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Main> Prelude.plus : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
Add two natural numbers.
@ x the number to case-split on
@ y the other numberpublic export
Totality: total
Main> Prelude.Nat : Type
Natural numbers: unbounded, unsigned integers which can be pattern matched.
Totality: total
Z : Nat
S : Nat -> Nat
Main> Prelude.List : Type -> Type
Generic lists.
Totality: total
Nil : List a
Empty list
(::) : a -> List a -> List a
A non-empty list, consisting of a head element and the rest of the list.
Main> Prelude.Show : Type -> Type
Things that have a canonical `String` representation.
Parameters: ty
show : (x : ty) -> String
Convert a value to its `String` representation.
@ x the value to convert
showPrec : (d : Prec) -> (x : ty) -> String
Convert a value to its `String` representation in a certain precedence
A value should produce parentheses around itself if and only if the given
precedence context is greater than or equal to the precedence of the
outermost operation represented in the produced `String`. *This is
different from Haskell*, which requires it to be strictly greater. `Open`
should thus always produce *no* outermost parens, `App` should always
produce outermost parens except on atomic values and those that provide
their own bracketing, like `Pair` and `List`.
@ d the precedence context.
@ x the value to convert
Show Int
Show Integer
Show Bits8
Show Bits16
Show Bits32
Show Bits64
Show Int8
Show Int16
Show Int32
Show Int64
Show Double
Show Char
Show String
Show Nat
Show Bool
Show Void
Show ()
(Show a, Show b) => Show (a, b)
(Show a, Show (p y)) => Show (DPair a p)
Show a => Show (List a)
Show a => Show (Maybe a)
(Show a, Show b) => Show (Either a b)
Main> Prelude.show : Show ty => ty -> String
Convert a value to its `String` representation.
@ x the value to convert
Totality: total
Main> Prelude.Monad : (Type -> Type) -> Type
Parameters: m
Constraints: Applicative m
(>>=) : m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
Also called `bind`.
join : m (m a) -> m a
Also called `flatten` or mu.
Monad IO
Monoid a => Monad (Pair a)
Monad Maybe
Monad (Either e)
Monad List
Main> 1 : Integer
Main> Bye for now!