>
case getEsc (fastPack (the (List _) [a, b])) of
Just v => Just (v :: [])
Nothing => escape' xs
([], rest) => assert_total (escape' rest)
(ds, rest) => Just $ cast (cast {to=Int} (fastPack ds)) ::
!(assert_total (escape' rest))
escape' (x :: xs) = Just $ x :: !(escape' xs)
escape : String -> Maybe String
escape x = pure $ fastPack !(escape' (unpack x))
getCharLit : String -> Maybe Char
getCharLit str
= do e <- escape str
if length e == 1
then Just (assert_total (prim__strHead e))
else if length e == 0 -- parsed the NULL character that terminated the string!
then Just '\0000'
else Nothing