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||| A simple parser combinator library for String. Inspired by attoparsec zepto.
module Data.String.Parser
import public Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.String
import Data.String.Extra
import Data.Fin
import Data.List
import Data.List.Alternating
import Data.List1
import Data.SnocList
import Data.Vect
%default total
||| The input state, pos is position in the string and maxPos is the length of the input string.
public export
record State where
constructor S
input : String
pos : Int
maxPos : Int
Show State where
show s = "(" ++ show s.input ++ ", " ++ show s.pos ++ ", " ++ show s.maxPos ++ ")"
||| Result of applying a parser
public export
data Result a = Fail Int String | OK a State
Functor Result where
map f (Fail i err) = Fail i err
map f (OK r s) = OK (f r) s
public export
record ParseT (m : Type -> Type) (a : Type) where
constructor P
runParser : State -> m (Result a)
public export
Parser : Type -> Type
Parser = ParseT Identity
public export
Functor m => Functor (ParseT m) where
map f p = P $ \s => map (map f) (p.runParser s)
public export
Monad m => Applicative (ParseT m) where
pure x = P $ \s => pure $ OK x s
f <*> x = P $ \s => case !(f.runParser s) of
OK f' s' => map (map f') (x.runParser s')
Fail i err => pure $ Fail i err
public export
Monad m => Alternative (ParseT m) where
empty = P $ \s => pure $ Fail s.pos "no alternative left"
a <|> b = P $ \s => case !(a.runParser s) of
OK r s' => pure $ OK r s'
Fail _ _ => b.runParser s
public export
Monad m => Monad (ParseT m) where
m >>= k = P $ \s => case !(m.runParser s) of
OK a s' => (k a).runParser s'
Fail i err => pure $ Fail i err
public export
MonadTrans ParseT where
lift x = P $ \s => map (flip OK s) x
||| Run a parser in a monad
||| Returns a tuple of the result and final position on success.
||| Returns an error message on failure.
parseT : Functor m => ParseT m a -> String -> m (Either String (a, Int))
parseT p str = map (\case
OK r s => Right (r, s.pos)
Fail i err => Left $ let (line, col) = computePos i str in "Parse failed at position \{show line}-\{show col}: \{err}")
(p.runParser (S str 0 (strLength str)))
computePosAcc : Int -> List Char -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
computePosAcc 0 input acc = acc
computePosAcc n [] acc = acc
computePosAcc n ('\n' :: is) (line, col) = computePosAcc (n - 1) is (line + 1, 0)
computePosAcc n (i :: is) (line, col) = computePosAcc (n - 1) is (line, col + 1)
-- compute the position as line:col
computePos : Int -> String -> (Int, Int)
computePos pos input = computePosAcc pos (fastUnpack input) (0,0)
||| Run a parser in a pure function
||| Returns a tuple of the result and final position on success.
||| Returns an error message on failure.
parse : Parser a -> String -> Either String (a, Int)
parse p str = runIdentity $ parseT p str
||| Combinator that replaces the error message on failure.
||| This allows combinators to output relevant errors
(<?>) : Functor m => ParseT m a -> String -> ParseT m a
(<?>) p msg = P $ \s => map (\case
OK r s' => OK r s'
Fail i _ => Fail i msg)
(p.runParser s)
infixl 0 <?>
||| Discards the result of a parser
skip : Functor m => ParseT m a -> ParseT m ()
skip = ignore
||| Maps the result of the parser `p` or returns `def` if it fails.
optionMap : Functor m => b -> (a -> b) -> ParseT m a -> ParseT m b
optionMap def f p = P $ \s => map (\case
OK r s' => OK (f r) s'
Fail _ _ => OK def s)
(p.runParser s)
||| Runs the result of the parser `p` or returns `def` if it fails.
option : Functor m => a -> ParseT m a -> ParseT m a
option def = optionMap def id
||| Returns a Bool indicating whether `p` succeeded
succeeds : Functor m => ParseT m a -> ParseT m Bool
succeeds = optionMap False (const True)
||| Returns a Maybe that contains the result of `p` if it succeeds or `Nothing` if it fails.
optional : Functor m => ParseT m a -> ParseT m (Maybe a)
optional = optionMap Nothing Just
||| Succeeds if and only if the argument parser fails.
||| In Parsec, this combinator is called `notFollowedBy`.
requireFailure : Functor m => ParseT m a -> ParseT m ()
requireFailure (P runParser) = P $ \s => reverseResult s <$> runParser s
reverseResult : State -> Result a -> Result ()
reverseResult s (Fail _ _) = OK () s
reverseResult s (OK _ _) = Fail (pos s) "Purposefully changed OK to Fail"
||| Fail with some error message
fail : Applicative m => String -> ParseT m a
fail x = P $ \s => pure $ Fail s.pos x
||| Succeeds if the next char satisfies the predicate `f`
satisfy : Applicative m => (Char -> Bool) -> ParseT m Char
satisfy f = P $ \s => pure $ if s.pos < s.maxPos
then let ch = assert_total $ strIndex s.input s.pos in
if f ch
then OK ch (S s.input (s.pos + 1) s.maxPos)
else Fail s.pos "could not satisfy predicate"
else Fail s.pos "could not satisfy predicate"
||| Succeeds if the string `str` follows.
string : Applicative m => String -> ParseT m String
string str = P $ \s => pure $ let len = strLength str in
if s.pos+len <= s.maxPos
then let head = strSubstr s.pos len s.input in
if head == str
then OK str (S s.input (s.pos + len) s.maxPos)
else Fail s.pos ("string " ++ show str)
else Fail s.pos ("string " ++ show str)
||| Succeeds if the end of the string is reached.
eos : Applicative m => ParseT m ()
eos = P $ \s => pure $ if s.pos == s.maxPos
then OK () s
else Fail s.pos "expected the end of the string"
||| Succeeds if the next char is `c`
char : Applicative m => Char -> ParseT m Char
char c = satisfy (== c) <?> "expected \{show c}"
||| Parses a space character
space : Applicative m => ParseT m Char
space = satisfy isSpace <?> "expected space"
||| Parses a letter or digit (a character between \'0\' and \'9\').
||| Returns the parsed character.
alphaNum : Applicative m => ParseT m Char
alphaNum = satisfy isAlphaNum <?> "expected letter or digit"
||| Parses a letter (an upper case or lower case character). Returns the
||| parsed character.
letter : Applicative m => ParseT m Char
letter = satisfy isAlpha <?> "expected letter"
||| Succeeds if `p` succeeds, will continue to match `p` until it fails
||| and accumulate the results in a list
some : Monad m => ParseT m a -> ParseT m (List a)
some p = [| p :: many p |]
||| Always succeeds, will accumulate the results of `p` in a list until it fails.
many : Monad m => ParseT m a -> ParseT m (List a)
many p = some p <|> pure []
||| Parse left-nested lists of the form `((init op arg) op arg) op arg`
hchainl : Monad m => ParseT m init -> ParseT m (init -> arg -> init) -> ParseT m arg -> ParseT m init
hchainl pini pop parg = pini >>= go
go : init -> ParseT m init
go x = (do op <- pop
arg <- parg
go $ op x arg) <|> pure x
||| Parse right-nested lists of the form `arg op (arg op (arg op end))`
hchainr : Monad m => ParseT m arg -> ParseT m (arg -> end -> end) -> ParseT m end -> ParseT m end
hchainr parg pop pend = go id <*> pend
go : (end -> end) -> ParseT m (end -> end)
go f = (do arg <- parg
op <- pop
go $ f . op arg) <|> pure f
||| Always succeeds, applies the predicate `f` on chars until it fails and creates a string
||| from the results.
takeWhile : Monad m => (Char -> Bool) -> ParseT m String
takeWhile f = pack <$> many (satisfy f)
||| Similar to `takeWhile` but fails if the resulting string is empty.
takeWhile1 : Monad m => (Char -> Bool) -> ParseT m String
takeWhile1 f = pack <$> some (satisfy f)
||| Takes from the input until the `stop` string is found.
||| Fails if the `stop` string cannot be found.
takeUntil : Monad m => (stop : String) -> ParseT m String
takeUntil stop = do
let StrCons s top = strM stop
| StrNil => pure ""
takeUntil' s top [<]
takeUntil' : Monad m' => (s : Char) -> (top : String) -> (acc : SnocList String) -> ParseT m' String
takeUntil' s top acc = do
init <- takeWhile (/= s)
skip $ char s <?> "end of string reached - \{show stop} not found"
case !(succeeds $ string top) of
False => takeUntil' s top $ acc :< (init +> s)
True => pure $ concat {t = List} $ cast $ acc :< init
||| Parses zero or more space characters
spaces : Monad m => ParseT m ()
spaces = skip (many space)
||| Parses one or more space characters
spaces1 : Monad m => ParseT m ()
spaces1 = skip (some space) <?> "whitespaces"
||| Discards brackets around a matching parser
parens : Monad m => ParseT m a -> ParseT m a
parens p = char '(' *> p <* char ')'
||| Discards whitespace after a matching parser
lexeme : Monad m => ParseT m a -> ParseT m a
lexeme p = p <* spaces
||| Matches a specific string, then skips following whitespace
token : Monad m => String -> ParseT m ()
token s = lexeme (skip $ string s) <?> "expected token " ++ show s
||| Matches a single digit
digit : Monad m => ParseT m (Fin 10)
digit = do x <- satisfy isDigit
case lookup x digits of
Nothing => fail "not a digit"
Just y => pure y
digits : List (Char, Fin 10)
digits = [ ('0', 0)
, ('1', 1)
, ('2', 2)
, ('3', 3)
, ('4', 4)
, ('5', 5)
, ('6', 6)
, ('7', 7)
, ('8', 8)
, ('9', 9)
fromDigits : Num a => (Fin 10 -> a) -> List (Fin 10) -> a
fromDigits f xs = foldl addDigit 0 xs
addDigit : a -> Fin 10 -> a
addDigit num d = 10*num + f d
intFromDigits : List (Fin 10) -> Integer
intFromDigits = fromDigits finToInteger
natFromDigits : List (Fin 10) -> Nat
natFromDigits = fromDigits finToNat
||| Matches a natural number
natural : Monad m => ParseT m Nat
natural = natFromDigits <$> some digit
||| Matches an integer, eg. "12", "-4"
integer : Monad m => ParseT m Integer
integer = do minus <- succeeds (char '-')
x <- some digit
pure $ if minus then (intFromDigits x)*(-1) else intFromDigits x
||| Parse repeated instances of at least one `p`, separated by `s`,
||| returning a list of successes.
||| @ p the parser for items
||| @ s the parser for separators
sepBy1 : Monad m => (p : ParseT m a)
-> (s : ParseT m b)
-> ParseT m (List1 a)
sepBy1 p s = [| p ::: many (s *> p) |]
||| Parse zero or more `p`s, separated by `s`s, returning a list of
||| successes.
||| @ p the parser for items
||| @ s the parser for separators
sepBy : Monad m => (p : ParseT m a)
-> (s : ParseT m b)
-> ParseT m (List a)
sepBy p s = optionMap [] forget (p `sepBy1` s)
||| Parses /one/ or more occurrences of `p` separated by `comma`.
commaSep1 : Monad m => ParseT m a -> ParseT m (List1 a)
commaSep1 p = p `sepBy1` (char ',')
||| Parses /zero/ or more occurrences of `p` separated by `comma`.
commaSep : Monad m => ParseT m a -> ParseT m (List a)
commaSep p = p `sepBy` (char ',')
||| Parses alternating occurrences of `a`s and `b`s.
||| Can be thought of as parsing:
||| - a list of `b`s, separated, and surrounded, by `a`s
||| - a non-empty list of `a`s, separated by `b`s
||| where we care about the separators
alternating : Monad m
=> ParseT m a
-> ParseT m b
-> ParseT m (Odd a b)
alternating x y = do vx <- x
(vx ::) <$> [| y :: alternating x y |] <|> pure [vx]
||| Run the specified parser precisely `n` times, returning a vector
||| of successes.
ntimes : Monad m => (n : Nat) -> ParseT m a -> ParseT m (Vect n a)
ntimes Z p = pure Vect.Nil
ntimes (S n) p = [| p :: (ntimes n p) |]