Edwin Brady 4f10bfcfd2 Copy samples directory from Idris2-boot
This is referred to in the documentation, so should be there
2020-06-30 10:51:09 +01:00

22 lines
516 B

module BTree
public export
data BTree a = Leaf
| Node (BTree a) a (BTree a)
insert : Ord a => a -> BTree a -> BTree a
insert x Leaf = Node Leaf x Leaf
insert x (Node l v r) = if (x < v) then (Node (insert x l) v r)
else (Node l v (insert x r))
toList : BTree a -> List a
toList Leaf = []
toList (Node l v r) = BTree.toList l ++ (v :: BTree.toList r)
toTree : Ord a => List a -> BTree a
toTree [] = Leaf
toTree (x :: xs) = insert x (toTree xs)