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||| Low-Level C Sockets bindings for Idris. Used by higher-level, cleverer things.
||| Original (C) SimonJF, MIT Licensed, 2014
||| Modified (C) The Idris Community, 2015, 2016, 2019
module Network.Socket
import public Network.Socket.Data
import Network.Socket.Raw
import Network.FFI
import Data.Buffer
import Data.List
import Data.SnocList
-- ----------------------------------------------------- [ Network Socket API. ]
||| Creates a UNIX socket with the given family, socket type and protocol
||| number. Returns either a socket or an error.
socket : HasIO io
=> (fam : SocketFamily)
-> (ty : SocketType)
-> (pnum : ProtocolNumber)
-> io (Either SocketError Socket)
socket sf st pn = do
socket_res <- primIO $ prim__idrnet_socket (toCode sf) (toCode st) pn
if socket_res == -1
then map Left getErrno
else pure $ Right (MkSocket socket_res sf st pn)
||| Close a socket
close : HasIO io => Socket -> io ()
close sock = do _ <- primIO $ prim__idrnet_close $ descriptor sock
pure ()
||| Binds a socket to the given socket address and port.
||| Returns 0 on success, an error code otherwise.
bind : HasIO io
=> (sock : Socket)
-> (addr : Maybe SocketAddress)
-> (port : Port)
-> io Int
bind sock addr port = do
bind_res <- primIO $ prim__idrnet_bind
(descriptor sock)
(toCode $ family sock)
(toCode $ socketType sock)
(saString addr)
if bind_res == (-1)
then getErrno
else pure 0
saString : Maybe SocketAddress -> String
saString (Just sa) = show sa
saString Nothing = ""
||| Connects to a given address and port.
||| Returns 0 on success, and an error number on error.
connect : HasIO io
=> (sock : Socket)
-> (addr : SocketAddress)
-> (port : Port)
-> io ResultCode
connect sock addr port = do
conn_res <- primIO $ prim__idrnet_connect
(descriptor sock) (toCode $ family sock) (toCode $ socketType sock) (show addr) port
if conn_res == (-1)
then getErrno
else pure 0
||| Listens on a bound socket.
||| @sock The socket to listen on.
listen : HasIO io => (sock : Socket) -> io Int
listen sock = do
listen_res <- primIO $ prim__idrnet_listen (descriptor sock) BACKLOG
if listen_res == (-1)
then getErrno
else pure 0
||| Accept a connection on the provided socket.
||| Returns on failure a `SocketError`
||| Returns on success a pairing of:
||| + `Socket` :: The socket representing the connection.
||| + `SocketAddress` :: The
||| @sock The socket used to establish connection.
accept : HasIO io
=> (sock : Socket)
-> io (Either SocketError (Socket, SocketAddress))
accept sock = do
-- We need a pointer to a sockaddr structure. This is then passed into
-- idrnet_accept and populated. We can then query it for the SocketAddr and free it.
sockaddr_ptr <- primIO prim__idrnet_create_sockaddr
accept_res <- primIO $ prim__idrnet_accept (descriptor sock) sockaddr_ptr
if accept_res == (-1)
then map Left getErrno
else do
let (MkSocket _ fam ty p_num) = sock
sockaddr <- getSockAddr (SAPtr sockaddr_ptr)
sockaddr_free (SAPtr sockaddr_ptr)
pure $ Right ((MkSocket accept_res fam ty p_num), sockaddr)
||| Send data on the specified socket.
||| Returns on failure a `SocketError`.
||| Returns on success the `ResultCode`.
||| @sock The socket on which to send the message.
||| @msg The data to send.
send : HasIO io
=> (sock : Socket)
-> (msg : String)
-> io (Either SocketError ResultCode)
send sock dat = do
send_res <- primIO $ prim__idrnet_send (descriptor sock) dat
if send_res == (-1)
then map Left getErrno
else pure $ Right send_res
||| Receive data on the specified socket.
||| Returns on failure a `SocketError`
||| Returns on success a pairing of:
||| + `String` :: The payload.
||| + `ResultCode` :: The result of the underlying function.
||| @sock The socket on which to receive the message.
||| @len How much of the data to receive.
recv : HasIO io
=> (sock : Socket)
-> (len : ByteLength)
-> io (Either SocketError (String, ResultCode))
recv sock len = do
-- Firstly make the request, get some kind of recv structure which
-- contains the result of the recv and possibly the retrieved payload
recv_struct_ptr <- primIO $ prim__idrnet_recv (descriptor sock) len
recv_res <- primIO $ prim__idrnet_get_recv_res recv_struct_ptr
if recv_res == (-1)
then do
errno <- getErrno
freeRecvStruct (RSPtr recv_struct_ptr)
pure $ Left errno
if recv_res == 0
then do
freeRecvStruct (RSPtr recv_struct_ptr)
pure $ Left 0
else do
payload <- primIO $ prim__idrnet_get_recv_payload recv_struct_ptr
freeRecvStruct (RSPtr recv_struct_ptr)
pure $ Right (payload, recv_res)
recvAllRec : (Monoid a, HasIO io) => io (Either SocketError a) -> SnocList a -> io (Either SocketError a)
recvAllRec recv_from_socket acc = case !recv_from_socket of
Left 0 => pure (Right $ concat acc)
Left c => pure (Left c)
Right str => recvAllRec recv_from_socket (acc :< str)
||| Receive all the remaining data on the specified socket.
||| Returns on failure a `SocketError`
||| Returns on success the payload `String`
||| @sock The socket on which to receive the message.
recvAll : HasIO io => (sock : Socket) -> io (Either SocketError String)
recvAll sock = recvAllRec {a=String} (mapSnd fst <$> recv sock 65536) [<]
||| Send a message.
||| Returns on failure a `SocketError`
||| Returns on success the `ResultCode`
||| @sock The socket on which to send the message.
||| @addr Address of the recipient.
||| @port The port on which to send the message.
||| @msg The message to send.
sendTo : HasIO io
=> (sock : Socket)
-> (addr : SocketAddress)
-> (port : Port)
-> (msg : String)
-> io (Either SocketError ByteLength)
sendTo sock addr p dat = do
sendto_res <- primIO $ prim__idrnet_sendto
(descriptor sock) dat (show addr) p (toCode $ family sock)
if sendto_res == (-1)
then map Left getErrno
else pure $ Right sendto_res
||| Receive a message.
||| Returns on failure a `SocketError`.
||| Returns on success a triple of
||| + `UDPAddrInfo` :: The address of the sender.
||| + `String` :: The payload.
||| + `Int` :: Result value from underlying function.
||| @sock The channel on which to receive.
||| @len Size of the expected message.
recvFrom : HasIO io
=> (sock : Socket)
-> (len : ByteLength)
-> io (Either SocketError (UDPAddrInfo, String, ResultCode))
recvFrom sock bl = do
recv_ptr <- primIO $ prim__idrnet_recvfrom
(descriptor sock) bl
let recv_ptr' = RFPtr recv_ptr
isNull <- (nullPtr recv_ptr)
if isNull
then map Left getErrno
else do
result <- primIO $ prim__idrnet_get_recvfrom_res recv_ptr
if result == -1
then do
freeRecvfromStruct recv_ptr'
map Left getErrno
else do
payload <- foreignGetRecvfromPayload recv_ptr'
port <- foreignGetRecvfromPort recv_ptr'
addr <- foreignGetRecvfromAddr recv_ptr'
freeRecvfromStruct recv_ptr'
pure $ Right (MkUDPAddrInfo addr port, payload, result)
||| Send data on the specified socket.
||| Returns on failure a `SocketError`.
||| Returns on success the number of bytes sent.
||| @sock The socket on which to send the message.
||| @bytes The data to send.
sendBytes : HasIO m => Socket -> List Bits8 -> m (Either SocketError Int)
sendBytes sock bytes = do
let len' = cast $ length bytes
Just buffer <- newBuffer len'
| Nothing => assert_total $ idris_crash "somehow newBuffer failed"
traverse_ (uncurry (setBits8 buffer)) (zip [0..len'] bytes)
ret <- primIO $ prim__idrnet_send_bytes sock.descriptor buffer len' 0
case ret < 0 of
True => pure $ Left ret
False => pure $ Right ret
||| Receive data on the specified socket.
||| Returns on failure a `SocketError`
||| Returns on success a pairing of:
||| + `List Bits8` :: The payload.
||| + `ResultCode` :: The result of the underlying function.
||| @sock The socket on which to receive the message.
||| @max_size How much of the data to receive at most.
recvBytes : HasIO m => Socket -> (max_size : ByteLength) -> m (Either SocketError (List Bits8))
recvBytes sock max_size = do
Just buffer <- newBuffer max_size
| Nothing => pure $ Left (-1)
ret <- primIO $ prim__idrnet_recv_bytes sock.descriptor buffer max_size 0
case ret > 0 of
False => do
pure $ Left ret
True => do
bytes <- traverse (getBits8 buffer) [0..((cast ret)-1)]
pure $ Right $ toList bytes
||| Receive all the remaining data on the specified socket.
||| Returns on failure a `SocketError`
||| Returns on success the payload `List Bits8`
||| @sock The socket on which to receive the message.
recvAllBytes : HasIO io => (sock : Socket) -> io (Either SocketError (List Bits8))
recvAllBytes sock = recvAllRec {a=List Bits8} (recvBytes sock 65536) [<]