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The prelude interfaces that have default definitions for all of their fields are declared total so that users are forced to think about meeting the minimal requirements for an implementation to be valid.
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module Data.SortedMap
import Data.SortedMap.Dependent
%hide Prelude.toList
record SortedMap k v where
constructor M
unM : SortedDMap k $ const v
-- Helper function
unDPair : (x : a ** const b x) -> (a, b)
unDPair (k ** v) = (k, v)
empty : Ord k => SortedMap k v
empty = M empty
lookup : k -> SortedMap k v -> Maybe v
lookup k = map snd . lookup k . unM
insert : k -> v -> SortedMap k v -> SortedMap k v
insert k v = M . insert k v . unM
singleton : Ord k => k -> v -> SortedMap k v
singleton = M .: singleton
insertFrom : Foldable f => f (k, v) -> SortedMap k v -> SortedMap k v
insertFrom = flip $ foldl $ flip $ uncurry insert
delete : k -> SortedMap k v -> SortedMap k v
delete k = M . delete k . unM
fromList : Ord k => List (k, v) -> SortedMap k v
fromList = flip insertFrom empty
toList : SortedMap k v -> List (k, v)
toList = map unDPair . toList . unM
||| Gets the keys of the map.
keys : SortedMap k v -> List k
keys = map fst . toList
||| Gets the values of the map. Could contain duplicates.
values : SortedMap k v -> List v
values = map snd . toList
implementation Functor (SortedMap k) where
map f = M . map f . unM
implementation Foldable (SortedMap k) where
foldr f z = foldr f z . values
foldl f z = foldl f z . values
null = null . unM
foldMap f = foldMap f . values
implementation Traversable (SortedMap k) where
traverse f = map M . traverse f . unM
||| Merge two maps. When encountering duplicate keys, using a function to combine the values.
||| Uses the ordering of the first map given.
mergeWith : (v -> v -> v) -> SortedMap k v -> SortedMap k v -> SortedMap k v
mergeWith f x y = insertFrom inserted x where
inserted : List (k, v)
inserted = do
(k, v) <- toList y
let v' = (maybe id f $ lookup k x) v
pure (k, v')
||| Merge two maps using the Semigroup (and by extension, Monoid) operation.
||| Uses mergeWith internally, so the ordering of the left map is kept.
merge : Semigroup v => SortedMap k v -> SortedMap k v -> SortedMap k v
merge = mergeWith (<+>)
||| Left-biased merge, also keeps the ordering specified by the left map.
mergeLeft : SortedMap k v -> SortedMap k v -> SortedMap k v
mergeLeft = mergeWith const
||| looks up a key in map, returning the left and right closest values, so that
||| k1 <= k < k2. If at the end of the beginning and/or end of the sorted map, returns
||| nothing appropriately
lookupBetween : key -> SortedMap key val -> (Maybe (key,val), Maybe (key,val))
lookupBetween k = bimap (map unDPair) (map unDPair) . lookupBetween k . unM
||| Returns the leftmost (least) key and value
leftMost : SortedMap key val -> Maybe (key,val)
leftMost = map unDPair . leftMost . unM
||| Returns the rightmost (greatest) key and value
rightMost : SortedMap key val -> Maybe (key,val)
rightMost = map unDPair . rightMost . unM
(Show k, Show v) => Show (SortedMap k v) where
show m = "fromList " ++ (show $ toList m)
(Eq k, Eq v) => Eq (SortedMap k v) where
(==) = (==) `on` toList
-- TODO: is this the right variant of merge to use for this? I think it is, but
-- I could also see the advantages of using `mergeLeft`. The current approach is
-- strictly more powerful I believe, because `mergeLeft` can be emulated with
-- the `First` monoid. However, this does require more code to do the same
-- thing.
Semigroup v => Semigroup (SortedMap k v) where
(<+>) = merge
||| For `neutral <+> y`, y is rebuilt in `Ord k`, so this is not a "strict" Monoid.
||| However, semantically, it should be equal.
(Ord k, Semigroup v) => Monoid (SortedMap k v) where
neutral = empty