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105 lines
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||| A Reversed List
module Data.SnocList
import Decidable.Equality
import Data.List
%default total
infixl 7 <><
infixr 6 <>>
||| 'fish': Action of lists on snoc-lists
public export
(<><) : SnocList a -> List a -> SnocList a
sx <>< [] = sx
sx <>< (x :: xs) = sx :< x <>< xs
||| 'chips': Action of snoc-lists on lists
public export
(<>>) : SnocList a -> List a -> List a
Lin <>> xs = xs
(sx :< x) <>> xs = sx <>> x :: xs
Cast (SnocList a) (List a) where
cast sx = sx <>> []
Cast (List a) (SnocList a) where
cast xs = Lin <>< xs
||| Transform to a list but keeping the contents in the spine order (term depth).
public export
asList : SnocList type -> List type
asList = (reverse . cast)
public export
Eq a => Eq (SnocList a) where
(==) Lin Lin = True
(==) (sx :< x) (sy :< y) = x == y && sx == sy
(==) _ _ = False
public export
Ord a => Ord (SnocList a) where
compare Lin Lin = EQ
compare Lin (sx :< x) = LT
compare (sx :< x) Lin = GT
compare (sx :< x) (sy :< y)
= case compare sx sy of
EQ => compare x y
c => c
||| True iff input is Lin
public export
isLin : SnocList a -> Bool
isLin Lin = True
isLin (sx :< x) = False
||| True iff input is (:<)
public export
isSnoc : SnocList a -> Bool
isSnoc Lin = False
isSnoc (sx :< x) = True
public export
(++) : (sx, sy : SnocList a) -> SnocList a
(++) sx Lin = sx
(++) sx (sy :< y) = (sx ++ sy) :< y
public export
length : SnocList a -> Nat
length Lin = Z
length (sx :< x) = length sx + 1
Show a => Show (SnocList a) where
show xs = "[< " ++ show' "" xs ++ "]"
show' : String -> SnocList a -> String
show' acc Lin = acc
show' acc (Lin :< x)= show x ++ acc
show' acc (xs :< x) = show' (", " ++ show x ++ acc) xs
public export
Functor SnocList where
map f Lin = Lin
map f (sx :< x) = (map f sx) :< (f x)
public export
Semigroup (SnocList a) where
(<+>) = (++)
public export
Monoid (SnocList a) where
neutral = Lin
||| Check if something is a member of a list using the default Boolean equality.
public export
elem : Eq a => a -> SnocList a -> Bool
elem x Lin = False
elem x (sx :< y) = x == y || elem x sx