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synced 2024-12-19 09:12:34 +03:00
The help text check is for making sure we update it when modifying things, more than anything else.
48 lines
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48 lines
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Main> <expr> Evaluate an expression
:t :type <expr> Check the type of an expression
:ti <expr> Check the type of an expression, showing implicit arguments
:printdef <expr> Show the definition of a function
:s :search <expr> Search for values by type
:di <name> Show debugging information for a name
:module :import <module> Import an extra module
:package <string> Import every module of the package
:q :quit :exit Exit the Idris system
:cwd Displays the current working directory
:cd <string> Change the current working directory
:sh <string> Run a shell command
:set <option> Set an option
:unset <option> Unset an option
:opts Show current options settings
:c :compile <file> <expr> Compile to an executable
:exec <expr> Compile to an executable and run
:directive <string> Set a codegen-specific directive
:l :load <string> Load a file
:r :reload Reload current file
:e :edit Edit current file using $EDITOR or $VISUAL
:miss :missing <name> Show missing clauses
:total <name> Check the totality of a name
:doc <keyword|expr> Show documentation for a keyword, a name, or a primitive
:browse <module> Browse contents of a namespace
:log :logging <string> <number> Set logging level
:consolewidth <number|auto> Set the width of the console output (0 for unbounded) (auto by default)
:color :colour (on|off) Whether to use color for the console output (enabled by default)
:m :metavars Show remaining proof obligations (metavariables or holes)
:typeat <l:number> <c:number> <n:string> Show type of term <n> defined on line <l> and column <c>
:cs :casesplit <l:number> <c:number> <n:string> Case split term <n> defined on line <l> and column <c>
:ac :addclause <l:number> <n:string> Add clause to term <n> defined on line <l>
:ml :makelemma <l:number> <n:string> Make lemma for term <n> defined on line <l>
:mc :makecase <l:number> <n:string> Make case on term <n> defined on line <l>
:mw :makewith <l:number> <n:string> Add with expression on term <n> defined on line <l>
:intro <l:number> <n:string> Introduce unambiguous constructor in hole <n> defined on line <l>
:refine <l:number> <c:number> <h:string> <e:expr>Refine hole <h> with identifier <n> on line <l> and column <c>
:ps :proofsearch <l:number> <n:string> <h:[name]> Search for a proof
:psnext Show next proof
:gd <l:number> <n:string> <r:number|0> Search for a proof
:gdnext Show next definition
:version Display the Idris version
:? :h :help Display this help text
:let <decls> Define a new value
:fs :fsearch <expr> Search for global definitions by sketching the names distribution of the wanted type(s).
Bye for now!