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synced 2024-12-18 16:51:51 +03:00
Backed by Data.IOArray. Also moved the array external primitives to a separate module Data.IOArray.Prims, since the next step is to add a linear bounded array type where the bounds checks are done at compile time, so we'll want to read and write without bounds likes.
80 lines
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80 lines
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module Data.IOArray
import Data.IOArray.Prims
import Data.List
record IOArray elem where
constructor MkIOArray
maxSize : Int
content : ArrayData (Maybe elem)
max : IOArray elem -> Int
max = maxSize
newArray : Int -> IO (IOArray elem)
newArray size
= pure (MkIOArray size !(primIO (prim__newArray size Nothing)))
writeArray : IOArray elem -> Int -> elem -> IO ()
writeArray arr pos el
= if pos < 0 || pos >= max arr
then pure ()
else primIO (prim__arraySet (content arr) pos (Just el))
readArray : IOArray elem -> Int -> IO (Maybe elem)
readArray arr pos
= if pos < 0 || pos >= max arr
then pure Nothing
else primIO (prim__arrayGet (content arr) pos)
-- Make a new array of the given size with the elements copied from the
-- other array
newArrayCopy : (newsize : Int) -> IOArray elem -> IO (IOArray elem)
newArrayCopy newsize arr
= do let newsize' = if newsize < max arr then max arr else newsize
arr' <- newArray newsize'
copyFrom (content arr) (content arr') (max arr - 1)
pure arr'
copyFrom : ArrayData (Maybe elem) ->
ArrayData (Maybe elem) ->
Int -> IO ()
copyFrom old new pos
= if pos < 0
then pure ()
else do el <- primIO $ prim__arrayGet old pos
primIO $ prim__arraySet new pos el
assert_total (copyFrom old new (pos - 1))
toList : IOArray elem -> IO (List (Maybe elem))
toList arr = iter 0 (max arr) []
iter : Int -> Int -> List (Maybe elem) -> IO (List (Maybe elem))
iter pos end acc
= if pos >= end
then pure (reverse acc)
else do el <- readArray arr pos
assert_total (iter (pos + 1) end (el :: acc))
fromList : List (Maybe elem) -> IO (IOArray elem)
fromList ns
= do arr <- newArray (cast (length ns))
addToArray 0 ns arr
pure arr
addToArray : Int -> List (Maybe elem) -> IOArray elem -> IO ()
addToArray loc [] arr = pure ()
addToArray loc (Nothing :: ns) arr
= assert_total (addToArray (loc + 1) ns arr)
addToArray loc (Just el :: ns) arr
= do primIO $ prim__arraySet (content arr) loc (Just el)
assert_total (addToArray (loc + 1) ns arr)