Edwin Brady dbdf7dab3d Back to HasIO, remove MonadIO
Following a fairly detailed discussion on slack, the feeling is
generally that it's better to have a single interface. While precision
is nice, it doesn't appear to buy us anything here. If that turns out to
be wrong, or limiting somehow, we can revisit it later. Also:

- it's easier for backend authors if the type of IO operations is
  slightly less restrictive. For example, if it's in HasIO, that limits
  alternative implementations, which might be awkward for some
  alternative back ends.
- it's one less extra detail to learn. This is minor, but there needs to
  be a clear advantage if there's more detail to learn.
- It is difficult to think of an underlying type that can't have a Monad
  instance (I have personally never encountered one - if they turns out
  to exist, again, we can revisit!)
2020-06-21 19:21:22 +01:00

130 lines
3.4 KiB

module System
import public Data.So
import Data.List
import Data.Strings
support : String -> String
support fn = "C:" ++ fn ++ ", libidris2_support"
libc : String -> String
libc fn = "C:" ++ fn ++ ", libc 6"
%foreign support "idris2_sleep"
prim_sleep : Int -> PrimIO ()
%foreign support "idris2_usleep"
prim_usleep : Int -> PrimIO ()
sleep : HasIO io => Int -> io ()
sleep sec = primIO (prim_sleep sec)
usleep : HasIO io => (x : Int) -> So (x >= 0) => io ()
usleep sec = primIO (prim_usleep sec)
-- This one is going to vary for different back ends. Probably needs a
-- better convention. Will revisit...
%foreign "scheme:blodwen-args"
prim__getArgs : PrimIO (List String)
getArgs : HasIO io => io (List String)
getArgs = primIO prim__getArgs
%foreign libc "getenv"
prim_getEnv : String -> PrimIO (Ptr String)
%foreign support "idris2_getEnvPair"
prim_getEnvPair : Int -> PrimIO (Ptr String)
%foreign support "idris2_setenv"
prim_setEnv : String -> String -> Int -> PrimIO Int
%foreign support "idris2_unsetenv"
prim_unsetEnv : String -> PrimIO Int
getEnv : HasIO io => String -> io (Maybe String)
getEnv var
= do env <- primIO $ prim_getEnv var
if prim__nullPtr env /= 0
then pure Nothing
else pure (Just (prim__getString env))
getEnvironment : HasIO io => io (List (String, String))
getEnvironment = getAllPairs 0 []
splitEq : String -> (String, String)
splitEq str
= let (k, v) = break (== '=') str
(_, v') = break (/= '=') v in
(k, v')
getAllPairs : Int -> List String -> io (List (String, String))
getAllPairs n acc = do
envPair <- primIO $ prim_getEnvPair n
if prim__nullPtr envPair /= 0
then pure $ reverse $ map splitEq acc
else getAllPairs (n + 1) (prim__getString envPair :: acc)
setEnv : HasIO io => String -> String -> Bool -> io Bool
setEnv var val overwrite
= do ok <- primIO $ prim_setEnv var val (if overwrite then 1 else 0)
if ok == 0
then pure True
else pure False
unsetEnv : HasIO io => String -> io Bool
unsetEnv var
= do ok <- primIO $ prim_unsetEnv var
if ok == 0
then pure True
else pure False
%foreign libc "system"
prim_system : String -> PrimIO Int
system : HasIO io => String -> io Int
system cmd = primIO (prim_system cmd)
%foreign support "idris2_time"
prim_time : PrimIO Int
time : HasIO io => io Integer
time = pure $ cast !(primIO prim_time)
%foreign libc "exit"
prim_exit : Int -> PrimIO ()
||| Programs can either terminate successfully, or end in a caught
||| failure.
public export
data ExitCode : Type where
||| Terminate successfully.
ExitSuccess : ExitCode
||| Program terminated for some prescribed reason.
||| @errNo A non-zero numerical value indicating failure.
||| @prf Proof that the int value is non-zero.
ExitFailure : (errNo : Int) -> (So (not $ errNo == 0)) => ExitCode
exitWith : HasIO io => ExitCode -> io a
exitWith ExitSuccess = primIO $ believe_me $ prim_exit 0
exitWith (ExitFailure code) = primIO $ believe_me $ prim_exit code
||| Exit the program indicating failure.
exitFailure : HasIO io => io a
exitFailure = exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
||| Exit the program after a successful run.
exitSuccess : HasIO io => io a
exitSuccess = exitWith ExitSuccess