mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 11:13:36 +03:00
204 lines
5.2 KiB
204 lines
5.2 KiB
1/1: Building UseGetOpt (UseGetOpt.idr)
Now compiling the executable: use-get-opt
======== Good ========
raw args: []
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
errors: none
config: MkConfig Nothing (-1) "" [< ] False False [< ]
raw args: ["--field-a", "12"]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
errors: none
config: MkConfig (Just 12) (-1) "" [< ] False False [< ]
raw args: ["--field-a", "12", "--field-a", "13"]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
errors: none
config: MkConfig (Just 13) (-1) "" [< ] False False [< ]
raw args: ["--field-a=12", "--field-a", "13"]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
errors: none
config: MkConfig (Just 13) (-1) "" [< ] False False [< ]
raw args: ["--field-a", "12", "--field-a=13"]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
errors: none
config: MkConfig (Just 13) (-1) "" [< ] False False [< ]
raw args: ["up"]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
errors: none
config: MkConfig Nothing (-1) "" [< ] False False [< Up]
raw args: ["up", "down", "right"]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
errors: none
config: MkConfig Nothing (-1) "" [< ] False False [< Up, Down, Right]
raw args: ["-b", "12", "up"]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
errors: none
config: MkConfig Nothing 12 "" [< ] False False [< Up]
raw args: ["up", "-c", "12 "]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
errors: none
config: MkConfig Nothing (-1) "12 " [< ] False False [< Up]
raw args: ["up", "-c", "12 "]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
errors: none
config: MkConfig Nothing (-1) "12 " [< ] False False [< Up]
raw args: ["up", "-c", "12 ", "-e"]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
errors: none
config: MkConfig Nothing (-1) "12 " [< ] True False [< Up]
raw args: ["up", "-e", "-c", "12 "]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
errors: none
config: MkConfig Nothing (-1) "12 " [< ] True False [< Up]
raw args: ["up", "-c12 ", "-e", "true"]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
- Unknown command `true`
config: MkConfig Nothing (-1) "12 " [< ] True False [< Up]
raw args: ["up", "-c12 ", "-e", "false"]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
- Unknown command `false`
config: MkConfig Nothing (-1) "12 " [< ] True False [< Up]
raw args: ["up", "-c12 ", "-etrue"]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
errors: none
config: MkConfig Nothing (-1) "12 " [< ] True False [< Up]
raw args: ["up", "-c12 ", "-efalse"]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
errors: none
config: MkConfig Nothing (-1) "12 " [< ] False False [< Up]
raw args: ["up", "-f", "-c12 ", "-etrue"]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
errors: none
config: MkConfig Nothing (-1) "12 " [< ] True True [< Up]
raw args: ["up", "-fc12 ", "-etrue"]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
errors: none
config: MkConfig Nothing (-1) "12 " [< ] True True [< Up]
raw args: ["-b-15"]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
errors: none
config: MkConfig Nothing (-15) "" [< ] False False [< ]
======== Bad ========
raw args: ["--fled-a"]
non-options: none
- --fled-a
errors: none
config: MkConfig Nothing (-1) "" [< ] False False [< ]
raw args: ["--field-a", "12", "--fled-a", "--field-a", "13"]
non-options: none
- --fled-a
errors: none
config: MkConfig (Just 13) (-1) "" [< ] False False [< ]
raw args: ["--field-a", "12", "--field-a", "--field-a", "13"]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
- Cannot parse field A with `--field-a`
- Unknown command `13`
config: MkConfig (Just 12) (-1) "" [< ] False False [< ]
raw args: ["--field-a", "12", "--field-a", "13", "--field-a"]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
- option `--field-a' requires an argument <bits-64>
config: MkConfig (Just 13) (-1) "" [< ] False False [< ]
raw args: ["--field-c", "12", "--field-b", "13", "--field-a"]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
- option `--field-a' requires an argument <bits-64>
config: MkConfig Nothing 13 "12" [< ] False False [< ]
raw args: ["--field-c", "12", "--field-b", "13", "--field-a="]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
- Cannot parse field A with ``
config: MkConfig Nothing 13 "12" [< ] False False [< ]
raw args: ["--field-c", "12", "--field-a=", "--field-b", "13"]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
- Cannot parse field A with ``
config: MkConfig Nothing 13 "12" [< ] False False [< ]
raw args: ["--field-c", "12", "--field-b", "13", "--field-f=16"]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
- option `--field-f' doesn't allow an argument
config: MkConfig Nothing 13 "12" [< ] False False [< ]
raw args: ["--field-a", "12x"]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
- Cannot parse field A with `12x`
config: MkConfig Nothing (-1) "" [< ] False False [< ]
raw args: ["-b-15f"]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
- Cannot parse field B with `-15f`
config: MkConfig Nothing (-1) "" [< ] False False [< ]
raw args: ["lefc", "-fe", "up", "rigth"]
non-options: none
unrecognised: none
- Unknown command `lefc`
- Unknown command `rigth`
config: MkConfig Nothing (-1) "" [< ] True True [< Up]