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synced 2025-01-07 08:18:12 +03:00
Co-authored-by: Guillaume ALLAIS <guillaume.allais@ens-lyon.org>
323 lines
11 KiB
323 lines
11 KiB
||| Core features required to perform Golden file testing.
||| We provide the core functionality to run a *single* golden file test, or
||| a whole test tree.
||| This allows the developer freedom to use as is or design the rest of the
||| test harness to their liking.
||| This was originally used as part of Idris2's own test suite and
||| the core functionality is useful for the many and not the few.
||| Please see Idris2 test harness for example usage.
||| # Test Structure
||| This harness works from the assumption that each individual golden test
||| comprises of a directory with the following structure:
||| + `run` a *shell* script that runs the test. We expect it to:
||| * Use `$1` as the variable standing for the idris executable to be tested
||| * May use `${IDRIS2_TESTS_CG}` to pick a codegen that ought to work
||| * Clean up after itself (e.g. by running `rm -rf build/`)
||| + `expected` a file containting the expected output of `run`
||| During testing, the test harness will generate an artefact named `output` and
||| display both outputs if there is a failure.
||| During an interactive session the following command is used to compare them as
||| they are:
||| ```sh
||| git diff --no-index --exit-code --word-diff=color expected output
||| ```
||| If `git` fails then the runner will simply present the expected and 'given'
||| files side-by-side.
||| Of note, it is helpful if `output` was added to a local `.gitignore` instance
||| to ensure that it is not mistakenly versioned.
||| # Options
||| The test harness has several options that may be set:
||| + `idris2` The path of the executable we are testing.
||| + `onlyNames` The list of tests to run relative to the generated executable.
||| + `interactive` Whether to offer to update the expected file or not.
||| + `timing` Whether to display time taken for each test.
||| We provide an options parser (`options`) that will take the command line arguments
||| and constructs this for you.
||| # Usage
||| When compiled to an executable the expected usage is:
|||runtests <path to executable under test> [--timing] [--interactive] [--only [NAMES]]
||| assuming that the test runner is compiled to an executable named `runtests`.
module Lib
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.List1
import Data.Strings
import System
import System.Clock
import System.Directory
import System.File
import System.Info
import System.Path
-- [ Options ]
||| Options for the test driver.
public export
record Options where
constructor MkOptions
||| Name of the idris2 executable
exeUnderTest : String
||| Which codegen should we use?
codegen : Maybe String
||| Should we only run some specific cases?
onlyNames : List String
||| Should we run the test suite interactively?
interactive : Bool
||| Should we time and display the tests
timing : Bool
usage : String -> String
usage exe = unwords ["Usage:", exe, "runtests <path> [--timing] [--interactive] [--cg CODEGEN] [--only [NAMES]]"]
||| Process the command line options.
options : List String -> Maybe Options
options args = case args of
(_ :: exeUnderTest :: rest) => go rest (MkOptions exeUnderTest Nothing [] False False)
_ => Nothing
go : List String -> Options -> Maybe Options
go rest opts = case rest of
[] => pure opts
("--timing" :: xs) => go xs (record { timing = True} opts)
("--interactive" :: xs) => go xs (record { interactive = True } opts)
("--cg" :: cg :: xs) => go xs (record { codegen = Just cg } opts)
("--only" :: xs) => pure $ record { onlyNames = xs } opts
_ => Nothing
-- [ Core ]
fail : String -> IO ()
fail err
= do putStrLn err
exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
||| Normalise strings between different OS.
||| on Windows, we just ignore backslashes and slashes when comparing,
||| similarity up to that is good enough. Leave errors that depend
||| on the confusion of slashes and backslashes to unix machines.
normalize : String -> String
normalize str =
if isWindows
then pack $ filter (\ch => ch /= '/' && ch /= '\\') (unpack str)
else str
||| Run the specified Golden test with the supplied options.
||| See the module documentation for more information.
||| @currdir absolute or relative path to root test directory.
||| @testpath the directory that contains the test.
runTest : Options -> (currdir, testPath : String) -> IO Bool
runTest opts currdir testPath
= do changeDir testPath
isSuccess <- runTest'
changeDir currdir
pure isSuccess
getAnswer : IO Bool
getAnswer = do
str <- getLine
case str of
"y" => pure True
"n" => pure False
_ => do putStrLn "Invalid Answer."
printExpectedVsOutput : String -> String -> IO ()
printExpectedVsOutput exp out = do
putStrLn "Expected:"
putStrLn exp
putStrLn "Given:"
putStrLn out
mayOverwrite : Maybe String -> String -> IO ()
mayOverwrite mexp out = do
the (IO ()) $ case mexp of
Nothing => putStr $ unlines
[ "Golden value missing. I computed the following result:"
, out
, "Accept new golden value? [yn]"
Just exp => do
putStrLn "Golden value differs from actual value."
code <- system "git diff --no-index --exit-code --word-diff=color expected output"
when (code < 0) $ printExpectedVsOutput exp out
putStrLn "Accept actual value as new golden value? [yn]"
b <- getAnswer
when b $ do Right _ <- writeFile "expected" out
| Left err => print err
pure ()
printTiming : Bool -> Clock type -> String -> IO ()
printTiming True clock msg = putStrLn (unwords [msg, show clock])
printTiming False _ msg = putStrLn msg
runTest' : IO Bool
= do putStr $ testPath ++ ": "
start <- clockTime Thread
let cg = case codegen opts of
Nothing => ""
Just cg => "env IDRIS2_TESTS_CG=" ++ cg ++ " "
system $ cg ++ "sh ./run " ++ exeUnderTest opts ++ " | tr -d '\\r' > output"
end <- clockTime Thread
Right out <- readFile "output"
| Left err => do print err
pure False
Right exp <- readFile "expected"
| Left FileNotFound => do
if interactive opts
then mayOverwrite Nothing out
else print FileNotFound
pure False
| Left err => do print err
pure False
let result = normalize out == normalize exp
let time = timeDifference end start
if result
then printTiming (timing opts) time "success"
else do
printTiming (timing opts) time "FAILURE"
if interactive opts
then mayOverwrite (Just exp) out
else printExpectedVsOutput exp out
pure result
||| Find the first occurrence of an executable on `PATH`.
pathLookup : List String -> IO (Maybe String)
pathLookup names = do
path <- getEnv "PATH"
let pathList = forget $ split (== pathSeparator) $ fromMaybe "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin" path
let candidates = [p ++ "/" ++ x | p <- pathList,
x <- names]
firstExists candidates
||| Some test may involve Idris' backends and have requirements.
||| We define here the ones supported by Idris
public export
data Requirement = Chez | Node | Racket
Show Requirement where
show Chez = "Chez"
show Node = "node"
show Racket = "racket"
checkRequirement : Requirement -> IO (Maybe String)
checkRequirement req
= do let (envvar, paths) = requirement req
Just exec <- getEnv envvar | Nothing => pathLookup paths
pure (Just exec)
requirement : Requirement -> (String, List String)
requirement Chez = ("CHEZ", ["chez", "chezscheme9.5", "scheme", "scheme.exe"])
requirement Node = ("NODE", ["node"])
requirement Racket = ("RACKET", ["racket"])
findCG : IO (Maybe String)
= do Nothing <- getEnv "IDRIS2_TESTS_CG" | p => pure p
Nothing <- checkRequirement Chez | p => pure (Just "chez")
Nothing <- checkRequirement Node | p => pure (Just "node")
Nothing <- checkRequirement Racket | p => pure (Just "racket")
pure Nothing
||| A test pool is characterised by
||| + a list of requirement
||| + and a list of directory paths
public export
record TestPool where
constructor MkTestPool
constraints : List Requirement
testCases : List String
||| Only keep the tests that have been asked for
filterTests : Options -> List String -> List String
filterTests opts = case onlyNames opts of
[] => id
xs => filter (\ name => any (`isInfixOf` name) xs)
||| A runner for a test pool
poolRunner : Options -> (currdir : String) -> TestPool -> IO (List Bool)
poolRunner opts currdir pool
= do -- check that we indeed want to run some of these tests
let tests = filterTests opts (testCases pool)
let (_ :: _) = tests
| [] => pure []
-- if so make sure the constraints are satisfied
cs <- for (constraints pool) $ \ req => do
mfp <- checkRequirement req
putStrLn $ case mfp of
Nothing => show req ++ " not found"
Just fp => "Found " ++ show req ++ " at " ++ fp
pure mfp
let Just _ = the (Maybe (List String)) (sequence cs)
| Nothing => pure []
-- if so run them all!
traverse (runTest opts currdir) tests
||| A runner for a whole test suite
runner : List TestPool -> IO ()
runner tests
= do args <- getArgs
let (Just opts) = options args
| _ => do print args
putStrLn (usage "runtests")
-- if no CG has been set, find a sensible default based on what is available
opts <- case codegen opts of
Nothing => pure $ record { codegen = !findCG } opts
Just _ => pure opts
-- grab the current directory
Just pwd <- currentDir
| Nothing => putStrLn "FATAL: Could not get current working directory"
-- run the tests
res <- concat <$> traverse (poolRunner opts pwd) tests
putStrLn (show (length (filter id res)) ++ "/" ++ show (length res)
++ " tests successful")
if (any not res)
then exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
else exitWith ExitSuccess
-- [ EOF ]