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module Data.List.Views.Extra
import Data.List
import Data.List.Reverse
import Data.List.Views
import Data.Nat
import Data.List.Equalities
%default total
||| Proof that two numbers differ by at most one
public export
data Balanced : Nat -> Nat -> Type where
BalancedZ : Balanced Z Z
BalancedL : Balanced (S Z) Z
BalancedRec : Balanced n m -> Balanced (S n) (S m)
%name Balanced bal, b
Uninhabited (Balanced Z (S k)) where
uninhabited BalancedZ impossible
uninhabited BalancedL impossible
uninhabited (BalancedRec rec) impossible
balancedPred : Balanced (S x) (S y) -> Balanced x y
balancedPred (BalancedRec pred) = pred
mkBalancedEq : {n, m : Nat} -> n = m -> Balanced n m
mkBalancedEq {n = 0} Refl = BalancedZ
mkBalancedEq {n = (S k)} Refl = BalancedRec $ mkBalancedEq {n = k} Refl
mkBalancedL : {n, m : Nat} -> n = S m -> Balanced n m
mkBalancedL {m = 0} Refl = BalancedL
mkBalancedL {m = S k} Refl = BalancedRec (mkBalancedL Refl)
||| View of a list split into two halves
||| The lengths of the lists are guaranteed to differ by at most one
public export
data SplitBalanced : List a -> Type where
: {xs, ys : List a}
-> Balanced (length xs) (length ys)
-> SplitBalanced (xs ++ ys)
: (revLs : List a)
-> (rs : List a)
-> (doubleSkip : List a)
-> (length rs = length revLs + length doubleSkip)
-> SplitBalanced (reverse revLs ++ rs)
splitBalancedHelper revLs rs [] prf = MkSplitBal balancedLeftsAndRights
lengthsEqual : length rs = length revLs
lengthsEqual =
rewrite sym (plusZeroRightNeutral (length revLs)) in prf
balancedLeftsAndRights : Balanced (length (reverse revLs)) (length rs)
balancedLeftsAndRights =
rewrite reverseLength revLs in
rewrite lengthsEqual in
mkBalancedEq Refl
splitBalancedHelper revLs [] (x :: xs) prf =
absurd $
the (0 = S (plus (length revLs) (length xs)))
rewrite plusSuccRightSucc (length revLs) (length xs) in
splitBalancedHelper revLs (x :: rs) [lastItem] prf =
rewrite appendAssociative (reverse revLs) [x] rs in
rewrite sym (reverseCons x revLs) in
MkSplitBal $
the (Balanced (length (reverseOnto [x] revLs)) (length rs)) $
rewrite reverseCons x revLs in
rewrite lengthSnoc x (reverse revLs) in
rewrite reverseLength revLs in
rewrite lengthsEqual in
mkBalancedL Refl
lengthsEqual : length rs = length revLs
lengthsEqual =
cong pred $
the (S (length rs) = S (length revLs)) $
rewrite plusCommutative 1 (length revLs) in prf
splitBalancedHelper revLs (x :: oneFurther) (_ :: (_ :: twoFurther)) prf =
rewrite appendAssociative (reverse revLs) [x] oneFurther in
rewrite sym (reverseCons x revLs) in
splitBalancedHelper (x :: revLs) oneFurther twoFurther $
cong pred $
the (S (length oneFurther) = S (S (plus (length revLs) (length twoFurther)))) $
rewrite plusSuccRightSucc (length revLs) (length twoFurther) in
rewrite plusSuccRightSucc (length revLs) (S (length twoFurther)) in
||| Covering function for the `SplitBalanced`
||| Constructs the view in linear time
splitBalanced : (input : List a) -> SplitBalanced input
splitBalanced input = splitBalancedHelper [] input input Refl
||| The `VList` view allows us to recurse on the middle of a list,
||| inspecting the front and back elements simultaneously.
public export
data VList : List a -> Type where
VNil : VList []
VOne : VList [x]
VCons : {x, y : a} -> {xs : List a} -> (rec : Lazy (VList xs)) -> VList (x :: xs ++ [y])
: (xs : List a)
-> SnocList ys
-> Balanced (length xs) (length ys)
-> VList (xs ++ ys)
toVList [] Empty BalancedZ = VNil
toVList [x] Empty BalancedL = VOne
toVList [] (Snoc x zs rec) prf =
absurd $
the (Balanced 0 (S (length zs))) $
rewrite sym (lengthSnoc x zs) in prf
toVList (x :: xs) (Snoc y ys srec) prf =
rewrite appendAssociative xs ys [y] in
VCons $
toVList xs srec $
balancedPred $
rewrite sym (lengthSnoc y ys) in prf
||| Covering function for `VList`
||| Constructs the view in linear time.
vList : (xs : List a) -> VList xs
vList xs with (splitBalanced xs)
vList (ys ++ zs) | (MkSplitBal prf) = toVList ys (snocList zs) prf
||| Lazy filtering of a list based on a predicate.
public export
data LazyFilterRec : List a -> Type where
Exhausted : (skip : List a) -> LazyFilterRec skip
Found : (skip : List a) -- initial non-matching elements
-> (head : a) -- first match
-> Lazy (LazyFilterRec rest)
-> LazyFilterRec (skip ++ (head :: rest))
||| Covering function for the LazyFilterRec view.
||| Constructs the view lazily in linear time.
total export
lazyFilterRec : (pred : (a -> Bool)) -> (xs : List a) -> LazyFilterRec xs
lazyFilterRec pred [] = Exhausted []
lazyFilterRec pred (x :: xs) with (pred x)
lazyFilterRec pred (x :: xs) | True = Found [] x (lazyFilterRec pred xs)
lazyFilterRec pred (x :: []) | False = Exhausted [x]
lazyFilterRec pred (x :: rest@(_ :: xs)) | False = filterHelper [x] rest
: (reverseOfSkipped : List a)
-> {auto prf1 : NonEmpty reverseOfSkipped}
-> (rest : List a)
-> {auto prf2 : NonEmpty rest}
-> LazyFilterRec (reverse reverseOfSkipped ++ rest)
filterHelper revSkipped (y :: xs) with (pred y)
filterHelper revSkipped (y :: xs) | True =
Found (reverse revSkipped) y (lazyFilterRec pred xs)
filterHelper revSkipped (y :: []) | False =
rewrite sym (reverseOntoSpec [y] revSkipped) in
Exhausted $ reverse (y :: revSkipped)
filterHelper revSkipped (y :: (z :: zs)) | False =
rewrite appendAssociative (reverse revSkipped) [y] (z :: zs) in
rewrite sym (reverseOntoSpec [y] revSkipped) in
filterHelper (y :: revSkipped) (z :: zs)