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||| Module partially based on McBride's paper:
||| Turing-Completeness Totally Free
||| It gives us a type to describe computation using general recursion
||| and functions to run these computations for a while or to completion
||| if we are able to prove them total.
||| The content of the Erased section is new. Instead of producing the
||| domain/evaluation pair by computing a Dybjer-Setzer code we build a
||| specialised structure that allows us to make the domain proof runtime
||| irrelevant.
module Data.Recursion.Free
import Data.Late
import Data.InductionRecursion.DybjerSetzer
%default total
-- Type
||| Syntax for a program using general recursion
public export
data General : (a : Type) -> (b : a -> Type) -> (x : Type) -> Type where
||| We can return a value without performing any recursive call.
Tell : x -> General a b x
||| Or we can pick an input and ask an oracle to give us a return value
||| for it. The second argument is a continuation explaining what we want
||| to do with the returned value.
Ask : (i : a) -> (b i -> General a b x) -> General a b x
||| Type of functions using general recursion
public export
PiG : (a : Type) -> (b : a -> Type) -> Type
PiG a b = (i : a) -> General a b (b i)
||| Recursor for General
public export
fold : (x -> y) -> ((i : a) -> (b i -> y) -> y) -> General a b x -> y
fold pure ask (Tell x) = pure x
fold pure ask (Ask i k) = ask i (\ o => fold pure ask (k o))
-- Basic functions
||| Perform a recursive call and return the value provided by the oracle.
public export
call : PiG a b
call i = Ask i Tell
||| Monadic bind (defined outside of the interface to be able to use it for
||| map and (<*>)).
public export
bind : General a b x -> (x -> General a b y) -> General a b y
bind m f = fold f Ask m
||| Given a monadic oracle we can give a monad morphism interpreting a
||| function using general recursion as a monadic process.
public export
monadMorphism : Monad m => (t : (i : a) -> m (b i)) -> General a b x -> m x
monadMorphism t = fold pure (\ i => (t i >>=))
-- Instances
public export
Functor (General a b) where
map f = fold (Tell . f) Ask
public export
Applicative (General a b) where
pure = Tell
gf <*> gv = bind gf (\ f => map (f $) gv)
public export
Monad (General a b) where
(>>=) = bind
-- Fuel-based (partial) evaluation
||| Check whehther we are ready to return a value
public export
already : General a b x -> Maybe x
already = monadMorphism (\ i => Nothing)
||| Use a function using general recursion to expand all of the oracle calls.
public export
expand : PiG a b -> General a b x -> General a b x
expand f = monadMorphism f
||| Recursively call expand a set number of times.
public export
engine : PiG a b -> Nat -> General a b x -> General a b x
engine f Z = id
engine f (S n) = engine f n . expand f
||| Check whether recursively calling expand a set number of times is enough
||| to produce a value.
public export
petrol : PiG a b -> Nat -> (i : a) -> Maybe (b i)
petrol f n i = already $ engine f n $ f i
-- Late-based evaluation
||| Rely on an oracle using general recursion to convert a function using
||| general recursion into a process returning a value in the (distant) future.
public export
late : PiG a b -> General a b x -> Late x
late f = monadMorphism (\ i => Later (assert_total $ late f (f i)))
||| Interpret a function using general recursion as a process returning
||| a value in the (distant) future.
public export
lazy : PiG a b -> (i : a) -> Late (b i)
lazy f i = late f (f i)
-- Domain as a Dybjer-Setzer code and total evaluation function
namespace DybjerSetzer
||| Compute, as a Dybjer-Setzer code for an inductive-recursive type, the domain
||| of a function defined by general recursion.
public export
Domain : PiG a b -> (i : a) -> Code b (b i)
Domain f i = monadMorphism ask (f i) where
ask : (i : a) -> Code b (b i)
ask i = Branch () (const i) $ \ t => Yield (t ())
||| If a given input is in the domain of the function then we may evaluate
||| it fully on that input and obtain a pure return value.
public export
evaluate : (f : PiG a b) -> (i : a) -> Mu (Domain f) i -> b i
evaluate f i inDom = Decode inDom
||| If every input value is in the domain then the function is total.
public export
totally : (f : PiG a b) -> ((i : a) -> Mu (Domain f) i) ->
(i : a) -> b i
totally f allInDomain i = evaluate f i (allInDomain i)
-- Runtime irrelevant domain and total evaluation function
namespace Erased
-- Domain and evaluation functions
||| What it means to describe a terminating computation
||| @ f is the function used to answer questions put to the oracle
||| @ d is the description of the computation
public export
data Layer : (f : PiG a b) -> (d : General a b (b i)) -> Type
||| The domain of a function (i.e. the set of inputs for which it terminates)
||| as a predicate on inputs
||| @ f is the function whose domain is being described
||| @ i is the input that is purported to be in the domain
Domain : (f : PiG a b) -> (i : a) -> Type
||| Fully evaluate a computation known to be terminating.
||| Because of the careful design of the inductive family Layer, we can make
||| the proof runtime irrelevant.
evaluateLayer : (f : PiG a b) -> (d : General a b (b i)) -> (0 _ : Layer f d) -> b i
||| Fully evaluate a function call for an input known to be in its domain.
evaluate : (f : PiG a b) -> (i : a) -> (0 _ : Domain f i) -> b i
-- In a classic Dybjer-Setzer situation this is computed by induction over the
-- index of type `General a b (b i)` and the fixpoint called `Domain` is the
-- one thing defined as an inductive type.
-- Here we have to flip the script because Idris will only trust inductive data
-- as a legitimate source of termination metric for a recursive function. This
-- makes our definition of `evaluateLayer` obviously terminating.
data Layer : PiG a b -> General a b (b i) -> Type where
||| A computation returning a value is trivially terminating
MkTell : {0 a : Type} -> {0 b : a -> Type} -> {0 f : PiG a b} -> {0 i : a} ->
(o : b i) -> Layer f (Tell o)
||| Performing a call to the oracle is termnating if the input is in its
||| domain and if the rest of the computation is also finite.
MkAsk : {0 a : Type} -> {0 b : a -> Type} -> {0 f : PiG a b} -> {0 i : a} ->
(j : a) -> (jprf : Domain f j) ->
(k : b j -> General a b (b i)) -> Layer f (k (evaluate f j jprf)) ->
Layer f (Ask j k)
-- Domain is simply defined as the top layer leading to a terminating
-- computation with the function used as its own oracle.
Domain f i = Layer f (f i)
||| A view that gives us a pattern-matching friendly presentation of the
||| @ d computation known to be terminating
||| @ l proof that it is
||| This may seem like a useless definition but the function `view`
||| demonstrates a very important use case: even if the proof is runtime
||| irrelevant, we can manufacture a satisfying view of it.
data View : {d : General a b (b i)} -> (l : Layer f d) -> Type where
TView : {0 b : a -> Type} -> {0 f : PiG a b} -> (o : b i) -> View (MkTell {b} {f} o)
AView : {0 f : PiG a b} ->
(j : a) -> (0 jprf : Domain f j) ->
(k : b j -> General a b (b i)) -> (0 kprf : Layer f (k (evaluate f j jprf))) ->
View (MkAsk j jprf k kprf)
||| Function computing the view by pattern-matching on the computation and
||| inverting the proof. Note that the proof is runtime irrelevant even though
||| the resulting view is not: this is possible because the relevant constructor
||| is uniquely determined by the shape of `d`.
public export
view : (d : General a b (b i)) -> (0 l : Layer f d) -> View l
view (Tell o) (MkTell o) = TView o
view (Ask j k) (MkAsk j jprf k kprf) = AView j jprf k kprf
-- Just like `Domain` is defined in terms of `Layer`, the evaluation of a
-- function call for an input in its domain can be reduced to the evaluation
-- of a layer.
evaluate f i l = evaluateLayer f (f i) l
-- The view defined earlier allows us to pattern on the runtime irrelevant
-- proof that the layer describes a terminating computation and therefore
-- define `evaluateLayer` in a way that is purely structural.
-- This becomes obvious if one spells out the (forced) pattern corresponding
-- to `d` in each branch of the case.
evaluateLayer f d l = case view d l of
TView o => o
AView j jprf k kprf => evaluateLayer f (k (evaluate f j jprf)) kprf
||| If a function's domain is total then it is a pure function.
public export
totally : (f : PiG a b) -> (0 _ : (i : a) -> Domain f i) ->
(i : a) -> b i
totally f dom i = evaluate f i (dom i)
-- Proofs
||| Domain is a singleton type
irrelevantDomain : (f : PiG a b) -> (i : a) -> (p, q : Domain f i) -> p === q
||| Layer is a singleton type
: (f : PiG a b) -> (d : General a b (b i)) -> (l, m : Layer f d) -> l === m
irrelevantDomain f i p q = irrelevantLayer f (f i) p q
irrelevantLayer f (Tell o)
(MkTell o) (MkTell o) = Refl
irrelevantLayer f (Ask j k)
(MkAsk j jprf1 k kprf1) (MkAsk j jprf2 k kprf2)
with (irrelevantDomain f j jprf1 jprf2)
irrelevantLayer f (Ask j k)
(MkAsk j jprf k kprf1) (MkAsk j jprf k kprf2)
| Refl = cong (MkAsk j jprf k)
$ irrelevantLayer f (k (evaluate f j jprf)) kprf1 kprf2
||| The result of `evaluateLayer` does not depend on the specific proof that
||| `i` is in the domain of the layer of computation at hand.
: (f : PiG a b) -> (d : General a b (b i)) -> (0 p, q : Layer f d) ->
evaluateLayer f d p === evaluateLayer f d q
evaluateLayerIrrelevance f d p q
= rewrite irrelevantLayer f d p q in Refl
||| The result of `evaluate` does not depend on the specific proof that `i`
||| is in the domain of the function at hand.
: (f : PiG a b) -> (i : a) -> (0 p, q : Domain f i) ->
evaluate f i p === evaluate f i q
evaluateIrrelevance f i p q
= evaluateLayerIrrelevance f (f i) p q
||| The result computed by a total function is independent from the proof
||| that it is total.
: (f : PiG a b) -> (0 p, q : (i : a) -> Domain f i) ->
(i : a) -> totally f p i === totally f q i
totallyIrrelevance f p q i = evaluateIrrelevance f i (p i) (q i)