2021-10-26 17:15:29 +01:00

204 lines
7.8 KiB

module TTImp.BindImplicits
import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.Core
import Core.TT
import TTImp.TTImp
import TTImp.Utils
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List
%default covering
-- Rename the IBindVars in a term. Anything which appears in the list 'renames'
-- should be renamed, to something which is *not* in the list 'used'
renameIBinds : (renames : List String) ->
(used : List String) ->
RawImp -> State (List (String, String)) RawImp
renameIBinds rs us (IPi fc c p (Just un@(UN (Basic n))) ty sc)
= if n `elem` rs
then let n' = genUniqueStr (rs ++ us) n
un' = UN (Basic n')
sc' = substNames (map (UN . Basic) (filter (/= n) us))
[(un, IVar fc un')] sc in
do scr <- renameIBinds rs (n' :: us) sc'
ty' <- renameIBinds rs us ty
upds <- get
put ((n, n') :: upds)
pure $ IPi fc c p (Just un') ty' scr
else do scr <- renameIBinds rs us sc
ty' <- renameIBinds rs us ty
pure $ IPi fc c p (Just un) ty' scr
renameIBinds rs us (IPi fc c p n ty sc)
= pure $ IPi fc c p n !(renameIBinds rs us ty) !(renameIBinds rs us sc)
renameIBinds rs us (ILam fc c p n ty sc)
= pure $ ILam fc c p n !(renameIBinds rs us ty) !(renameIBinds rs us sc)
renameIBinds rs us (IApp fc fn arg)
= pure $ IApp fc !(renameIBinds rs us fn) !(renameIBinds rs us arg)
renameIBinds rs us (IAutoApp fc fn arg)
= pure $ IAutoApp fc !(renameIBinds rs us fn) !(renameIBinds rs us arg)
renameIBinds rs us (INamedApp fc fn n arg)
= pure $ INamedApp fc !(renameIBinds rs us fn) n !(renameIBinds rs us arg)
renameIBinds rs us (IWithApp fc fn arg)
= pure $ IWithApp fc !(renameIBinds rs us fn) !(renameIBinds rs us arg)
renameIBinds rs us (IAs fc nameFC s n pat)
= pure $ IAs fc nameFC s n !(renameIBinds rs us pat)
renameIBinds rs us (IMustUnify fc r pat)
= pure $ IMustUnify fc r !(renameIBinds rs us pat)
renameIBinds rs us (IDelayed fc r t)
= pure $ IDelayed fc r !(renameIBinds rs us t)
renameIBinds rs us (IDelay fc t)
= pure $ IDelay fc !(renameIBinds rs us t)
renameIBinds rs us (IForce fc t)
= pure $ IForce fc !(renameIBinds rs us t)
renameIBinds rs us (IUpdate fc updates tm)
= pure $ IUpdate fc !(traverse f updates) !(renameIBinds rs us tm)
f : IFieldUpdate -> State (List (String, String)) IFieldUpdate
f (ISetField path x) = ISetField path <$> renameIBinds rs us x
f (ISetFieldApp path x) = ISetFieldApp path <$> renameIBinds rs us x
renameIBinds rs us (IAlternative fc u alts)
= pure $ IAlternative fc !(renameAlt u)
!(traverse (renameIBinds rs us) alts)
renameAlt : AltType -> State (List (String, String)) AltType
renameAlt (UniqueDefault t) = pure $ UniqueDefault !(renameIBinds rs us t)
renameAlt u = pure u
renameIBinds rs us (IBindVar fc n)
= if n `elem` rs
then do let n' = genUniqueStr (rs ++ us) n
upds <- get
put ((n, n') :: upds)
pure $ IBindVar fc n'
else pure $ IBindVar fc n
renameIBinds rs us tm = pure $ tm
doBind : List (String, String) -> RawImp -> RawImp
doBind [] tm = tm
doBind ns (IVar fc nm@(UN (Basic n)))
= maybe (IVar fc nm)
(IBindVar fc)
(lookup n ns)
doBind ns (IPi fc rig p mn aty retty)
= let ns' = case mn of
Just (UN (Basic n)) => filter (\x => fst x /= n) ns
_ => ns in
IPi fc rig p mn (doBind ns' aty) (doBind ns' retty)
doBind ns (ILam fc rig p mn aty sc)
= let ns' = case mn of
Just (UN (Basic n)) => filter (\x => fst x /= n) ns
_ => ns in
ILam fc rig p mn (doBind ns' aty) (doBind ns' sc)
doBind ns (IApp fc fn av)
= IApp fc (doBind ns fn) (doBind ns av)
doBind ns (IAutoApp fc fn av)
= IAutoApp fc (doBind ns fn) (doBind ns av)
doBind ns (INamedApp fc fn n av)
= INamedApp fc (doBind ns fn) n (doBind ns av)
doBind ns (IWithApp fc fn av)
= IWithApp fc (doBind ns fn) (doBind ns av)
doBind ns (IAs fc nameFC s n pat)
= IAs fc nameFC s n (doBind ns pat)
doBind ns (IMustUnify fc r pat)
= IMustUnify fc r (doBind ns pat)
doBind ns (IDelayed fc r ty)
= IDelayed fc r (doBind ns ty)
doBind ns (IDelay fc tm)
= IDelay fc (doBind ns tm)
doBind ns (IForce fc tm)
= IForce fc (doBind ns tm)
doBind ns (IQuote fc tm)
= IQuote fc (doBind ns tm)
doBind ns (IUnquote fc tm)
= IUnquote fc (doBind ns tm)
doBind ns (IAlternative fc u alts)
= IAlternative fc (mapAltType (doBind ns) u) (map (doBind ns) alts)
doBind ns (IUpdate fc updates tm)
= IUpdate fc (map (mapFieldUpdateTerm $ doBind ns) updates) (doBind ns tm)
doBind ns tm = tm
bindNames : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
(arg : Bool) -> RawImp -> Core (List Name, RawImp)
bindNames arg tm
= if !isUnboundImplicits
then do let ns = nub (findBindableNames arg [] [] tm)
log "elab.bindnames" 10 $ "Found names :" ++ show ns
pure (map (UN . Basic) (map snd ns), doBind ns tm)
else pure ([], tm)
-- if the name is part of the using decls, add the relevant binder for it:
-- either an implicit pi binding, if there's a name, or an autoimplicit type
-- binding if the name just appears as part of the type
getUsing : Name -> List (Int, Maybe Name, RawImp) ->
List (Int, (RigCount, PiInfo RawImp, Maybe Name, RawImp))
getUsing n [] = []
getUsing n ((t, Just n', ty) :: us) -- implicit binder
= if n == n'
then (t, (erased, Implicit, Just n, ty)) :: getUsing n us
else getUsing n us
getUsing n ((t, Nothing, ty) :: us) -- autoimplicit binder
= let ns = nub (findIBindVars ty) in
if n `elem` ns
then (t, (top, AutoImplicit, Nothing, ty)) ::
getUsing n us
else getUsing n us
getUsings : List Name -> List (Int, Maybe Name, RawImp) ->
List (Int, (RigCount, PiInfo RawImp, Maybe Name, RawImp))
getUsings ns u = concatMap (flip getUsing u) ns
bindUsings : List (RigCount, PiInfo RawImp, Maybe Name, RawImp) -> RawImp -> RawImp
bindUsings [] tm = tm
bindUsings ((rig, p, mn, ty) :: us) tm
= IPi (getFC ty) rig p mn ty (bindUsings us tm)
addUsing : List (Maybe Name, RawImp) ->
RawImp -> RawImp
addUsing uimpls tm
= let ns = nub (findIBindVars tm)
bs = nubBy (\x, y => fst x == fst y)
(getUsings ns (tag 0 uimpls)) in
bindUsings (map snd bs) tm
tag : Int -> List a -> List (Int, a) -- to check uniqueness of resulting uimps
tag t xs = zip (map (+t) [0..cast (length xs)]) xs
bindTypeNames : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> List (Maybe Name, RawImp) ->
List Name -> RawImp-> Core RawImp
bindTypeNames fc uimpls env tm
= if !isUnboundImplicits
then do ns <- findUniqueBindableNames fc True env [] tm
let btm = doBind ns tm
pure (addUsing uimpls btm)
else pure tm
bindTypeNamesUsed : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> List String -> List Name -> RawImp -> Core RawImp
bindTypeNamesUsed fc used env tm
= if !isUnboundImplicits
then do ns <- findUniqueBindableNames fc True env used tm
pure (doBind ns tm)
else pure tm
piBindNames : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> List Name -> RawImp -> Core RawImp
piBindNames loc env tm
= do ns <- findUniqueBindableNames loc True env [] tm
pure $ piBind (map fst ns) tm
piBind : List String -> RawImp -> RawImp
piBind [] ty = ty
piBind (n :: ns) ty
= IPi loc erased Implicit (Just (UN $ Basic n)) (Implicit loc False)
$ piBind ns ty