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||| Signal raising and handling.
||| NOTE that there are important differences between
||| what can be done out-of-box in Windows and POSIX based
||| operating systems. This module tries to honor both
||| by putting things only available in POSIX environments
||| into appropriately named namespaces or data types.
module System.Signal
import Data.Fuel
import Data.List
import System.Errno
%default total
signalFFI : String -> String
signalFFI fn = "C:" ++ fn ++ ", libidris2_support, idris_signal.h"
-- Signals
%foreign signalFFI "sighup"
prim__sighup : Int
%foreign signalFFI "sigint"
prim__sigint : Int
%foreign signalFFI "sigabrt"
prim__sigabrt : Int
%foreign signalFFI "sigquit"
prim__sigquit : Int
%foreign signalFFI "sigill"
prim__sigill : Int
%foreign signalFFI "sigsegv"
prim__sigsegv : Int
%foreign signalFFI "sigtrap"
prim__sigtrap : Int
%foreign signalFFI "sigfpe"
prim__sigfpe : Int
%foreign signalFFI "sigusr1"
prim__sigusr1 : Int
%foreign signalFFI "sigusr2"
prim__sigusr2 : Int
public export
data PosixSignal = ||| Hangup (i.e. controlling terminal closed)
| ||| Quit
| ||| Trap (as used by debuggers)
| SigUser1
| SigUser2
Eq PosixSignal where
SigHUP == SigHUP = True
SigQUIT == SigQUIT = True
SigTRAP == SigTRAP = True
SigUser1 == SigUser1 = True
SigUser2 == SigUser2 = True
_ == _ = False
public export
data Signal = ||| Interrupt (e.g. ctrl+c pressed)
| ||| Abnormal termination
| ||| Ill-formed instruction
| ||| Segmentation fault
| ||| Floating-point error
| ||| Signals only available on POSIX operating systems
SigPosix PosixSignal
Eq Signal where
SigINT == SigINT = True
SigABRT == SigABRT = True
SigILL == SigILL = True
SigSEGV == SigSEGV = True
SigFPE == SigFPE = True
SigPosix x == SigPosix y = x == y
_ == _ = False
signalCode : Signal -> Int
signalCode SigINT = prim__sigint
signalCode SigABRT = prim__sigabrt
signalCode SigILL = prim__sigill
signalCode SigSEGV = prim__sigsegv
signalCode SigFPE = prim__sigfpe
signalCode (SigPosix SigHUP ) = prim__sighup
signalCode (SigPosix SigQUIT ) = prim__sigquit
signalCode (SigPosix SigTRAP ) = prim__sigtrap
signalCode (SigPosix SigUser1) = prim__sigusr1
signalCode (SigPosix SigUser2) = prim__sigusr2
toSignal : Int -> Maybe Signal
toSignal (-1) = Nothing
toSignal x = lookup x codes
codes : List (Int, Signal)
codes = [
(prim__sigint , SigINT)
, (prim__sigabrt, SigABRT)
, (prim__sigill , SigILL)
, (prim__sigsegv, SigSEGV)
, (prim__sigfpe , SigFPE)
, (prim__sighup , SigPosix SigHUP)
, (prim__sigquit, SigPosix SigQUIT)
, (prim__sigtrap, SigPosix SigTRAP)
, (prim__sigusr1, SigPosix SigUser1)
, (prim__sigusr2, SigPosix SigUser2)
-- Signal Handling
%foreign signalFFI "ignore_signal"
prim__ignoreSignal : Int -> PrimIO Int
%foreign signalFFI "default_signal"
prim__defaultSignal : Int -> PrimIO Int
%foreign signalFFI "collect_signal"
prim__collectSignal : Int -> PrimIO Int
%foreign signalFFI "handle_next_collected_signal"
prim__handleNextCollectedSignal : PrimIO Int
%foreign signalFFI "send_signal"
prim__sendSignal : Int -> Int -> PrimIO Int
%foreign signalFFI "raise_signal"
prim__raiseSignal : Int -> PrimIO Int
||| An Error represented by a code. See
||| relevant `errno` documentation.
||| https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/errno.3.html
public export
data SignalError = Error Int
getError : HasIO io => io SignalError
getError = Error <$> getErrno
isError : Int -> Bool
isError (-1) = True
isError _ = False
||| Ignore the given signal.
||| Be careful doing this, as most signals have useful
||| default behavior -- you might want to set the signal
||| to its default behavior instead with `defaultSignal`.
ignoreSignal : HasIO io => Signal -> io (Either SignalError ())
ignoreSignal sig = do
res <- primIO $ prim__ignoreSignal (signalCode sig)
case isError res of
False => pure $ Right ()
True => Left <$> getError
||| Use the default handler for the given signal.
||| You can use this function to unset custom
||| handling of a signal.
defaultSignal : HasIO io => Signal -> io (Either SignalError ())
defaultSignal sig = do
res <- primIO $ prim__defaultSignal (signalCode sig)
case isError res of
False => pure $ Right ()
True => Left <$> getError
||| Collect the given signal.
||| This replaces the existing handling of the given signal
||| and instead results in Idris collecting occurrences of
||| the signal until you call `handleNextCollectedSignal`.
||| First, call `collectSignal` for any number of signals.
||| Then, call `handleNextCollectedSignal` in each main loop
||| of your program to retrieve (and mark as handled) the next
||| signal that was collected, if any.
||| Signals are not queued, so the return order of signals is
||| not specified and signals may be deduplicated.
collectSignal : HasIO io => Signal -> io (Either SignalError ())
collectSignal sig = do
res <- primIO $ prim__collectSignal (signalCode sig)
case isError res of
False => pure $ Right ()
True => Left <$> getError
||| Get next collected signal under the pretense of handling it.
||| Calling this "marks" the signal as handled so the next time
||| this function is called you will retrieve the next unhandled
||| signal instead of the same signal again.
||| You get back Nothing if there are no pending signals.
handleNextCollectedSignal : HasIO io => io (Maybe Signal)
handleNextCollectedSignal =
toSignal <$> primIO prim__handleNextCollectedSignal
||| Get many collected signals and mark them as handled.
||| Use `forever` as your fuel if you don't want or need to
||| retain totality. Alternatively, pick a max number to
||| retrieve and use `limit/1` as your fuel.
handleManyCollectedSignals : HasIO io => Fuel -> io (List Signal)
handleManyCollectedSignals Dry = pure []
handleManyCollectedSignals (More fuel) = do
Just next <- handleNextCollectedSignal
| Nothing => pure []
pure $ next :: !(handleManyCollectedSignals fuel)
||| Send a signal to the current process.
raiseSignal : HasIO io => Signal -> io (Either SignalError ())
raiseSignal sig = do
res <- primIO $ prim__raiseSignal (signalCode sig)
case isError res of
False => pure $ Right ()
True => Left <$> getError
namespace Posix
||| Send a signal to a POSIX process using a PID to identify the process.
sendSignal : HasIO io => Signal -> (pid : Int) -> io (Either SignalError ())
sendSignal sig pid = do
res <- primIO $ prim__sendSignal pid (signalCode sig)
case isError res of
False => pure $ Right ()
True => Left <$> getError