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219 lines
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module System.File.ReadWrite
import public Data.Fuel
import Data.List
import System.File.Handle
import public System.File.Error
import System.File.Support
import public System.File.Types
%default total
%foreign support "idris2_seekLine"
prim__seekLine : FilePtr -> PrimIO Int
%foreign support "idris2_readLine"
prim__readLine : FilePtr -> PrimIO (Ptr String)
%foreign support "idris2_readChars"
prim__readChars : Int -> FilePtr -> PrimIO (Ptr String)
%foreign "C:fgetc,libc 6"
prim__readChar : FilePtr -> PrimIO Int
%foreign support "idris2_writeLine"
"node:lambda:(filePtr, line) => require('fs').writeSync(filePtr.fd, line, undefined, 'utf-8')"
prim__writeLine : FilePtr -> String -> PrimIO Int
%foreign support "idris2_eof"
prim__eof : FilePtr -> PrimIO Int
%foreign support "idris2_removeFile"
prim__removeFile : String -> PrimIO Int
||| Seek through the next newline.
||| This is @fGetLine@ without the overhead of copying
||| any characters.
||| @ h the file handle to seek through
fSeekLine : HasIO io => (h : File) -> io (Either FileError ())
fSeekLine (FHandle f)
= do res <- primIO (prim__seekLine f)
if res /= 0
then returnError
else ok ()
||| Get the next line from the given file handle, returning the empty string if
||| nothing was read.
||| @ h the file handle to get the line from
fGetLine : HasIO io => (h : File) -> io (Either FileError String)
fGetLine (FHandle f)
= do res <- primIO (prim__readLine f)
if prim__nullPtr res /= 0
then returnError
else ok (prim__getString res)
||| Get a number of characters from the given file handle.
||| @ h the file handle to read from
||| @ max the number of characters to read
fGetChars : HasIO io => (h : File) -> (max : Int) -> io (Either FileError String)
fGetChars (FHandle f) max
= do res <- primIO (prim__readChars max f)
if prim__nullPtr res /= 0
then returnError
else ok (prim__getString res)
||| Get the next character from the given file handle.
||| @ h the file handle to read from
fGetChar : HasIO io => (h : File) -> io (Either FileError Char)
fGetChar h@(FHandle f)
= do c <- primIO (prim__readChar f)
ferr <- fileError h
if ferr
then returnError
else ok (cast c)
||| Write the given string to the file handle.
||| @ h the file handle to write to
||| @ str the string to write
fPutStr : HasIO io => (h : File) -> (str : String) -> io (Either FileError ())
fPutStr (FHandle f) str
= do res <- primIO (prim__writeLine f str)
if res == 0
then returnError
else ok ()
||| Write the given string, followed by a newline, to the file handle.
||| @ fh the file handle to write to
||| @ str the string to write
fPutStrLn : HasIO io => (fh : File) -> (str : String) -> io (Either FileError ())
fPutStrLn fh str = fPutStr fh (str ++ "\n")
||| Check whether the end-of-file indicator for the given file handle is set.
||| @ h the file handle to check
fEOF : HasIO io => (h : File) -> io Bool
fEOF (FHandle f)
= do res <- primIO (prim__eof f)
pure (res /= 0)
||| Delete the file at the given name.
||| @ fname the file to delete
removeFile : HasIO io => (fname : String) -> io (Either FileError ())
removeFile fname
= do res <- primIO (prim__removeFile fname)
if res == 0
then ok ()
else returnError
||| Read a number of lines into an accumulator, optionally starting at an offset
||| in the given file handle. Requires `Fuel` to run since the operation is
||| total but may run indefinitely; the functions `limit` and `forever` help
||| with providing `Fuel`.
||| On success, returns a tuple of whether the EOF was reached (if it wasn't, we
||| ran out of fuel first) and the lines accumulated.
||| Note: each line will still have a newline character at the end.
||| @ acc the accumulator to read the lines onto
||| @ offset the offset to start reading at
||| @ fuel an amount of `Fuel`
||| @ h the file handle to read from
readLinesOnto : HasIO io => (acc : List String) ->
(offset : Nat) ->
(fuel : Fuel) ->
(h : File) ->
io (Either FileError (Bool, List String))
readLinesOnto acc _ Dry h = pure (Right (False, reverse acc))
readLinesOnto acc offset (More fuel) h
= do False <- fEOF h
| True => pure $ Right (True, reverse acc)
case offset of
(S offset') => (fSeekLine h *> readLinesOnto acc offset' (More fuel) h) @{Applicative.Compose}
0 => (fGetLine h >>= \str => readLinesOnto (str :: acc) 0 fuel h) @{Monad.Compose}
||| Read a chunk of a file in a line-delimited fashion.
||| You can use this function to read an entire file
||| as with @readFile@ by reading until @forever@ or by
||| iterating through pages until hitting the end of
||| the file.
||| The @limit@ function can provide you with enough
||| fuel to read exactly a given number of lines.
||| On success, returns a tuple of whether the end of
||| the file was reached or not and the lines read in
||| from the file.
||| Note that each line will still have a newline
||| character at the end.
||| Important: because we are chunking by lines, this
||| function's totality depends on the assumption that
||| no single line in the input file is infinite.
||| @ offset the offset to start reading at
||| @ until the `Fuel` limiting how far we can read
||| @ fname the name of the file to read
readFilePage : HasIO io => (offset : Nat) -> (until : Fuel) -> (fname : String) ->
io (Either FileError (Bool, List String))
readFilePage offset fuel fname
= withFile fname Read pure $
readLinesOnto [] offset fuel
||| Read the entire file at the given name. This function is `partial` since
||| there is no guarantee that the given file isn't infinite.
||| @ fname the name of the file to read
readFile : HasIO io => (fname : String) -> io (Either FileError String)
readFile = (map $ map (fastConcat . snd)) . readFilePage 0 forever
||| Write the given string to the file at the specified name. Opens the file
||| with the `WriteTruncate` mode.
||| (If you have a file handle (a `File`), you may be looking for `fPutStr`.)
||| @ filePath the file to write to
||| @ contents the string to write to the file
writeFile : HasIO io =>
(filePath : String) -> (contents : String) ->
io (Either FileError ())
writeFile file contents
= withFile file WriteTruncate pure $
flip fPutStr contents
||| Append the given string to the file at the specified name. Opens the file in
||| with the `Append` mode.
||| @ filePath the file to write to
||| @ contents the string to write to the file
appendFile : HasIO io =>
(filePath : String) -> (contents : String) ->
io (Either FileError ())
appendFile file contents
= withFile file Append pure $
flip fPutStr contents